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    Thread: Changing location in a Lucid dream

    1. #51
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      - Went through a portal in my Refrigerator to Siberia to complete one of the tasks of the year, last year. Here is a tiny part of one of my entries:

      Trudge back through the kitchen toward the other end of the house, the hardwood floor cracking under my weight.
      Then I went to my computer desk which apparently came out of nowhere and sat down. Turned the computer on, and check my email. Froze when I saw a notification from someone I knew from school. I could feel the stress and annoyance overcome me. I stopped and cradle my head in my hands. "What now? I thought. "I don't need this now. " I said to myself, "What the Fuck!!" I took a deep breath and let it out. I can't give in to them. I felt tired. I am tired. Like the emotional drain me. Then I felt a spark of anger. Followed by a headache.
      I looked down at my hands. My hands were trembling. Then I thought, "Am I the one who is crazy here No, no! I will not allow them to steal my confidence, my time, and my life. I need space.
      -Before I went to bed I put on a sock on one foot and on the other foot I put on two socks. During the day I would consistently check the feel of the temp of my feet.
      Now, I do the in-dream RC.
      I looked down at one of my feet. I noticed that one of my feet was bigger than the other. Then I heard a voice on the computer that said, "You are dreaming!"
      Then I recall that someone said something like, "In the midst of extreme emotion is where you must RC."
      Am I dreaming right now? Where is here? I feel the confidence and relief flood back in as I realized that this is a dream and not real. I did an RC and Observed the change in my surroundings.
      Then with my newfound confidence, I decided to do the task of the Year, Task 6. I decided to change into my superhero alt in the log cabin somewhere in Canada. I recall that I walked to the fridge and decided to open the door and look into it. I remember telling myself that I expect there is a portal in my fridge. I don't care how strange it is. So I did open it. The fridge radiated a hue glow within. It reminded me of the portal in Danny Phantom. I crawled in. Then fell into some snow. I was landing in Oymyakon Siberia, again.
      There are more but, I don't hog the thread.
      Last edited by Lang; 12-03-2022 at 01:21 AM.
      Mkrlexus likes this.

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    2. #52
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      I have had a couple of successes:

      1. Over a decade ago, I was trying to visit a world that I had written about. Kind of like a persistent realm thing I guess (back then I didn't know much about persistent realms, but I was inspired by the Myst computer games and wanted to make Ages). Anyway, I think I got there by spinning, but I also lost lucidity if I remember correctly.

      2. More recently, I got to the Dream Base while attempting the Task of the Year, with the help of a dream character:

      Spoiler for Excerpt from 10.19.2022:

      3. In an earlier attempt to find the Dream Base, I succeeded in producing an elevator that took me down into the depths of the Earth:

      Spoiler for Excerpt from "Looking for the Dream Base (Lucid!)":

      4. And in this occasion I traveled to another one of my world/Age/realm things by flying, imagining the location, and describing what I was looking for:

      Spoiler for Excerpt from "Journey to Synthos":

    3. #53
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      Quote Originally Posted by cedwards105 View Post
      I have had a couple of successes:

      1. Over a decade ago, I was trying to visit a world that I had written about. Kind of like a persistent realm thing I guess (back then I didn't know much about persistent realms, but I was inspired by the Myst computer games and wanted to make Ages). Anyway, I think I got there by spinning, but I also lost lucidity if I remember correctly.

      2. More recently, I got to the Dream Base while attempting the Task of the Year, with the help of a dream character:

      Spoiler for Excerpt from 10.19.2022:

      3. In an earlier attempt to find the Dream Base, I succeeded in producing an elevator that took me down into the depths of the Earth:

      Spoiler for Excerpt from "Looking for the Dream Base (Lucid!)":

      4. And in this occasion I traveled to another one of my world/Age/realm things by flying, imagining the location, and describing what I was looking for:

      Spoiler for Excerpt from "Journey to Synthos":
      Cool! what is a Dream Base or Dream Library? a place of hidden knowledge? Asking for help from a DC is a good idea, I should definitely do it in my next lucid dream! Even imagining that something is a hidden button to ad elevator is a nice way of reframing.. i need to remember this.
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    4. #54
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      Thanks, Tiktaalik. I knew there was a thread like that somewhere.

      Merged Thread to keep everything together on this topic.

      DV Mod.

      Not sure if this count as a normal transportation dream but, When I was younger, I imagined myself in a lightbulb in my waking life by staring at it. I imagined what would it feel like in there. That night, I ended up having a lucid dream days later where I transported myself into an old fashion lightbulb that sat bolted to a table observing the room beyond the glass.

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    5. #55
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mkrlexus View Post
      Cool! what is a Dream Base or Dream Library? a place of hidden knowledge?
      The Dream Base is part of the Task of the Year for 2022: https://www.dreamviews.com/tasks-mon...ream-base.html

      My goal has been to find/create a library as part of the Dream Base. I hadn't really thought about what would be in the books, but that's a really exciting thought now that you bring it up!
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    6. #56
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mkrlexus View Post
      This often happens inside my home that I know well but never happened outside it.

      So I guess if you know the place well you don't even need to visualize it to get there, different is if you want to go to a place that you barely know.
      There are two types of Transits.

      First one - is the same as You are talking about. When You know location, You can transfer Yourself to that place using any tricks You want - spinning, closing eyes, go thrue windows or mirrors, painting dorrs or elevators...
      This is very useful trick, using Your Dream Map, to go, where You need. DreamHackers studied their Dream Maps using cartography. So they knew a lot of locations and can go there with their intention only. That is why (one of the reasons) we need to do dreammapping.

      The second type of Transits is more interesting. There a some transits in Map from opne location to another, and these transits are archetipic - common for all "users". As example - we have transit from "computer club" to the "House of Teachers". This Transit is stable and works for everyone.
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