• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #376
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      Batman vs. Batman:
      Hahaha. That...was just....awesome.

      Scrolls & Battle:
      Wow. What a powerful dream. I love how you're not afraid to get your hands dirty and kick a little (ok a Lot) of ass.
      Nicely done...even if you did ruin everything. Heh.
      Wrong or not, I probably would have done the same thing.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    2. #377
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Placebo: No need to fear. I don't drive. I don't even have a licence so the chances of me actually going crazy while driving in a vehicle are very very slim. You're especially safe as long as you stay on your own side of the planet.

      Oneironaut: That Batman dream was great. I still giggle when I think that his last words were... "You're too short." That other dream was really long and really vivid, had the look and feel of an epic movie. I think the point of that one was for me to solve a problem in a non violent manner. I obviously failed.

      Dec 5th

      The Kids' Wedding

      Sat in the back of an airy, well lit church. A kid of about 8 or 10 sat beside me. He was dressed in a cute little dark suit, his hair all slicked back. Beside him sat a girl in a frilly flower girl outfit. I assumed that they were the ring bearer and the flowergirl for the wedding.
      The boy showed me a ring on his finger. It was brilliant gold and had 3 stones set in it. 2 were purple, one was an icy blue. He told me what the stones represented but of course, I can't recall what they meant.
      We listened to a gorgeous young black lady at the head of the church giving a sermon, I think. She was very passionate and stole my attention from the kids beside me.
      The wedding music started and the kids jumped up and started up the isle arm in arm. I then realized it was the kids that were getting married, which was cute and disturbing at the same time.

      2- Naked Dog Boy

      Walked through a city that reminded me of Hamilton. Came to a white house that was built to follow down the steep hillside upon which it was built. At the side of this house sat a naked kid of about 16 he sat, legs pulled up to his chest, arms around legs and head down upon knees.
      The kid was locked out of the house. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I went down the steep walkway alongside the house. There was a sliding glass door at the rear. I knocked on that but still no answer though I heard people inside. Made my way up the steep walkway. When I got to the top I realized that I too was completely naked. Didn't feel ashamed though I knew I should probably try cover myself for the sake of looking like I cared. I held an arm across my boobs to hide them but let the rest all hang out.
      I tried to console the boy. Told him I knew exactly how he felt. He looked up and saw that I too was naked and he started crying. I placed a hand on his head and rubbed it knowing that such contact would mean something to him.
      A big menacing guy came along and placed a bowl of slimy, chunky dog food and a bowl of muddy water beside the kid. The kid looked over and got on all fours like he was a dog and he was about to eat but I pulled him back and yelled at the big guy for treating the poor boy like he was an animal. The guy laughed and said the kid was nothing but a mutt.
      I (now clothed again) reached into my pocket and felt some money. I decided to take the kid to a restaurant to feed him. I explained that he shouldn't have to eat dog food or have to drink water that was muddy and had leaves and twigs floating in it. The kid stood up. He was way taller than me. I took his hand and we walked down the street, me evil eyeing anyone who gave us any strange looks.

      3- Me, Am and the ? City

      Was in a office type building. Saw an odd door that shouldn't have been there. I opened it. Outside was a very strange looking city. I can't remember exactly what was so strange about it, but something wasn't right. I walked into the city. The door behind me disappeard when it closed.
      Many poeple walked the 'streets'. There were no cars, all walked the two separate lanes of sidewalk. They moved as if they were vehicles on a street, followed the same rules as vehicles would.
      I stepped back and nearly fell off a ledge. I looked over the side to see the earth far below. I was in a city that was built into and sat atop a very steep and high mountain.
      Moved further into the city and realized that it was partly covered in glass? There were so many odd things about that place, things that didn't quite make sense or follow the laws of physics. (in other words, LD triggers everywhere)
      Came to a huge sign that named the city. Can't remember it now but I repeated it over and over trying to recall why that name was so important to me. When I eventually connected the name with it's importance I began to wonder if maybe I was dreaming.
      Moved further through the city, eyeing the countless oddities. I came to a railing. Looked over the edge and saw that below was a lower level like a food court in a mall. But there was no way down. I saw my sister standing with a group of strange people down inside.
      I despereately tried to find a way to sis. Ended up leaping over the railing. Came to a soft landing and made my way to her. (something really effin strange happened here that I either can't recall or can't fathom or explain. All I know is something super freakish happened that made question my sanity and eventually made me realize I was dreaming)

      I rushed over to my sister after 'whatever' happened. I plopped into a chair next to her as she stood talking with her friends. When she finally looked at me i asked, "How did you get here?" She shrugged and asked me the same thing and then went back to talking to her friends.

      The scene shifted everytime I looked away and looked back at it. It kept me constantly sure that I was dreaming. I eventually got up and grabbed my sister by the shoulder, spun her to face me. I asked her if she knew where we were. She nodded and named the city. I shook my head negatively and showed her some of the odd things surrounding us.

      I then said, "This stuff is only possible where?"

      My sister's face lit up with realization. "In dreams?" she asked.

      I patted her on the back and asked, "Where are we?"

      She answered, "In a dream."

      Out of curiosity I asked, "Who's dream are we in?"

      She pointed across the way to her father who was eating at a table by himself.

      I felt sickened by her answer. "NO." I yelled angrily. "This is my dream, watch." I pointed to her father and he burst instantly into flames.

      Sis started crying. I smacked her and said, 'Shut up. Remember where we are."

      She stopped crying and then smiled, "Your dream."

      I then took her and her friends aside and tried to show them how to levitate things, how to make small things explode. I had a hell of a hard time explaining it and no one could seem to replicate what I was doing. They all regarded me as if I were a god.. which was quite alright with me.

      One of the funny things I did, I told them to all stand in a circle and hold hands, that I'd levitate the whole group of them. The did as told, I levitated them up and brought them down again. However, when they tried to release each others hands they found that their hands were all melded together. As they struggled to pull apart they all tipped over domino style. hehe Needless to say they didn't find it as funny as I did.

      I eventually seperated them again and to show them I was sorry I offered each one a gift. I stood before each one and held my palm face up, asked them to think of one small thing they wanted. Whatever they thought would appear in my palm for them to scoop up and keep. Don't remember what they wished for but my sister wished for a bottle of whiskey. It appeared in my hand and she snatched the bottle up right away. She said, "I like your dreams. I'm coming back more often."

      I then tried to get them all to leap up to the next level. They couldn't, or wouldn't. My sister's excuse was she was too fat. I told her fat had nothing to do with it, and then leapt up onto the second level. Waved down and told her to jump up. She tried but could barely jump. She asked me to float her up and I refused. told her she had to jump or stay stuck where she was. She tried and started gaining some height but she couldn't quite make it to the second level. I was tempted to help her up but decided against it. I told her I'd be back later.

      I left and looked up at all the buildings. They had no doors and I knew to get inside I had to leap up or run up the side of the building. I spent the rest of the dream running up the sides of buildings and leaping across to others. It was almost like flying, which I thought of doing but prefered the running and jumping. It was sort of spiderman-ish and just plain fun.

      I wish I could continue this dream, think there was something I was supposed to find but got distracted by running up the buildings.

    3. #378
      Member ezekiel7's Avatar
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      Awesome Job Vex~ My dream recall has been like this :

      I'm talking with a phychiatrist and he says, "Ok, I think we're done here." and then we keep talking... then later he looks at his watch and says, "Ok, I think we're done here." then I reply,"Didn't you just say that?" Then he says, "I wanted to see how in touch you are with reality, you are 10 minutes off from the real world." meaning that I was living ten minutes off from the real world because of time distortion? Kind of cool... but that's about all of the recall I got, I had about 4 hours of sleep I guess... I'm starting to think that this whole rem cycle thing is B$, cause if it was true then why do you have dreams during naps?
      *to the tune of Mickey Mouse Club*

      M-O-N-D-A-Y S-U-C-K-S!

    4. #379
      Member Placebo's Avatar
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      Around the bend
      I had a lucid Superman vs Superman dream
      I was the evil one.
      Tips For Newbies | What to do in an LD

      Unless otherwise stated, views expressed in this post are not necessarily representative of the official Dream Views stance. Hell, it's probably not even representative of me.

    5. #380
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      That sounds like a cool dream, 10 minuutes outside the real world. Sort of reminds me of that time tripping dream I had in which I'd found a way travel back in time by tripping backward minute by minute through my past consciouses. (that even a word?)
      I get 5 hours core sleep a night and recall loads of dreams. If I sleep over that I end up only remembering the last 2 or 3 dreams I've had. Funny how that works, less sleep = more dreams for me. You think it'd work the other way around.
      As far as I know, when taking a nap the mind almost instantly slips into REM mode and it's really easy to WILD. I have NEVER been able to WILD after I go to bed for the night. Can only do it in early morning or during naps. The only LD's I have during core sleep are DILDs. Those were few and far between but they're slowly becoming more numerous (I think) Keep practicing and DJ-ing. It'll eventually be worth all the trouble.

      Superman vs Superman sounds like an awesome dream. You'll have to share it. As soon as I read that I knew you had to be the evil one.
      Did you at least kick the other Superman's ass?

      Dec 6th

      1- Windstorm

      Was in a house in a treeless suburban area. I looked out the front door. The sky was blue and clotted with puffy white clouds. The clouds raced across the sky at an alarming rate, sort of like I was watching a time lapsed movie of the sky.
      I opened the door to leave and a rabid wind ripped the door from my hands. It slammed back against the house. It was like a hurricane out there. I struggled to pull the door closed again and then wondered how I was going to get to where I had to go.
      Tired of waiting for the windstorm to pass I decided to just go. I stepped out into the storm and somehow forced the wind away from me. It couldn't touch me and I walked through the storm in my invisible little windshield cocoon.

      2- Elusive Girl

      Was a kid at elementary school. Didn't want to skip or hopscotch or do the girly stuff. I played with the boys in the sandbox. We bulldozed several little roadways into the sand for our toy cars to drive on.
      A girl in a dirty white dress stomped through our little dirt city and messed up the roads. The boys charged after her and started pushing her around. I walked over and told them to leave her alone. The wouldn't until I shoved one to the ground and kicked at this face, deliberately missing it by only a half inch or so. The boys scattered and left me and the girl there.
      I cant' remember her face but remember she seemed familiar. She asked if I wanted to go to her house after school. I nodded and asked where she lived. She gave me the address and I knew immedately where she lived. It was a house I'd lived in when I was in grade 1 & 2.
      Dream switched to me and some boy walking through the city, looking for the girl's house. About half way there I lost my bearings and then forgot her address. I knew she was somewhere near as I could sense her watching us. But I couldn't figure out where she was. ME and the boy eventually found some train tracks and wandered down those. I still wanted to find the elusive girl but I knew the tracks led to somewhere else I'd wanted to go.

      3- Pursued by Guys in Sunglasses

      Was chased through a town similar to downtown B-ford. I kept trying to avoid anyone with sunglasses. Don't know why. I only knew they were looking for me and I didn't feel like being found.
      At one point I thought I was surrounded and trapped. I dashed to an abandoned warehouse and climbed through the window. Inside was a guy who tried to attack me, thought I was a thief or something. I told him I just needed to get through, offered him 10 bux to let me out the front door. He took the money and escorted me through the warehouse.
      Some other guy grabbed me from behind and during our struggle I somehow ended up bent over a medical gurney with this guy on top of me. Disgusted at being in that position, I managed to break free of the guy and slide over the gurney. I shoved it toward him and pinned him against the wall, hard. I rammed the gurney into his gut a few times. A thin stream of blood trickled from the right corner of his mouth. I finally recognised the guy and delighted in the fact that I'd severely hurt the bastard. I smiled and I simply watched contentedly as the blood slithered slowly down his face to finally drip off of his jaw.
      When I snapped out of it I took off again, knowing 'they'd' know it was me who'd damaged the man.

      4- Overspent

      Shopping in a crowded mall (similar to rl shopping Monday night). Got a bunch of stuff and used a credit card to pay for it all. (should have realized I was dreaming - never use credit cards) My mountains of merchandise totalled 900 something dollars. Internally debated whether I should go ahead and do it. Remembered I have a couple of thousand coming in a few days so I went ahead and charged.
      The transaction wouldn't go through, I'd maxed out my card. It was really embarassing, I just walked out of the store vowing to never return and vowing to never buy anyone anything for Christmas again. Walked home in the dark and the snow.

      5- Pet Display Case

      (May be connected to the above dream)
      Was roaming a strip mall looking for gifts. Found a narrow walkway between buildings. The pathway was grass instead of concrete, very vivid green and felt inviting. So I followed it. Came to a covered section of city. It reminded me of scenes in movies where communities of homeless people inhabit sewers.
      It was very dark because a roof of worn and warped planks topped off the sprawling and strange community.
      I walked through, several tiny rooms honeycombed the place. I'd glance into the rooms at the rugged looking families within. Most glared back at me. Some smiled. Some were having sex. Others were eating what looked like small dogs or cats, some argued and some read. All looked filthy and starved.
      Came to a room with a display case at it's entrance. It was a revolving set of shelves upon which many small fishbowls were neatly arranged. Upon closer inspection I saw that there were dogs, cats, birds, rodents, each curled in their own small fish bowl. Tags dangled from the bowls advertising the pets' prices. I was mesmerised by the sight of them and continually twirled the display case and carefully inspected each pet. (don't remember what I did afterward)

    6. #381
      Member oneironut's Avatar
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      Hi Vex!
      I opened the door to leave and a rabid wind ripped the door from my hands.[/b]
      I'm assuming that was a typo, but this isn't a spelling criticism. I just thought that was a really cool phrase that brought an interesting image to mind.

      Great journal, I'm enjoying it.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau
      My Dream Journal

    7. #382
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Hi there oneironut.
      Glad you're finding my dreams entertaining.
      About that rabid thing, it wasn't a typo. That was the simplest way to describe how fierce the wind was in that dream. It was roaring and raging almost as if it were alive and purposefully wanting to destroy all in it's path.
      Welcome to DV, by the way.

      Hope you stick around for a while.

    8. #383
      Member ezekiel7's Avatar
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      I had a dream that I was in a TKD studio, and they started singing a Christian Song... so I started singing my best next to a youth pastor, who thought I was singing to impress him.

      My brother told a friend of mine that I like her and so does my other friend, so she started treating us poorly because she knew we liked her! Heh, that kind of sucked... and we were going to the beach for some reason, probably just hanging out.

      Other dream? I saw my ex-girlfriend in this one, she was still doing TKD... so I guess I remember... I find prayer before bed work! =P
      *to the tune of Mickey Mouse Club*

      M-O-N-D-A-Y S-U-C-K-S!

    9. #384
      Member Placebo's Avatar
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      Around the bend
      I'll have to go look for my old dream logs for the superman dream.
      It was a hellova long time ago.
      I think the battle was a draw... not sure.
      I was stealing something from a big safe somewhere, and the other superman was trying to stop me.
      Tips For Newbies | What to do in an LD

      Unless otherwise stated, views expressed in this post are not necessarily representative of the official Dream Views stance. Hell, it's probably not even representative of me.

    10. #385
      Radical Dreamer Achievements:
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      Valvo's Avatar
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      Wow, great job Vex! This Dream Journal is huge, I could spend all day reading them. I also saw some pretty neat lucid dreams, I liked the one where the DC's thought you were a god. Hehe. Hope to see you around the site.

    11. #386
      Member Placebo's Avatar
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      Yeah, isn't she great!
      Her perverted dreams give me orgasms every time
      Tips For Newbies | What to do in an LD

      Unless otherwise stated, views expressed in this post are not necessarily representative of the official Dream Views stance. Hell, it's probably not even representative of me.

    12. #387
      Member oneironut's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
      Hi there oneironut.
      Glad you're finding my dreams entertaining.
      About that rabid thing, it wasn't a typo. That was the simplest way to describe how fierce the wind was in that dream. It was roaring and raging almost as if it were alive and purposefully wanting to destroy all in it's path.
      Welcome to DV, by the way.

      Hope you stick around for a while.
      Oh duh, I guess my tired brain fixed on the idea that you meant to type rapid wind or something. Still a great phrase, only now I see it was pure skill.

      Thanks for the welcome. The journals are becoming my favorite part of these forums. I've backtracked to read a few of your entries, and you seem quite formidable. Looking forward to reading more.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau
      My Dream Journal

    13. #388
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Zeek: Hi there. Christian songs and a pastor in a TKD studio? That's odd. If you don't mind me asking, do you remembe which song you were singing? Just curious.
      Prayer before bed huh? Wonder if prayer could help induce a LDs?

      Placebo: I'd like to read your superman dream if you ever dig it up. AND... my dreams are not perverted! It's people like you who misinterpret them, which means you're the perv, not me.

      Valvo: Hey there. Welcome back. I saw you made a dream journal entry recently. Haven't been able to read anyones dreams these past few days, really busy with the dreaded Christmas lurking closer and closer with each passing day. Best of luck DJ-ing and have some LD's soon.

      oneironut: HI again. Don't think I've ever been called formidable in regards to anything before and I must say, I like it. I really love reading others' dreams too but only when I can really kick back and read uninterupted. Those moments are few and far between as of late. Hope to find some free time to catch up on my reading soon.

      See you all around. Wish I had more time to read and post outside of the dream journal.

      Dec 7th

      1- JOSH!

      Just started to dream, I don't even think the dream scene was complete. Only remember a few streams squiggling off into the distance. Don't recall there being a sky or ground, just 3 or 4 narrow streams. Out of nowhere a diembodied voice yelled JOSH!
      Startled me. I woke up.

      2- Return to the Motel

      Was in the lobby of the motel I'd visited in a dream a few nights ago. Was anxious to get to my room but couldn't remember my room number. I kept thinking it was 54 or 45. Also couldn't remember my floor.
      Went to the counter to ask for assistence but no one was manning the station. Got bored and meandered to a display table that had stacks of pamphlets. Read through one that described the hotel's services and decided I'd get a massage. The other info packets all had to do with education, college and university course books. Thought that was odd and wandered away to find a huge man made waterfall outside that apparently was supposed to be Niagara Falls. I remember thinking.... hey... the Falls shrank!
      I inched into the water, whipped out my camera and tried to take a photo but slipped. I slid slowly toward the stronger current in mid river. I dropped both my camera and the motel pamphlet as I struggled back to the shore.
      Got out, soaked. No one seemed very concerned that I nearly got sucked into the river and plunged over the falls.

      3- Student Factory/Bugs

      Roamed about a school that looked like a massive factory. Everyone proceeded to their respective classes. I wandered looking at the odd machinery. Eventually I got to my class, stepped in the door and saw that each student was dressed in the same clothing. Got the idea that the place wasn't actually a school but a student factory.
      The teacher moved toward me. She said somthing about me being a misfit or a reject, and that she would have a hard time breaking me down.
      Looked up at the clock, 11:00am. Felt I was supposed to be somewhere else so I just turned and left the class, the teacher's voice echoed after me, demanding I return.
      Noticed an ant hill along the baseboards in the hallway. Crouched down and watched 2 huge red ants and several smaller red ants going about their business. A bunch of tiny, almost microscopic, princess ants flooded out of the hill and flew away.
      Scene shifted to me sitting in living room on a dingy white shag rug. Two kids were with me. Me and the older kid were chasing and plucking fleas out of the carpet before they could jump onto the smaller kid of about 1 year old. We all ended up watching cartoons together.

      4- Lice Spray

      My sister (she has really long hair) had headlice. She said she was out of the lice shampoo. I grabbed a can of raid and sprayed it in her hair until it was saturated with the bug killer. It worked, lice crawled out from her hair and died.
      Proceeded to spray the others' heads that were in the room.

      5- Elevated Garden & Naked Guys

      Strolled through a gorgeous garden. Sky was unnaturally blue and the plantlife was bright and vivid against it. Had my camera out and took pics of the amazing color.
      Came to a strange plant that was veined with deep pink or purple veins. It was gorgeous and I tried to find a good angle to get a clear shot of it against the beautiful clear blue sky. I backed away slowly as I checked out the shot through the viewfinder of my cam. Since I wasn't paying attention to what was behind me I damned near backed off a cliff.
      Scared nearly to death I dropped to my knees and was afraid to stand again knowing how high up I was. I was torn between staying and leaving. Fear overpowered me and I scooted along on my but to a set of stairs. Carefully made my way down them. Got to the bottom and walked along a bit. Happened to glance to the left to see what looked like a locker room gouged into the wall of the cliff. Inside were baseball players in the nude. Their butts were really misshapen. Out of proportion with the rest of their bodies. I stared at them for the longest time thinking.. WTF is going on here? Why are there naked guys under the garden?

      6- French

      Simply remember being in dimly lit room with others. We were doing school type worksheets. Funny thing about the sheets, they were in French. It took a while but I was finally able to remember how to read French and I easily started reading the text and answering the questions. Clearly recall some of the answers... le tete (sp) le livre, la bouche, les yeux noir, jambes. I think it was a very basic anatomy type test. Most of the answers were body parts.

      *edited to add last couple of dreams I just recalled.

    14. #389
      Member ezekiel7's Avatar
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      I think it was Here I am to Worship, Vineyard? ... and somehow my dreams changed from worship to impure things. heh, anyway, I think that was the song.
      *to the tune of Mickey Mouse Club*

      M-O-N-D-A-Y S-U-C-K-S!

    15. #390
      Member oneironut's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post
      oneironut: HI again. Don't think I've ever been called formidable in regards to anything before and I must say, I like it.
      Glad to hear. Seems like an accurate assessment, since the entries I read all involved you standing up to someone and/or whooping their ass.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau
      My Dream Journal

    16. #391
      Member Placebo's Avatar
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      You're right... sleeping with a mummified female isn't perverted. It's 'expressing yourself'
      Tips For Newbies | What to do in an LD

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    17. #392
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Hey Vex Kitten--I had a dream about you last night. It wasn't the world's most exciting dream, but you can come by and read it anyway.

    18. #393
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Friday, Dec 8th

      1- Sibs & Party

      Prepared for a party. My brother kept calling to ask ME where to find stuff in HIS house. (haven't been to his place yet) I'd close my eyes and I'd hear a soft whisper telling me to tell him exactly where his stuff was. Got annoying because he kept calling every few min.
      My sister MJ showed up. She needed a ride but I couldn't take her anywhere. Too busy. Told her to call our cousin T.H. She said she couldn't because they hated each other. I told her to tell T.H. to do it as a favor to me. MJ disappeared into the crowd.
      In the meantime my brother kept calling and interupting me at the most inopportune moments. Frustrating, to say the least.

      2- Cal. Dance School

      Drove through a little town (one currently in the midst of a land dispute with natives) to drop off a little girl at her dance class. I wondered who the hell would sign her up to a dance studio in such a tense and racially divided place.
      In town, got the evil eye from many of the citizens. I was nervous for the girl, thought something bad would happen to her. We found her dance studio. The driver parked across the street and waited as I took the girl inside. I stayed to watch and make sure nothing bad happened to her. She was only 5 or so. Constantly felt the eyes of white people glaring at me but was able to hold my tongue and control my anger for the sake of the girl. Didn't want to start something that might end up tramatizing her.

      3- D's Mother's/The Turtle Tree

      Outside at D's mothers. We all cleaned the yard. To the left was a tree that was tilted at an impossibly sharp angle. My eyes wandered back to that tree. I hadn't seen it there before and I wondered how, exactly, it was able to live and grow at such an odd angle.
      One of the times I looked at the leaning trunk there was a palm sized mud turtle basking atop it. Wondered how it had gotten onto the tree. Got my cam out to take pix but got distracted by someone talking to me. When I looked back at the tree there were more turtles of all shapes and sized lazing about on the trunk. Some were crawling up, some coming down. There was an impossibly big galapogos turtle making it's way along the trunk too. There was even a small pink shelled turtle that looked more like a toy than a turtle.
      I asked about the tree and the turtles but no one seemed to think either was out of the ordinary. I took a few pics and the gal. turtle toppled off the tree. It hit the ground and landed on it's back. No one else seemed to notice or care. Watched as it struggled to right itself.
      At some point someone randomly said, "Did you know reptiles can survive after bomb radiation?" I felt that the person was insinuating that the fallen turtle was dying. (don't know why I thought that)

      4- School, Spiral Staircase, Searching for R.G.

      In a school that looked like NFHS, except there were two ornate iron spiral staircases on either side of the entrance. Knew I had to go upstairs so made my way up the left spiral staircase. Got to the top and to my surprise there was no second floor. The stairs simply ended. I looked down and became really dizzy and inched back down the stairs carefully. Had the feeling they weren't as sturdy as they looked.
      Half way down the stairs I spotted a familiar older woman. Once I got to the ground level I sought her out. She told me she was looking for R.G. We split up and both looked for him. I was distracted however when I saw T.G. and one of his friends dash across the hall. I yelled, "HEY! You're not supposed to be here!" and then gave chase. They disappeared behind a blanket that was draped across a doorway. I followed.
      Beyond the door was a maze made of unstable looking cubicle walls. Occasionally a large plasma tv screen would be attatched to the walls. Cant remember what was on the tvs.
      Eventually rounded a bend and there on a leather couch sat two little people (dwarves). They were watching something on one of the tvs. One looked like weeman from Jackass, the other looked familar too but now I can't remember who he reminded me of. Don't remember anything after that aside from being astounded by the sight of them.

      << 775 >>
      5- Deb. H Photo Shoot

      In a room that was white and empty aside from an ornate sofa at one end. I sat up my camera on a tripod and waited for my model to show up. It was Deb.H. She was all made up and dressed in a slinky and frilly dress, hair all done up diva style. I told her to sprawl on the sofa and start posing.
      Deb was too nervous and looked stiff. So I shut off the cam and simply chatted to her. After a while we were laughing and relaxed so I turned the camera back on and started snapping photos of her.
      Through the viewfinder of my camera she looked super shiney and maniquinish looking. She was sprawled in a seductive pose on the couch and looked fine and gorgeous when I looked at her over the camera. But as peered through the viewfinder she&#39;d appear fake.

      6- Garage Music Studio

      Me and a couple of guys were on a bus. Got dropped off in a suburby neighborhood. WE all got the oddest looks and could hear the families whispering as we walked by.
      Came to an open garage. Inside was a music studio. The guys went in and sat up their equipment. I think I basically considered myself their manager. I sat up on a half wall and watched them get down to business. I remember thinking the guy who was running the studio looked sort of sleazy and didn&#39;t seem to know what he was doing.
      A massive red kick drum was wheeled into the room. I didn&#39;t like the look of it. Knew it was going to mess uup the recording session and make our music sound heavier than it was supposed to be. And sure enough the session went downhill from there.
      I slid off the wall and bitched at the studio guy for messing everything up. "A deaf person could probably hear how effin bad of a job you&#39;re doing&#33;" I yelled. In my mind music started falling together and I informed him that I wanted my money back, that we&#39;d mix our own music. As we started to leave the phone rang. A few moments later the guy called us all back in. He begged and pleaded for us to stay, said he needed our business and that his boss was on his way down to collect his cut of the profits. I told the guy NO, and he switched to pleading for a loan from me, "Have a heart, I only need a thousand dollars. He&#39;ll kill me if I don&#39;t come up with at least a thousand&#33;"
      I literally made a little disgusted snort sound and informed him that I couldn&#39;t and wouldn&#39;t lend him money even if MY life depended on it. We then left. As we walked away I started feeling bad for leaving the sleazy guy to get the crap beaten out of him.

    19. #394
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      oneironut: Haha. Whoppin&#39; ass in dreams is great. Think its just my way of purging myself of hostile feelings that I supress during the day.

      Placebo: HEY&#33; It&#39;s not like I enjoyed or even planned that dream. It was gross and disturbing. I was raped by a corpse&#33;&#33; For me it was more a nightmare than a perverted dream. (im not pervy. i&#39;m too sweet to be pervy)

      Twoshadows: A dream of me? Wow. I&#39;ll definately check it out... but later tonight when I actually have the time to enjoy reading it. I&#39;m flattered someone actually had a dream of me.

      ((wow, that&#39;s a lot of smiles in one post... ))

    20. #395
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Saturday Dec 9th

      1- Jack Black

      Only recall seeing Jack Black in the midst of a bunch of others. He stood in a doorway and said something really odd. I thought...I have to remember that. (of course I can&#39;t remember what he said now)

      2- New Nephew

      Visited my sister, M.A. who lives up north. Laid on the floor playing with her kids. After a while it clicks in that she had another son. The little one, in a walker, was extremely curioius and got into everything. I told my sis to get off the couch and keep an eye on him. She told me that wasn&#39;t her job, it was his father&#39;s job. On cue daddy walked in and scooped up the little guy.
      I started play wrestling with her eldest son, (think he&#39;s 4). The younger one crawled over and started attacking me for attacking his brother. My sister mentioned that maybe I should take the both of them home with me since I was good with kids.

      3- Fairly Odd Parents (cartoon)

      The main fairy chars, Wanda & Cosmo, kept shifting shape. Each time they did I&#39;d tell them they still didn&#39;t look right and they&#39;d shift again. They kept it up until they resembled how they looked on tv. I was then going to make a load of wishes but Vikky the babysitter from the show burst in. On her heels came Timmy&#39;s dad, shaped like a dog. He started licking Vikky and then he took off again.
      She turned to me and told me to get to bed. I told her to make me and she jumped on me and tried to force me to lay down. I yelled for help and Jorgen (the big Swartzenegger butt kicking fairy) burst in through the wall and changed Vicky into a cat. Timmy&#39;s dad (still a dog) charged in and ate Vicky.

      4- Graveyard & Odd Sky @ Grams

      D.H. called me outside, told me to bring my camera. Said there was something weird up in the sky. When I got out there I didn&#39;t see anything odd up there.
      The ground, however, was covered in shifting white fog. Down the road I could see only the tip of the church poking out from the fog. I was going to take a pic but got distracted. Turned and roamed around the yard. The fog quickly dissapated. It cleared to reveal a rose shrub growing along a fenceline. Pink roses, some in full bloom, some only buds. They had what looked like glitter around the edges of them. Was going to take a pic but felt it was wrong to capture it on film. Also noticed I was barefoot.
      Turned back to the yard and saw a bunch of tombstones in the backyard. They looked really old and worn but somehow had a newness about them that made them seem super real. I was going to take photos of the old tombstones but someone called me from the house. I turned to listen and when I turned back to the yard there were even more tombstones. Massive monument size stones and just as gigantic statues. Most statues were weeping or bent over and worn looking angels. One that caught my eye was a woman on her knees looking straight up to the sky. Her right hand was wrapped delicately around her throat, her left hand was hidden behind her back. I wondered what she was hiding.
      I looked straight up, as the statue was doing, to see a giant X formed in the clouds right above the house. It was really vivid, pristine white against the bright blue sky. In the very middle of the X was something odd but now I can&#39;t remember what that odd thing was.

      5- SS Monte Carlo

      Walked down Town Line, it was warm and summer. I was barefoot but the gravel alongside the road didn&#39;t seem to bother my feet.
      A shimmering black SS Monte Carlo drove slowly by. It pulled into a laneway far ahead of me and just sat there. Felt they were waiting for me.

      6- Chiefs Meeting

      Went to an important assembly. Chiefs from all over North America were meeting to discuss the land dispute nearby. Me and DH drove there & it took forever to find a parking spot.
      Inside the building the chairs were arranged oddly. We couldn&#39;t make out where the center of attention was supposed to be. The first batch of chairs were facing the back of the building. On the left the chairs were in neat rows facing the wall. To the right those rows were also facing the wall. The very end bunching of chairs was only two long rows and faced back toward the entrance.
      We moved to the two rows and took our seats. The place quickly filled up. Remembered I&#39;d forgotten my camera and pushed my way back outside. Got to the truck only to discover I&#39;d forgotten to grab the keys from DH. Tried to get back into the building but was told, along with many others, that the meeting was full. I found a door off from the main ones. It was opened slightly to let air into the building. I tried to squeeze into it and got stuck. A guy noticed me and began walking towards me. I wriggled madly about until I slipped though. Got back to the meeting arena and there were so many people that I couldn&#39;t find DH. Saw several people I knew, mostly DH&#39;s relatives.
      Watched people hanging a string of huge flags on the right wall. Someone stood up from the crowd and angrilly yelled, "They&#39;re backwards, you idiots&#33;" They quickly and silently fixed their mistake.
      Somehow I ended up back outside. I had my camera in hand as I walked a ways down the road from the meeting. Many people were still arriving on foot. Don&#39;t remember seeing any more vehicles coming. Just hoards of people on foot. Most were coming. A few, like me, were headed away from the meeting. Noticed a big snow covered hill on my right. Had the feeling something was hiding behind it. Decided to climb the hill and investigate but couldn&#39;t because up the road marched a bunch of guys dressed in bright orange outfits, almost like hunting outfits. The passed me and continued on toward the meeting. They eventually loosely surrounded the building and wouldn&#39;t let anyone else in or out. A short time later a bunch of natives dressed in green camo marched military like up the road. I thought they would clear the way for the rest of us to get to the meeting but the camo guys spread out and made a second barrier outside the orange guys.
      I only thought, "Oh shit, I&#39;m never going to get back in." Realizing this I decided again to investigate what was behind the hill. I started up it but a woman and a child dashed up from out of nowhere and began talking to me in a hushed and urgent voice. Can&#39;t remember what she said but it start to think twice about finding out what was behind the hill.
      Moved back onto the road, stood right in it&#39;s very center. Looked towards the meeting to see that it was still blocked off. It was then that I noticed that despite the masses of coming and going poeple all over the road, there was only one well worn path through the snow on the left side of the road leading to the meeting. On the right side of the road the snow was completely undisturbed though people were walking through it. They left no trace of footprints. I wondered how the hell that was possible and started snapping photos of the road and human barrier beyond it.

      7- Eagle

      Remember something about a bald eagle perched atop some odd tree. (this fragment probably due to us seeing a bald eagle in a tree alongside the Grand River - snapped a few photos of it but only one photo turned out not blurry- need a faster camera&#33;&#33

    21. #396
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Sun, Dec 10th

      1- Train Travel

      Waited for a train, don&#39;t know where I was going. Recall telling someone they should travel by train. It&#39;s a lovely way to travel.
      Next I was on a train watching the scenery whip by. It was flat, the sky seemed huge. Somehow I ended up outside of the train and I soared along following the tracks, still talking trying to convince &#39;whoever&#39; to travel by rail. Got up so far and the tracks forked. Wasn&#39;t sure which way to go.

      2- Me the Teacher/Illness

      Taught a class, language or English. Had something to do with writing. After the class was over I walked along the outskirts of the school&#39;s property. A tall wall of cedars created a wall around the lawn&#39;s limits. I squeezed through the trees and came out onto a sidewalk. Started coughing and hacked up a big ball of phlem. I held it in my mouth because I didn&#39;t want to spit it out in the midst of all the kids. It was disgusting.
      Sneaked back into the trees and spat it out. A big gob of greenish yellowy phlem that looked like banana pudding streaked & spattered with clots of lime jello. I stared at it for a long time and wondered what was wrong with me that I&#39;d coughed something like that up.
      I started coughing again and a little black girl was suddenly at my side. She asked if I was okay. I nodded but she told me to stop lying. She took my hand and led me to her house where she said I could stay till I got better. She escorted me to my room, which felt really familiar though I was sure I&#39;d never been there before. Only after I&#39;d eased into the bed did I realize how odd of a situation I was in. The girl&#39;s parents would probably come home and beat the hell out of me. I tried to leave but the little girl told me to stay, that it was okay. So I did. Felt weak and tired.

      3- Taping the Clouds

      Sis MA and I were in vetern&#39;s park video taping her kid playing. I looked up to the sky in the south and saw a cloud that seemed to explode. It expanded and spread upward like the mushroom cloud after a bomb. I snatched the cam from my sister and taped the strange cloud. I panned along the sky and whereever I stopped the cloud in view exploded in the same manner as the first.
      MA called my attention to another cloud formation in the west. She said it looked like Hiawatha. I turned the cam to where she was pointing but couldn&#39;t see what she was seeing. I turned away from the cam and looked up. We were standing under a low hanging and thick cieling of dark grey, rapid moving clouds. I looked to the south and saw a hint of blue. What looked like the eye of the storm came into view. A perfect circle was cut into the thick clouds and the sky above the clouds was the most startling shade of blue. A beam of sunlight shone down from the perfect opening in the sky. I turned the camera to that and taped it. IT was an amazing sight.
      My sister drew my attention away and pointed out something else in the sky. I looked away from &#39;the eye&#39; to where MA pointed. Again, I couldn&#39;t make out what she was pointing to. I looked back to the south and &#39;the eye&#39; had already moved on. Nothing but a continuous wall of dirty grey looking cloud.
      To the west I could still see the wide beam of sunlight drifting along where the &#39;the eye&#39; was. I headed in that direction in the hopes of catching up to it.

    22. #397
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Mon, Dec 11th

      ***tried b6 last night since it&#39;s been a while. Had a few short but very vivid dreams

      1- Turtles Shopping

      Shopping for xmas gifts. Came to a huge display of Turtles (the chocolates) They were 2 boxes for 4 dollars. I scooped up a couple of regular boxes but then noticed there were some boxes that were see though and within those were white and brown chocolate turtles. Grabbed a couple of those boxes since i&#39;d never seen that type before. Waited in line to pay.

      2- The Pink Thing

      Just remember closely inspecting something that looked like 4 pink tunnels that all joined together at a center point. From the centerpoint, they arced upward and then leveled out horizontally. Also wondered if it was some kind of plant, sort of like a pink day lilly with only four petals that were tunnelshaped? Have no idea what I was looking at but it felt important.

      3- Snake Pit

      Walked through a grassy yard toward a fallen birch tree. Could feel the grass on my feet and thought I should hurry and find me some new shoes one day.
      On the other side of the tree was my sister, MJ. She was chasing small snakes. Being fond of snakes, I was going to go help her catch a few but as soon as I stepped over the fallen tree a snake slithered out from under the birch. It was about 13 in. long and was all white except for it&#39;s beady little eyes and a black or dark brown strip down it&#39;s sides along it&#39;s belly.
      The snake came around the tree and chased me. As I inched away from it other snakes of various sizes (mostly garter snakes) slithered away from me. The white snake would rear up and strike at the other snakes. As I watched this I somehow managed to slip and land on my back. Under me I could feel what I assumed were hard clumps of earth that dug painfully into my back. A moment later the clumps started twitching and wriggling. Realized I was basically laying on a bed of snakes.
      Carefully put my hands down and tried to push up a little so the snakes could squirm out from under me but instead they all started biting my hands. I quickly got up and ran to the edge of the road.
      My sis and someone else asked if I was okay. I nodded at first but then I got the oddest feeling in my head and the world went into a soft, dreamy focus.
      In my minds eye I was a little girl on the road, a large truck barelling at her. I wanted to help her but couldn&#39;t move. The scene changed to the truck being a low flying airplane that just skimmed dangerously over the girl&#39;s head.
      I tried to explain what I was seeing but my sister didn&#39;t understand. I got up and made my way back across the yard, everything still looking fogged over and delicate. Had the feeling that I could rip clear through &#39;reality&#39; if I&#39;d wanted to.

      4- Hotdog Roast/Get Lost Already

      Twilight, I and a few others sat on huge tree stumps around a small fire in a sand pit. The others were roasting hotdogs. I like roasted hotdogs but didn&#39;t bother cooking any because they give me killer heartburn. So I sat quietly and watched the others.
      Three blond girls came along. Two, like me, sat and watched. The third blong girl whipped out a fishing pole. Dangling on the end of the fishing line, like a bloated piece of bait, was a hotdog. I burst out laughing. It looked so rediculous. She dangled the hotdog over the fire to cook it. No one else thought it was odd.
      Someone started talking, I looked to them and when I looked back at the blond girl the lone hotdog that once hung on the end of her line was replaced by a net full of hotdogs. I shook my head and left the area. Sat at a picnic table alone. DH and a few of his friends came to sit with me. This irritated me because I&#39;d wanted to be alone. We started arguing and I stood up and told him to leave me. Yelled at him to get lost already. Didn&#39;t know why he was still hanging around me when he could be with someone who gave a fuck. (which was a double edged insult because he&#39;d complained recently about not getting any, as if I was supposed to personally remedy that situation for him) Told him to go pick up the blond girl roasting the net of hotdogs. Seemed she had a liking for long meaty things and to be careful she doesn&#39;t try shove a hook through his weenie.
      One of his friends chimed in that they hadn&#39;t seen SC in a long time and heard he was depressed. I told them all to go see SC and get out of my hair. They left but not before the rounded up the chick at the fire. I then laid atop my picnic table alone staring up at the stars, as it was totally dark. Had an intense longing for someone but wasn&#39;t even sure who that someone was.

      5- Dark House/Attempted Lock Out

      Sat in the corner of my couch in my darkened living room. People, my sisters and a few others, roamed though my house whispering. Though they talked quietly their whispers eched loudly through the house and made a soft and constant noise that resembled rushing wind. It was really annoying and with each passing second I became angrier. I wanted them out but waited for them to leave on thier own.
      Once the final few people stepped out the front door I moved to lock it. My sister MJ came back in. I stood silently and watched her make a toast and tomato sandwhich. She turned to face me. She was wearing a knee length leather jacket and sunglasses. I was shocked to see that she looked exactly like me except for her light brown hair.
      When I snapped out of the shock I said, "You&#39;re not taking that with you unless you beg for it." (speaking of the sandwich) She put it back down and looked at it. After some consideration she turned and left the sandwich sitting on the table. Once she was outside I closed the door and had intended to lock it so I&#39;d finally be alone. Found I couldn&#39;t bring myself to lock up. I went to the front window and saw that everyone still lingered around on the lawn. I wondered what they wanted, why they were milling about. Sat back on the couch in the darkness and wonered why I couldn&#39;t lock them all out once and for all.

      6- Parade Argument/Fight

      Flipped through a newspaper looking for the date for a parade. I was certain it was in the morning but someone else in the room said it was in the evening. It became an all out argument were we both ended up personally insulting the other. The person who argued with me up and left.
      Walked into an unfamiliar kitchen. At the table were two guys snickering. "What the fuck&#39;s so funny?" I asked them. They continued giggling and completely ignored me. I walked over and stood between them. I told the taller one to go downstairs, he did. The remaining guy ignored me again until I kicked him off the chair. He fell onto the floor and laid there curled in a fetal position. I picked up one of the wooden chairs and brought it down just behind him. The legs snapped off the chair and the guy lay there wimpering.
      I turned and tossed the chair aside and when I turned back the guy on the floor had turned into a stubby blue, roughly sharpened pencil. Despite his turning into an inanimate object, I got on my hands and knees over him and yelled, "Next time it&#39;ll be your legs that get broken, puny little bitch." (i don&#39;t know whether to find that funny or disturbing )
      As I yelled at him the other guy came back upstairs. He had changed into someone else but I knew it was still &#39;tall guy&#39;. I told him to get back downstairs. He continued on to the front door. I jumped up, picked up &#39;pencil guy&#39; and tossed him away. As I approached &#39;tall guy&#39; he morphed before my eyes to become himself again. I demanded he go downstairs and he went, but halfway down he slipped out a door midway between floors. I ordered him back inside or I was going to have his bail pulled. He reluctantly came inside and went downstairs. I sat on the steps wondering what I was going to do about everything.

      7- Library Park/VK Convo

      Was in Victoria Park which had become a splicing of a public park and library. All around the perimiter of the park desks were stationed. I picked up a book and looked for a place to sit. Found a desk that faced the old courthouse across the street.
      Opened my book and was about to read when the guy next to me said, "You&#39;re Vex Kitten, aren&#39;t you?"
      The question startled me and I put down the book, my mind completely blanked out. I didn&#39;t answer.
      Across the street some people came out of the courthouse. They looked really pissed off and I knew something bad was going to happen. At some point the court house had turned into a gothic looking cathedral. The pissed off people climbed up onto the ledges of the stained glass windows and tried to peer in. I couldn&#39;t hear what they were saying but the tone of their voices and their movements were unmistakably aggitated.
      I was relieved that they didn&#39;t smash the stained glass windows but that relief was short lived when the pissed off people came across the street and into the park/library. Not in the mood to argue at that time I picked up my book and tried to read it again.
      The guy beside me said, "Vex Kitten, right?"
      I put the book down again and couldn&#39;t seem to think. The guy continued talking in a hushed voice but I can&#39;t now recall what he was saying. When the power of thought finally came back to me I wanted to say that I wasn&#39;t Vex Kitten because I had the distinct feeling that this guy had been stalking me for some time. However when I opened my mouth to deny being VK I found that i was incapeable of lying. So I only answered, "Maybe."
      He continued talking and I had the overwhelming feeling that I knew him. I didn&#39;t look at him. Didn&#39;t want to. At one point I wished the pissed off people would come over and start arguing just for the sake of distracting my attention away from the guy beside me.

    23. #398
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Mon Dec, 11th

      2 LD&#39;s this Morning between 9:30 -10 am.

      Exploring the House/Rainy Day HIT

      &#39;Woke up&#39; in bed in my darkened bedroom. Knew I was dreaming and expected the usual LD paralysis but to my surprise I rolled easily off the bed. Immediately brough my hands up and looked at them. The dream scene blinked once, like it went negative and then back to poisitive again, as if it was confirming that I was in a dream.

      Decided to try change the dream scene. I closed my eyes and imagined being out in a sun soaked field in the middle of nowhere. When I opened my eyes I was disappointed to see that I was still in my room. The room had also gotten much darker and blurry. I waited for the scene to stabalize and then decided I&#39;d walk through the house to get outside. I wanted to see what my LD house looked like this time.

      Made my way down the hallway and saw that there was a big hole in the left wall down by the baseboards. While this bothered me I passed it buy in favor of touring the rest of the house. The kitchen had super bright white walls but there was a mess of dirty dishes on the counter. I stopped and felt an overwhelming urge to do them. I shook it off and continued through the house.

      In the dining room I noticed that my computer desk and the mirror above it was absent. Didn&#39;t bother me in the least but I made a note to try will them back into the dream later so I could log into DV&#39;s and make a post telling everyone that I was making the post in the midst of a LD. (for some odd reason I was sure that was totally possible)

      Continued on down into the living room. The budgies were chattering as usual and I was distracted by their vivid yellowness against the light purple of my walls. I suddenly wondered what birds thought or if they even thought. It was then that I remembered the advanced lucid task of mind reading. Decided to try read one of the budgie&#39;s minds. I reached into the cage; grabbed one of them and held it tight in my hand. It squirmed and wriggled and I stared into it&#39;s sparkling little eye to create a mind meld of some sort. Nothing came but overwhelming feeling of fear.

      The bird suddenly bit down on the soft skin between my thumb and pointer finger. It hurt like hell and with the thumb and pointer finger of my other hand i squeezed the bird&#39;s head till it let go of me. I stuffed it back into the cage. I then noticed that there were 3 birds instead of 2. Thought it was odd for a few seconds but then was overcome by the desire to get outside.

      Stepped up to the front door and decided I wanted to ghost through the glass again since it was such a freaky feeling the first time I did it. Raised my hands over my head and slid through the glass sideways. It felt the same as last time, that odd resistent spongy feeling.

      Outside it was raining. The sky was low and dark. I strolled out onto the front lawn and though it was pouring I didn&#39;t get wet. I simply enjoyed the scene for a few seconds before wondering what to do next. I decided to try the gift giving task but I seemed to be the only person in existence. It then occured to me that I could make anyone I want appear in the dream so I called out the name I&#39;d heard on the verge of my sleep the other night. At the top of my lungs I yelled, "JOSH&#33;"

      I felt something really strange, like the dream was elastic and something was on the verge of pressing through to me. Whatever it was couldn&#39;t quite make it. I assumed it was Josh so I called his name again in an attempt to guide him to me. He still didn&#39;t appear. I called out his name again and turned to see if he would appear behind me. No one was there physically but the falling rain seemed to be hitting a humanish form that would have been invisible if not for the water trailing over it.

      I approached and reached out for the presence. I was highly excited by whatever or whoever was standing before me. I became overexcited, my hand started trembling... and I woke up before I made contact.

      2- Mirror World

      Felt my mind shift into dream mode and right after it came the sensation of slipping backward out of my body. I let it happen, fully aware that I was now in a dream. I rolled off the bed and again was amazed that i didn&#39;t have dream paralysys.

      The room was dark and I wanted to get out into the light immediately this time. By just that thought I was instantly outside on the front lawn of my house. It was still cloudy but the rain was gone. I really missed the warmth and light of the sun and the blue of the sky. I wanted them more than anything and I tried with all my will to make the clouds disappear. They wouldn&#39;t.

      My mind instantly and rapidly riffled through past dreams. I recalled on in which I pushed the clouds out of the sky by using my hands. I decided to try this technique again. I reached up, the palms of my hands facing outward and fingers slightly clawed as if I were latching my nails into the clouds above. I slowly moved my hands apart and as I did expected the clouds to spread open as if they were drapes being shoved aside. Nothing happened. I tried this repeatedly and finally became so frustrated that I began ripping wildly at the clouds. Only then did they start shredding apart.

      I continued shredding the clouds away. It was a difficult task, sort of like digging a hole in sand, some always spilling back in. When finally I caught a glimpse of blue behind the clouds, relief and something bordering on bliss surged through me. I cleared away a perfectly rectangular hole in the clouds.

      I stood there staring up at the blue rectangle and I wondered what the color blue felt like. I reached up and traced the very tip of my finger the length of the rectangle. It was cool to the touch, like running my finger along cold glass. I ran my fingers over it again and noticed that I could see a faint reflection of myself in the blue. Upon this realization the blue turned into a mirror and I stood on the ground looking up at my reflection up in the clouds.

      I had yet to travel through a mirror in a LD so I jumped up and thrust my hand into my own reflection. It slid in up to my wrist before I fell to the ground again. It also felt odd and sort of frightening. My curiousity overpowered my fear and I leapt up again, this time I plunged into the mirror and it gave way like a thick liquid.

      At this point I saw the dream from two angels. One was the actual me experiencing the dive into the mirror, The thick liquid clung to my body like mercury, my form was nothing but a reflective surface and I knew I looked sort of like the mercury terminator in T2 as I spun around in a liquid world of what I thought was amneotic fluid.

      The other view came from outside the dive. I saw myself slip into the sky mirror and at the same time as I slid in my reflection slid out into my dream world.

      I spun to look back and there saw my reflection on the other side of the mirror. Simultaneously we pressed hands to the barrier between us. I suddenly was afraid my reflection would take off and I&#39;d be trapped in the mirror world.

      I had an inkling that the mirror me was more basic than I and that she would give in to primal desires. I put both my hands on the barrier and my reflection did the same. I smiled at her and then kissed the barrier. Reflection did the same. I knew she would. She couldn&#39;t resist sexual type advances. As we kissed the barrier between us disappeared and I wrapped my hands around her head and pulled her back into the mirror world. We floated before each other and my reflection looked at me with a lustful look that was really disturbing.

      I took her hand and turned. I willed the world to become solid and together we walked into a room. I sat my reflection in a chair and undid her jeans. To keep her occupied I slid my hand down the front of her pants and started fingering her. As I did this I looked at the world around me and wondered where exactly I was. I Knew I was still dreaming but had the feeling that perhaps I was in someone else&#39;s dream or some other plain of existence. I couldn&#39;t wrap my head around it, I knew it wasn&#39;t a normal dream and I knew I had to keep my reflection distracted or she&#39;d escape and leave me trapped in the mirror world.

      I continued manipulating my reflection and tried to figure out a way to either explore the mirror world or escape it. I came to the conclusion that until I could find a way to completely control my reflection, exploration was out of the question. Tiring of doing stuff to the other me and pissed off that she was keeping me from exploring, I began to hate this lucid dream. Somewhere in the distance I heard radio DJ&#39;s announcing the 10:00 news. It occured to me that I&#39;d never get the chance to explore this dream world so I decided to return to my own. I willed myself to wake up .

    24. #399
      Member ezekiel7's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2005
      Oregon(best state ever)
      *first to congradulate you.. * sorry bout the AIM thing, half of my family was in my room and we we&#39;re practicing music.
      *to the tune of Mickey Mouse Club*

      M-O-N-D-A-Y S-U-C-K-S&#33;

    25. #400
      Mega Baller jjm121's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2006
      hey vex.
      very long time no talk.
      does this have like 27 pages now?

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