Originally Posted by Sageous
I have a feeling that most of dream imagery, including DC's, memories, and schemata, if not all of it, are just meaningless stuff your unconscious mind throws up during sleep.
I thought something similar when I joined DV's. After a long period of experimentation on my own, I got to the conclusion that all what we dream depends basically on what's going on around our sleeping body and then translated into the dream -It could be that thing called schemata-- (i.e. I had barking dogs in the neighborhood--I concluded that I would be dreaming about dog related stuff until they stop barking and/or I start thinking about something else which called my attention)
My limitations were/are my poor English, lack of time (I have 5 more days) and my very bad skills on making friends to properly discuss about these things.
 Originally Posted by Sageous
I really believe that a lot of the meaning in dreams comes from what we attach to them after we wake up (or, sure, during LD's). This attachment is not a bad thing at all, as it offers a unique opportunity for a person to do a little introspection.
I agree with that, and I would add that the first attachments could be deeper if done during a lucid dream because of the expanded perception (I don't know how to say it in other way)
 Originally Posted by Sageous
So, if you start fussing during the dream about which old memories or new symbols are important, they will surely become important pretty fast, aided both by your imagination and your unconscious mind's interest in obliging your expectations (the actual conscious-unconscious communication going on, BTW). By corollary, ignoring an image and simply moving on will either be meaningless, with that image quickly forgotten, or will be filled with meaning as you wonder why that image appeared, and what harm you might have done by turning your back on it (in other words, you didn't ignore it at all; just changed your method for carrying the image with you).
That said: If I'm wrong and there truly is some important symbolic communication with your unconscious going on, then I do agree with JoannaB in that turning away from an image representing that communication will only lead you to another image representing the problem, even when lucid with strong control; you just can't get away from your problems by turning away from them. The math is still in the book, even after you close the cover.
One way or another it should definitively lead to what I'm looking for. Don't you think?