Okay. This is my main obstacle in dream control: DC's! They are ALWAYS getting in the way and getting me distracted (note: I have ADD...) from my dream control tasks. I have yet to find my dream guide or meet my characters (I am a writer and that would be the coolest thing EVER). I tried using my "Expectation Technique" by facing away from the aggressive/annoying DC and saying out loud, "When I turn around, this person will be gone," and afterwards turning back around. The problem is, this never works because I can still HEAR them behind me, meaning they still exist to me. Maybe I should somehow make them mute first? I haven't tried that. Anybody have any suggestions? This is extremely frustrating. One time, a vicious blue dog appeared in my lucid dream and attacked me... Another time, a dentist started stabbing/cutting me with his tools when I was trying to fool him into thinking I cancelled the "appointment-" (I certainly did NOT want to spend my lucid dream having dental surgery...). As you can see, my attempts at regaining control over my dreams are futile. Help!