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    Thread: Ninja's Twilight Zone

    1. #101
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I was really tired last night from working and karate so I didn't have very good dream recall. That and I also tried to MILD, so here is the one that I remember.

      Sexy Asian
      All I remember is that I was having sex on a couch with a gorgeous asian girl. I think it was Cris Tatiana (porno actress.) I know that we had sustained it for a long time, but I was getting close and I didn't want to orgasm inside of her because I didn't have a condom on. She took me out of her and started to use her mouth. I think I woke up before finishing.

    2. #102
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      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I seem to be getting better and better at having lucid dreams at will. I went to bed not expecting to dream much at all because I was again dead tired. When I woke up at 8 o’clock I found that I was well rested, but decided to go back to sleep and try a MILD. The MILD failed, but it brought me into a DILD.

      Ab Cramp
      I was running around my dad’s old house and had a terrible cramp over my entire stomach. I think it was a charlie-horse and I tried breathing and stretching it out, some of which helped the pain, but the cramp just wouldn’t go away.

      Lots of Chihuahuas
      My brother and I were in a room full of chihuahuas and we knew one of them was Peanut. I thought it would be easy to pick him out of the bunch, but they all looked exactly the same and none of them acted like him.

      Crumple is a Strange Word
      This one I don’t remember very much, but I know it was long and complicated. Chandler from Friends had gotten to a baseball game or something late. Everyone else was already there. We got there and they were giving away fish. It wasn’t cooked or even scaled, they just handed me a six inch fish.

      We got to a seat and Chandler had some cardboard rolled up in aluminum foil. He crumpled it up and said that ‘crumple’ is a funny word.

      Queen at Carousel
      The British queen had come to where I worked and was going on the go-karts. I was a little nervous because I didn’t want people smacking into her car. Something else strange happened and I found myself in Shippensburg with a ballistics gel softball which was part of a set, and thought that I would only need one, but then for some reason someone else needed one too so I ran back, but didn’t make it before whatever was going on was over.

      YMCA to Beach Sailing Lucid
      I was at the YMCA and we were divvying up teams to play soccer, I told them that I would be last and went downstairs to go to the bathroom. Then we started playing. The teams were pretty even, but then we all started to gas and fall down a lot. We needed a break so we stopped and said we’d pick new teams. I again went to the bathroom.

      I walked into the bathroom and my step-mom was in there too. “This is the men’s room,” I said and nothing more as I walked into a stall. Then another woman came in.

      “You sure know which room you’re in,” my step-mom said and left.

      “Yeah, by the urinals,” I countered, there were urinals to my left. But the other woman made me look around. Everything looked different, I guess that I must have really gone into the woman’s room. The colors were different (teal) and everything was backwards.
      “I must be dreaming,” I said. I was right in the middle of wiping, but just dropped it and went out the door. The stall didn’t have a door at all and I’m not sure if the bathroom did or not. If it did I must have actually opened it for some reason.

      I went left and there was a door there, it wasn’t one of the YMCA doors, it was more like the front door to a house, and light was emanating from the cracks around it, as if there was something really bright on the other side. Too bad I had already done the advanced task for the month, this was certainly a portal.

      The Door

      I walked through it, this door acted strangely, it had kind of a rubber-type feel to it. I got about half way through it and kind of momentarily got stuck. Then with another step I finally pulled free of it. (I wonder where I would have gone if I had actually opened the door?)

      The door lead me to a yard. It was a gorgeous day out, green grass, blue sky and almost no clouds if there were any at all. There was a white van and a man walking from it. He was a middle-aged, blue collar man who looked like a utility guy. He was balding and had dark hair. I thought about fighting him, but I had already done that recently. I remembered something that my adoptee had asked me about a dream guide.

      “Hi there,” I said politely, but the man didn’t respond, he just kept on walking. “What’s your name?” I asked him. Again he said nothing. I gave up, I could have forced him to answer, but wanted to look around and didn’t want a dream guide tagging along anyway.

      My adoptee had also mentioned flying to me so I decided to brush up on that. I say a maple tree up above me and jumped up to try and grab one of the leaves from about twenty feet up. I got high, but not high enough. I floated just for an instant and then fell back down. I need practice at that.

      I looked around, knowing that there would be a cliff somewhere and sure enough to the left there was a drop-off. I ran to it, reminding myself that it was a cliff and jumped off. I closed my eyes for a second until I felt the flying feeling then opened them about twenty feet above the ground. Sure enough, this was a long drop, about three hundred yards. It wasn’t straight down, it was just a steep hill.

      I think it was that hill that lead from the cottages to the beach in Cape Cod. There was a beach below me. I followed a path, staying about twenty or thirty feet above it and using my arms to control the direction and speed of my decent.

      I made the decent in no time, I was really moving fast, but I was still in control. I approached the beach and felt like swimming. I put my hands out in front of me like superman to really gain some speed. I think I hit the sand first, then the water.
      Then I woke up.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 07-18-2007 at 03:48 PM.

    3. #103
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Murderer and Vampires
      The murderer gets away from the cops, but the vampire gets stuck. I think that they are both after Bart Simpson and that the vampire is Mr. Burns. He is stuck for a moment, but then turns into a bat and escapes very easily.

      Then we are checking my grandfather’s garage for either of them. I know that the murderer is there, but I either don’t know where or don’t care. I stumble on a broken picture and there is something behind it.

      It’s an old postcard from 1920, even though the banner in the picture on it says 1938. It is about a Canadian draft dodger. I ask my step-mom if Canada ever had a draft and she said yes.

      Cleaning up
      I am cleaning my old basement with Megan from work. She says that it’s bad and I tell her that it’s nothing. I ask her if she had ever been to my old house (the one that we were in.) She said that she came the last day that he had it and had pizza with me and my mom.

      Then I took two small pails and a pair of plastic bags and went down the road from the Carousel to my old house and started to pick up trash. The road was filthy and there was stuff everywhere. I ditched the pails and just filled up the bags.

      Window Shopping
      I was in some store, looking at shirts. I remember there being a ton of Bob Dylan shirts and I think that I picked one out. Included in the shirt selection was a number of things that I didn’t know what they were. They might have been a strange type of skirt. They were made out of a very stretchy lace and had the shape of one quadrant of a circle.

      I left the store and wanted to look for shoes. The shoe store didn’t look anything like I remember, but thought that they had been bought out. It was very plain and there were nothing but shoes on the wall, nothing on the floor. I didn’t have socks on so I had to forget it.

      I then went to look at phones, I wanted a smart-phone. I’m not sure why, my katana works just fine. They didn’t have any smart phone, so I looked at the regular phones. None of them had touch-screens.

      That made me wonder if I could find a Newton at the Salvation army. I drove in that direction, away from the route six plaza, but got turned around and started to head towards Walmart. I decided to look at their selection of phones. I got up there and everything was dark and there were very few cars in the parking lot.

      Walmart was closed. I turned around and now the parking lot was full. I don’t know why people would park there if it was closed. But then I was outside my car in the parking lot sitting by a puddle. I had a hat, my letterman jacket, and something else. My jacket and hat had gotten wet because I had accidentally set them down in the puddle and struggled to dry them out.

    4. #104
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      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Military Camp
      I was in some sort of post-Vietnam military camps. The guys there were all veterans other than me. We were doing some kind of exercise and there was a little girl’s head rolling around at our feet and none of us wanted to touch it. Two of the people that I’m with go nuts, try to get out and get shot.

      The only way out is the way that they took, but if I can kill the shooter first, I can survive. It’s still only a training camp and the guns are actually paint-ball, except for me, who has my BB gun.

      I go down a straight path, shooting at a target. I see paint-balls coming for me and dodge them. One of them hits me right in the gut. “Oh Fuck!” I yell as I realize that somehow a shard of glass got jammed into my gut.

      Me and Val Want Peace
      There are four of us in Valerie’s bed. Me, her, her father, and my brother. Val’s father moons me, but then leaves and my brother is trying to get to sleep and tells me to stop moving, since Val had gotten up for a moment. She comes back and we cuddle. I tell my brother that a bunch of penguins were coming and he leaves.

      We are now alone, but she turns into Shayna. She tells me I can’t put my arm around her and to keep my hand out of my pocket because she doesn’t want me masturbating. She looks like Shayna, but is still Valerie. She takes my hand and asks why it’s wet. I tell her that I’m sweating. We start making out and I forget what else happens.

      I haven’t seen Candice in a year and I meet up with her. I take her hand and put it around me and I hug her. I pick her up and put my hands on her butt. She doesn’t seem to matter.

      Mel Gibson
      There are a few people that I can’t stand and I hire Mel Gibson to kill them outside of a theatre. I got inside, knowing that they are waiting for me. Mel comes and starts to fight them, but runs inside, not finishing the job.

      I have to get to work soon, my brother informs me that it is 10:30, but it’s really 9:35. He is at our house. I am in two places at once. Mel now goes outside and attempts to finish the job, but can’t handle it so I help him out. I dominate them, but can’t kill them so I grab one of the girl’s panties and pull them down. She falls and I start touching her vagina.

      Touching turns into licking, and licking turns into fucking. I still have to get to work, so the sex energy turns into pizza, which I can have after work.

    5. #105
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      The dreams last night had a great deal of sexuality, even though I didn't actually have sex with anyone. I think part of the reason is that I'm having a sexual dry spell. This first dream was in the very first dream cycle that I would have had so it was really fuzzy and more like a slideshow than motion.

      Skinny Guy
      There was a skinny guy, he had some muscles on his back, but was really thin. He had blond, wavy hair and I think he was at some sort of car race.
      I then woke up and reentered the dream lucidly. I stood around for a moment before realizing that I had to go to the bathroom. Then I woke up again.

      Mass Evac From Spain
      I had control of a doomsday device and used it on Spain. The entire country was wiped out. Someone (I think Lisa Simpson) had wanted me to leave Portugal alone though, so I made a commity to see if Portugal had been damaged. There was some collateral damage, but not very much.

      I had desimated Spain, but there were tons of people still alive and they made a mass evacuation. They either went to Portugal or Morracco.

      I had seen The Simpsons episode last night in which Homer works for a new company that ends up with a doomsday device.

      Round Table Games
      I arrived at somebody's house and there were games all over the place and there were a number of people sitting on the floor with cards and other items like that. I sat down.

      I don't know what we were playing, possibly poker. Laura was there and she said that she had to be home at a certain time (which was early,) but I don't remember the time.

      Class with Cindy
      I was back in high school in class and doing some sort of project or homework or something with Cindy. I don't remember her last name off the top of my head, but she was the cheerleader with the big breasts. Anyway, we kept touching each other. She stayed to my shoulder, I stayed to her back and her left breast (I was to the left of her.) I was being non-chalaunt about it, but she obviously didn't care.

      Then I was walking down the stairs to another class and this kid kept tripping me from behind. It was Cindy's boyfriend. I told my friend Eric to tell him why it would be a bad idea to piss me off.

      Britney Spears in Porn
      I was on some sort of road trip and had stopped at a convienence store. I walked in and looked momentarily at some magazine and notices some porn, but went back to shopping for whatever it was that I was looking for (probably snacks.)

      Then I came back to the magazines and noticed that Britney Spears was on the cover of one of them. Actually the entire magazine was her. It was the old her, before she got all trailor park and skanky.

      I flipped it open and she was posing nude, then I noticed that there were a few pages of hardcore porn, mostly oral. I decided to pick it up, along with a Penthouse, but it was chained down, like the rest of the porn. The woman had to come unlock it for me. I think she asked me for id, but the I woke up.

      Licking Game

      I woke up from this one a few times and reentered it, but never lucidly. I think that's why there are random extra dreams inside of it.

      I was in a pool with Ron and a girl that I don't think that I knew. Ron was explaining the nature of the game that me and her were going to play. I tapped Ron's shoulder and asked him to repeat parts because I had missed them. He explained again, but I missed them again, so decided to wing it.

      The game was weird. Each roudn we would each take something off and Ron would throw some type of food at us. Ice cream was the first thing. Then we would lick it off of each other and we would fail if I got a boner. Sounds like a fun game.

      She took her top off and he trew and ice cream cone onto her shoulder and I licke dit off of her neck and shoulders and she liked it. Then I kicked off my shoes and he threw lemon juice on my face. Crap, I closed my eyes and tried to find the girl, who was now talking with some friends.

      I ask her to lick it off and she does. Very sensual. I feel pressure in my pants and think unsexy thoughts. Crap, I forget that I'm supposed to be running a race. I run to the start, but they had already started so I start late behind a bunch of pickup trucks, which I guess are the tail cars. I run for a while then get back to the game.

      I forget what, if anything, she had taken off this time. I now didn't have my shirt on. Whatever was on her was all over her front. I went to pick her up, but she jumped and I wasn't expecting it so we fell down. I got a grip on her and then picked us both up, her legs now wrapped around my waist. I used long licks going from her chest to her face and cleaned her off, finishing by making out with her. We were now really into each other.

      Now we leave again, into a quarentine zone. There are doctors in white suits all around us and she had gotten some kind of virus inside of her, but somehow had gotten rid of it and not given it to me. I believe that agent Sculley from the X-Files was there.

      Since we were clean, we then went, hand in had, back to the game to finish. I believe that we had gotten naked and Ron, or whoever it was now had thrown ice cream on her vagina and my penis, trying to get us to fail. I licked her clean first, then she did me. I really had to think about the worst crap, because it felt so good, but we finished game.

      I'm not sure if this was still part of the dream or a daydream but I remember then taking her hand and we ran as fast as we could to some place where we could be alone to do all the stuff that we weren't able to do during the game.

      The race part came from the fact that I knew that I had to get up early this morning to get to a 5K, I'm not sure where everything else came from.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 07-21-2007 at 06:50 PM.

    6. #106
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Ottawa, Ontario
      DJ Entries
      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578;471981[COLOR=navy
      I had control of a doomsday device and used it on Spain. The entire country was wiped out. [/COLOR]
      Well now where is the rain in Spain going to fall? That game sounded like a good way to relax after a hard day's work launching doomsday devices.:p (look, he's got his tongue out!)

    7. #107
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I was tired from the race and from work so I only remembered one dream, and not very well.

      Alli Came Back
      I was sitting at a table with Alli and two other people, I’m not sure who they were. Anyway, I wrote down that I was looking for a video tape. I don’t recall of what or why. Alli had just come back from a vacation with her boyfriend. She said that at the airport he jokingly left her for herself.

      Alli stopped by work last night and talked for a while and Ashley is on vacation with her boyfriend, leaving Ron with not enough cooks.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 10-15-2007 at 04:00 AM.

    8. #108
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      There were a lot of dreams about the bumper boats from work last night. It’s because I worked them all day and got a sunburn up there. I attempted a MILD around three to put myself inside “The Persistence of Memory,” but I got distracted.

      An environmentalist (even more hard core than me) showed up at the boats and complained that they were polluting too much. I checked her out and she was really hot so I somehow fixed them so that they didn’t have as much emissions.

      Running with Jess and Cherries with Val
      I was running the back path at the lake, towards the little pond where we used to take the dogs and I noticed Jess Rucker running in slow motion from the other way where the path forks. I haven’t talked to her in a while and turn around to go run with her.

      I ask her why she is running is slow motion and she says “I don everything in slow motion,” meaning that she was lazy. However now she was running fairly quickly and I had a hard time keeping up with her and even fell behind her a few times. Every once in a while she would be in slow motion again.

      We stop at the cemetery and she turns into Valerie and we have a bowl of cherries. We aren’t alone, but I forget who the third person was, maybe my brother. It also might have been Jess and we had just met up with Val. Anyway one of them mentions that they got or needed a new PDA, with Vista.

      I told her how much Vista sucked, but them came to the realization that I would probably need one too.

      Fireproof Dorms
      I guess I was living in the dorms again and the RA had quit. I must have been the senior resident on the hall so I became the new RA and I went on a rampage of making the hallway less of a fire hazard.

      Abla Anglais?
      I was at the boats, in the water scrubbing the side of the pool when a group of assholes showed up. I don’t know who they were, I think Josh Bryant was in the group. But the scene then changed to some sort of spanish class and I had Josh as my partner for an assignment.

      We had to conjugate a whole bunch of verbs, I let Josh do it and I wrote them down as fast as I could. Then things morph again. It’s still an spanish class, but now I’m up high and Kinzinger is my partner. I’m still just copying his paper.

      This was one unstable dream because it morphed again into The Simpson’s house. I wasn’t in the dream anymore, I was just an observer. Homer was had gone nuts and trying to kill the rest of the family. Marge and Bart make it to a closet, but Lisa doesn’t make it and he buries and axe into her head from the top.

      She walked a few steps and then falls over with her brains spilling out.

      Fathers Fighting at the Boats
      I’m working at the boat and there are five people on it. One of them is a little kid and he can’t figure out how to work them. His father is trying to explain it to him, but gets caught up in the fun.

      He leans over and splashes water everywhere and this pisses off one of the other kid’s father who starts to argue with the man. I break them up and send them on their way when I notice my brother and his girlfriend walking around the fence.

      I tell him that he can ride because he works there too, but she needs a ticket. I let them on with the promise that he would pay after they were done.

      10:30 turns to 5
      We are putting everything away at work and the cars are the last thing to go. Boog and I are backing them in and put them in the wrong way. The last two cars are sideways. We decide to leave them that way and let whoever takes them out tomorrow worry about it.

      He says that it’s not going to be him because he will be doing cages if not boats. I say I’ll be doing cages or else blowing.

      We then go outside and it’s only five o’clock and now we are waiting for our replacements. Murphy shows up a few minutes late with the ugly girl that works up front.

      False Awakening
      I get a text and thought I woke up. It’s from Valerie saying that she found out that she’s not off on Friday. Odd, our plans were for Wednesday. I figure that she means soccer and go back to sleep.

      Where to Stay?
      I’m moving in to my apartment for my senior year of school when I realize that it’s the weekend and that I can’t get my key from the office. I could sleep in the car, but decide to call my roommates and see if they are there yet. They aren’t so I try Heather and Shannon.

      I then realize that move in day for me is still a month away. I must have just been thinking about it, this brought me to a supermarket where I was shopping with my mom and my brother.

      We were looking for raspberries, I found a whole load of fruit, including strawberries, but the raspberries were on the other side of the refrigerator. There came in huge packages.

      I forget why, maybe it was raining or maybe someone was after us, but we ran to the car. I got there first because I knew a shortcut. I threw the bags in the back seat and got in with them. Then they arrived, my brother tossed his bags in too as well as a two liter bottle of orange soda.

      We were in the parking lot to the hospital.

    9. #109
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      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Moving in and Forgot Stuff
      I was moving into my apartment at school at the end of the summer and switching rooms with Kara. I’m bringing my grappling dummy downstairs when I realize that I forgot some stuff. I start to make a list. It includes TV and my Apple TV.

      Slippery Shower
      The shower in our house is slippery and I went to Kmart to find something to fix that. I’m looking for a rug, but I now also want a waterproof case for my iPod so that I can listen to it in the shower.

      What I really want now is a rug that is also a screen that I can plug my video iPod into and have it display movies for me.

      Kmart doesn’t have anything like that in the rugs or the iPod accessories so I head to Walmart

      A group of us go to Venus and just miss landing in a river of molten lead. We all complain that it’s really hot and that’s all I remember.

      Two Lockers Because It’s Me
      I was back in high school and needed an extra locker for my gym bag and other sports stuff. I figure out that my key can be made to open padlocks so I grab one of the padlocks that works and put it on one of the bigger lockers. I now try to figure out how to arrange my stuff in them.

      I highjack a third locker for temporary storage while I figure it out. I know that I have to hurry, I’m going to be late for lunch, and I’m not even sure what time lunch starts. I run into someone who is on their way to gym class.

      I finally get it right and then leave.

      Carousel Stuff Again
      I was working the damn bumper boats again. (I need to start doing reality checks there.) Valerie comes by with the baby and asks me to watch her for a little while so I put her on one of the boats and let her ride around with one other kid.

      A woman from child services shows up and asks to see the baby. I’m a little worried, but know that Val is a good mom so I bring the baby and the other kid in. Then the woman disappears as I pick the baby up. I carry her around for a while, then she turns into a five point throwing star on a string that has something to do with curing breast cancer.

      I throw it around, being careful because I know that the baby is still in it. Then Boog shows up to take my place and let me go home. I help him start the next ride and one of the kids unlocks himself and becomes a royal asshole so I scream at him and kick him off of the ride.

      I then am ready to leave, but notice a little girl with a baby riding away in one of the Barbie Jeeps, I think the purple one. I stop her and pick up the jeep, putting in the boat house. Me and Boog discuss something, then I take away the jeep. He offers to do it because he thinks that he’s stronger than me. I refuse, but he walks with me.

      My father is also there and has ahold of my arm. I pull away and ask why he’s pulling me to the left. He says something like a few years ago I did it to him.

      We get the jeep back and one of the axles is sitting there, but the other one is back up at the boats and had fallen off when I had picked it up. I got back up to get it, noticing that Jessica, Amber, and Mark are just sitting around at the pool. The forth lifeguard was there too, but I’m not sure who it was.

      I grab the last piece, but now it won’t fit through the door. I look around, I could go out the way that we bring the boats out, there is another door at the end, but a hole in the middle of the building seems the best bet. I push it through and then try to squeeze through myself. It’s a really tight fit, but I know that I can get through. Tom said something about a mermaid.

      I finally get out and flop down the hill, resting at the bottom for a moment, before going back up and grabbing the piece of car. From rolling down the hill I’m now punch drunk and can barely stand.

    10. #110
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Jurassic Park
      I was on an expedition to one of the Jurassic Park islands, it was one with no fences and there were only a few of us on the ground. Then the dinosaurs came.
      We ran to a building and my brother got stuck outside. An Allosaurus attacked him and ate him. We kept running until we got to a pair of fences. We got over the first set and started up the second as a pair of dinosaurs (velociraptors) got to the first fence. They started to climb it. They climbed fast, faster than we did.

      Another pair of them suddenly ambushed us from the other side. We were trapped on the fence with one pair of raptors on climbing the other fence and closing in on us and another set below us, waiting.

      The raptors below us started to tear the fence out from under us and soon we were left with nothing but the large wire that held the fence up at the top. We shimmied lone it to safety, only to be attacked by a shark.

      The shark then turned to a nurse shark and then into just a cardboard representation of a shark.

      Jason Lives
      I was a coroner or a doctor or something and there were two bodies on two tables. One of them was terribly decomposed and the other one was new. There was something caught into the throat of the decomposed one. I knew that it was the essence of Jason Vorhees. I left to talk to someone else and then went back in the room.

      The decomposed body was still there, but the fresh one was gone. I went into the connecting room and looked around. Then I looked back and saw a young boy standing there. He was the body, and he was smiling at me. I screamed and ran.

      He chased after me but four years of high school and college track kept me far in front of him. However, I had never been in this area before and didn’t know where I was going. The corners were fast and tight, but I maintained my distance.

      Then we got to a school, which was crowded. I think it was my old middle school. I hide and Jason lost me, but then went after someone else. I hit him on the back of hte head and then hid again as he searched for whomever did it. He thought it was some girl.

      She recognized him and hugged him. Jason just stood there and snarled. Then I think he bit her and
      I woke up.

      Soccer Champs
      I was part of a four person soccer team that was playing at the YMCA for the championship against Kevin’s team. There were three adults and one really little kid. We played a good game of soccer and were beating them pretty well, we passed the ball better than they did. Then the little kids got into a fight.

      “Come on, this isn’t a soccer game,” I joked, pulling the two of them apart. They kept going at it so I tangled them up with some quick jiu jitsu. Now we were down a player, the other kid didn’t get thrown out.

      I said that we could play with three players. It was tough, they were now outplaying us, but I’m not sure if they were outscoring us.

      Dad Was Late
      I rode with my father to the back road near where I turn on my way from work to mom’s house. He was supposed to meet someone there to get something. It might have been illegal, I’m not sure.

      We got there and the guy was no where to be seen. I asked him what time he was supposed to meet him, he said seven o’clock. I looked at a watch, it was seven thirty. I got really mad at him and told him that he had already left and if he was ever that late with me, I would ditch him.

    11. #111
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Ottawa, Ontario
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post

      Two Lockers Because It’s Me
      I was back in high school and needed an extra locker for my gym bag and other sports stuff. I figure out that my key can be made to open padlocks so I grab one of the padlocks that works and put it on one of the bigger lockers. I now try to figure out how to arrange my stuff in them.

      I highjack a third locker for temporary storage while I figure it out. I know that I have to hurry, I’m going to be late for lunch, and I’m not even sure what time lunch starts. I run into someone who is on their way to gym class.

      I finally get it right and then leave.
      All the cool kids get extra lockers. I had three as well.

    12. #112
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      I actually did have two lockers in high school, but it wasn't because I was special, all the athletes got a big one for our gym bags (cross country and track.) And from time to time I would put things in my girlfriend's locker, I think that's where the third one came from.

      Cages Lucidity
      I was just outside the baseball cages at work and I think the field picker was just coming in and I was looking part of it over.
      I suddenly realized that I was dreaming. There was someone else there, I’m not sure who it was, but there was also another copy of me. I lost my lucidity quickly and think I woke up and obsessed about the dream.

      I think that there were two of me because I had just found out what the lucid task is for next month. It’s along those lines, even though I can’t say what it is.

      Father Uncle Tom
      Me and my brother and uncle were sitting at the old kitchen table, which was now made out of ice. He was a priest, I thought that that explained why they always said grace before each meal. I kept asking him philosophical questions that were either Buddhist or Muslim in nature and he always answered with something to do with God.

      Kissing the Enemy
      I had made it part of the way through the Lord of the Rings movie before I couldn’t take anymore. Then it ended up at a battle scene. There were a huge number of soldiers. I think my brother was there with a sword and a shield. I didn’t need a shield, I wielded two straight swords.

      I slaughtered the enemy with the swords with my superior fencing style before finding myself in the back yard of my old neighbour with a girl on a phone. She was sending out orders to the enemy, so I guess that she was an officer.

      I stabbed her right through the chest, but she didn’t mind, and just kept on talking. She turned away from he and I ran my blade from her butt to her neck on one side of her spine and then came back down on the other side.

      “I gotta go, someone cut out my spine,” she said in a nonchalant way. Then turned around to face me. It was Patty, the blonde girl who had lived down the hallway from me freshmen year. She was cute so I started to make out with her.

      I think the Cusp had mentioned the lord of the rings in his dream journal yesterday and that might be where that came from. I’m not sure about Patty.

      Party and Cars
      I was in my car and someone had really stunk it up with BO. So I go to a friend’s house, I think it was uncle Tom’s, but I’m not positive. Lindsey and Christy were both there and looked fantastic. We were all really drunk, including my brother and should have gotten going. I played on my iPod for a moment, before realizing that it wasn’t a phone.

      Christy whipped out an iPhone and I grabbed it from her. “This thing is cool,” I said, but it was the size of a Newton. Then we left the party and looked for my car. We were hungry and wanted some food so we stopped by some crazy redneck’s place for a snack. He had a rule that you had to be able to squeeze by his truck and fence in order to eat there. It was a tight fit, but I made it.

      I knew that I wouldn’t be able to back out so I pushed the truck a few inches, but he caught me. He didn’t notice it had been moved at first, but then he made me fix it, even thought I blamed it on my brother.

      I can’t read the rest of what I wrote down.

      I had seen the Seinfeld episode yesterday where the Valet had BO and stunk up Jerry’s car.

    13. #113
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      It’s Just a Game
      My brother had downloaded something really large, it was in code. It might have been HTML and probably was. Then he needed to copy it so he hit copy and it said that it would take nine minutes and that there was a missing border.

      I played on the computer for a while when my mom came in and yelled at me for having something on my phone. I started to yell back at her, telling her to stay out of my business and that it was just a game and it was free so to piss off.

      The part about the HTML probably came from forums like Dreamviews since there isn’t any WYSIWYG formatting.

      Backwoods Marathon
      I was running a marathon in the backyard of my old house. I had some kind of sports drink, but it was empty. Luckily there was a station up ahead of me, at a turn around. I saw my father out in front of me.

      I got to the station, grabbed the green gatorade that they had and the turned around and backtracked along the path. I passed a food station quickly, and only grabbed a thing of green jelly. There were green M&Ms in it too. It was kind of gross, but I needed all the energy that I could get, my legs were already getting sore.

      Since my shin had finished healing I’ve started training again for the Steamtown Marathon and my legs have been sore since they haven’t run for a few weeks.

      Lisa had forgotten to do a project for class and was stressing out about it. She needed it done in two hours. Then there was a fire drill. Principle Skinner said that it was the best hour and fifty six minute fire drill they ever had.

      Lisa was screwed and then the camera went to Nelson who was going into the principle’s office. He heard Lisa crying and went to go see her.

      I forget what happened between then and they were at the dinner table and Lisa had done a report on a made up indian tribe called the Hitatchi. Turk was there and he said that he was moved by their plight.

      The Simpson’s Movie comes out today, I had watched Scrubs last night and the episode where Lisa pretended to be an indian was on a few days ago.

    14. #114
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      WILD Coach
      I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to try to WILD. I didn’t get very far, not even to the hypnogogic lights or vibrations, I got too distracted by the heat.

      I was still in my room and there were three other people there too, one of them was a WILD coach and the other two were students. I don’t remember much else.

      I went to the YMCA where a little kid was playing soccer. They were in the process of putting up flat panels on the wall so that I could bang a racquetball against them for practice.

      This turned into a game of tennis, I think against my brother’s friend Bishop. I started out very well at forty-love. Then we paused the game and ended up in a church. I still have my racquet. We are watching something on television, but it’s a commercial.

      Laura and one of her friends is also there and she asks me if I have another thirty. I’m not quite sure what she means, but then realize that she wants a thirty inch tennis racquet. I have two in my trunk and tell her that I’ll get them for her, but since there is a commercial, reconsider and have her come with me to my car now.

      We go to the elevator and it plummets down to the ground floor. That was the fastest elevator that I had ever been on.

      Both Laura and Bishop were at my house two nights ago and I usually go to the YMCA early before soccer to play some racquetball, but last night I had to go pick up Valerie and didn’t have time.

    15. #115
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      A Plague on Xmas
      Some runner and another guy get caught in a collapsing building, which is some sort of biological weapon research facility. The crash releases a plague that kills tons of people, really quickly. I think my mind moved over the bodies in a similar fashion to the beginning of “The Stand” movie.

      To top it all off there is an earthquake and huge chunks of glass start falling from the ceiling and a girl tries to dark across the floor. Me and Saylor sprint after her, most of the falling glass is in a ring that we need to get past. We finally making it, just missed being crushed by a chunk the size of a kitchen table.

      However, we all keep climbing. It’s now slippery and tilted back towards the falling glass. I’m on all fours and don’t plan to leave my hands until the shaking stops. I can’t believe this is all happening on Xmas (weird, I’m not christian,) because Santa had brought my dog Peanut a nice gift.

      Saylor showed up at work two days ago, everything else just seems random.

      I’m on my way back from dinner at the CUB and notice Bridgette and Kristen walking back too. They are holding hands and I think about saying hi, but I have my own pair of girls. I walk back with them, holding hands with them and get into Naugle just behind Bridge and Kristen. I’m happy because I only have a psychology final left and not for a while. I think about studying for six hours and getting a really high grade.

      Some of us, including me, but not the girls, get on the elevator. There are a few people there, including Jacque. I just hang out in the back. Then we all notice that the elevator started to drop like a rock. I realized that it was going down to the basement, that’s why no one else had gotten on.

      Anyway, I decide to say hi to Jacque. We start talking and then are on the way to somewhere together. She is driving, but I know the way better than her. We drive down a steep hill and she takes a wrong turn and ends up inside of a dead end. I tell her the right way to go and make fun of her.

      Then we end up at the edge of a river or a lake. Her phone rings and to my surprise the ringtone is “Whiter Shade of Pale.” It’s her boyfriend CASH, who I was hoping to see, but wasn’t there. She yelled at him that she wanted him to have a more pink and girly ringtone.

      I ask her how long she’s like Procol Harum as I find some of their albums on my iPod. I think then CASH calls again.

      I Got Caught
      I was a thief, or at least part of a team of thieves who was robbing a large house. The cops showed up and I bolted upstairs and into a bedroom. I slid out the window onto the tin roof. I slid down the roof and slammed into a big tree.

      The cops were waiting for me and I surrendered. I put my hands up and a black cop, who was a friend of mine I guess said that he wouldn’t need to handcuff me because he trusted me.

      He took me to a wooded area, near the shed of my old house and told me to stay put. There were no fences or guards and the rest of my team soon arrived. I immediately saw three marines who were hiding in the field, waiting for us to escape so I told my friends.

      There were a few of us juggling a soccer ball out in front of the YMCA. There was one girl, Jamie Mousley, who looked hot and everything that she said I turned into a sexual innuendo, which she liked. I forget what happened, but she said something along the lines of “Fuck me,” in a non-sexual way and I told her “sure.” She said “Okay,” and I wasn’t sure if she was joking or not, we kept eyeing each other awkwardly after that.

      Then she went inside and turned into Jessica Miller, James McCurdy was also there and they were getting ready to play soccer too. I don’t know why I didn’t think of joining, but I realize that this must have been what Laura was talking about when she had told me that they played some day here.

      I noticed a sign for a lucid dreamers basketball game. I didn’t think that I would go because I didn’t know how many lucid dreamers there were in Honesdale. Then I went back outside to the circle, which had grown enormous and crowded. I forget what happened, but we weren’t playing soccer anymore.

      Moving Dirt
      I was driving a back-hoe and moving dirt onto a construction sight. I had to have a foreman unlock the gate because apparently people were stealing dirt. It was nice mulch, but I still found it odd. I moved some dirt around then found myself in a car with L’il Bush and L’il Cheney.

      They wanted something to go wrong so he asked a liberal person who was also in the car with us something about either oil or foreign policy, getting it wrong would result in the airbag going off. He answered it right, but Dubya didn’t know that and thought that it was wrong so the airbag went off and we all got trapped except for Dubya and Cheney who had expected it and found a way to protect themselves.

    16. #116
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      I wish I recorded these in greater detail before work, I know that there was more to these dreams.

      War Games
      I’m doing a war game with my friends with guns that fire little foam or rubber balls. I “kill” both of them and take their guns, but have a hard time holding onto all of their ammo. They have a crate full of it, and some are huge, obviously for more damage. I grab all of the small ones and one of the big ones for intimidation.

      I was now in a war room and trying to come up with a strategy. Racheal was right behind me and had a good idea so I kissed her on the chin and went ahead with it. She turned into the mom from War at Home.

      Now I was on the other side of the war. Sara Wentz was there and a high ranked person like me. We were making out. We went from lips to necks and back a few times. The Americans won the war against the Indians, I was on the winning side.

      I’m not sure what I meant by this but I wrote down that Sara mounts, but loose excitement. Then an old man shows up with a shotgun and shoots at us and misses. Then since the shotgun didn’t work he pulled out a flame-thrower.

      I was flying deep underground in a hidden part of Halo and found a whole bunch of vampires. They were in bat form and I found a way to restrain them with a pair of handcuffs.

      I’m with a group of people who have gotten lost. We stumble on an old pirate ship (on land,) and find out the hard way that there are still pirates around.
      They have crossbows and shoot one of my friends. They are now after me. They can’t get a clear shot at me with the crossbow because I keep hiding behind boxes and crates. They are way up above me and they knock over a huge stack of boxes. I hide in them, knowing that they are going to come down looking for my body and that their crossbows would be useless up close.

      Like I had thought they come down and I wait until they are right in front of me. Then I jump out and eye gouge the one girl. It’s Bri, and her eye pops like a little balloon. Racheal then pulls out a handheld crossbow and I keep Bri in between me and her. I then trap the crossbow in Racheal hand with the back of Bri’s head and press against her until I hear it go off. Bri’s face contorts in pain and then she dies as I chase after Racheal.

      I try to eye gouge her too, but can’t to it so I wrap my arm around her neck and squeeze from behind, choking her. I’m now afraid to let her go, she’s dead weight in my arms, but know that she will come back to life.

      As I think that Bri shows back up, eyes restored, but she had the body of a dog. I run out a door into a completely different scene, slamming it on Bri. I forget if I still had Racheal in the choke or now, but the police arrived on the hill.

      Bri’s birthday was yesterday and I had sent her a message on Facebook. While on Facebook I also noticed Racheal’s profile.

    17. #117
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Yargh! That was some intense eye gouging!

    18. #118
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      My sleep cycles got interrupted by the dog shaking at one o’clock and I guess the rhythm was screwed up because I didn’t wake at my normal times, thus resulting in very poor dream recall. The irony is that I’m working on a dream recall mp4.

      Icy CUB
      I’m going to lunch at the CUB on the first day back to Ship. The sidewalk was icy and I slid down it most of the way for fun. I got inside and saw Bethy handing something to her boyfriend, but didn’t say hi to her.

      I got to the line for food and Bunny was there so I high-fived him and asked him where the plates were. He said that they were in the middle of the line, which confused me.
      Damn, that should have made me lucid.

    19. #119
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      DILD Soccer
      I’m playing soccer at the YMCA with Shaun Bose and Ashley White, they keep switching bodies and one of them is goalie. I have several moves that I shoot with, one of them I called a WILD and the other I called the DILD. The WILD wasn’t working so I finally scored with the DILD.

      I tried to WILD myself to end my dry-spell last night but failed because it’s too hot.

      Not the SATs Again
      I’m taking the SATs a third time and there is a problem. They can’t give me the right account number, every number they give me either doesn’t fit on in the box or is the wrong number. I’m getting frustrated because the time I’ve wasted doing that might be the difference between a 1400 and a 1200.

      I don’t know why I’m taking it again, maybe it has to do with the chemistry class I’m taking next semester. I know that Mensa entered my mind a few times.

      I was offered a membership in Mensa years ago, but turned it down and haven’t thought about it since. Maybe the wrong numbers was actually due to the FAFSA financial aid bullshit.

      Won’t Turn Off
      I’m at the boats again and turning them off, but one of them won’t go off. I keep pressing the button, but nothing happens. Then I guess that I’m draining the fuel, but that doesn’t work either. I listen to it and hear something rattling around, but Dr. Ammerman figures out that the pipe is clogged in the beginning of it.

    20. #120
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      Mensa? Geez, all my comments just feel stupid now...

    21. #121
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      I never actually joined, but I remembered that the day before that dream I had thought about joining just so that I could put it on my resume.

      Cox Lucid
      I was in a hospital, I assume that it was the Scrubs hospital and I was Dr. Cox. There were a number of people around me watching me do something and my golden retriever was there too.
      Suddenly, I was lucid. There was blood streaming from the patient, which then turned into a bright gold light. People gathered around me and then dispersed. then the light again turned back to blood. Then I woke up.

      'Til Death
      I wasn't in this dream, but the older couple in 'Til Death kept getting interrupted in the middle of trying to start having sex by the neighbours. When they finally think they are alone the other two yell surprise from the shower. They are both in underwear and I think that there is a third person in there too, but I'm not sure who it is.

      Escher Buildings
      The Simpsons are riding lawnmowers across an Escher work and flattening out all of the odd ends. I then enter the dream and watch the geometry of the buildings change before my eyes. Blocks that seem out of place float around the room and find a place where they fit into a normal looking place. This was very surreal and I'm going to draw this one later.

      It turns out later in the dream that the entire thing is one large building in the temple of Zeus (one of the seven ancient wonders) I don't think I ever actually see the statue, but once I get to the roof there is a strange skidding track. The track is made of one large piece of flexible metal and someone is explaining how to glide along it. The metal bends, but little teeth in the edges keep it from going out of control and help you steer yourself.

      I had watched a special on the history channel last night about the seven ancient wonders.

      Grappling Joe
      I remember very little from this dream other than the fact that Joe had tackled me to test my martial arts ability. I was never fully underneath him like I would have liked to have been so I straightened his arm into an arm bar which let me bring his head down so that I could mount his back and fish-hook him. He was obviously in pain and I reminded him to yell "stop" if I was hurting him too much.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 08-03-2007 at 02:24 PM.

    22. #122
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      Old Woman
      I’m on some sort of class trip with my high school senior class and I’m fooling around with Ashleigh Smith and her boyfriend Pete. I keep feeling her up and saying dirty things to her to make her laugh and Pete doesn’t seem to mind.

      Then we are in a supermarket to get some lunch. Ashleigh hands me a bag for fruit and tells me to hold onto it. I tell her that I’ll hold it, but there’s no guarantee that I won’t use it myself. I end up seeing a bunch of blueberries, the last ones in the store, but they are still good. They are on something that looks like a grapevine so I pick them off after looking at the price. It’s like $5 a pound, but I don’t have nearly a pound.

      The a little kid shows me a bunch of boxes. One of them is full of blueberries and one is full of blackberries. There is another box, but I forget what was in it. I debate for a while about buying it. I know that the blueberries that I had now put in my pocket wouldn’t fill me up so I grab the $15 box of blackberries.

      The kid asks me something weird as I leave, something like “is that the gold?” I answer to humor him and then walk away to the register where I’m behind Ashleigh and Pete again. My total comes to just under forty dollars, I think thirty five, so I give the cashier two twenties.

      Now I’m back on the bus sitting next to an old woman. There is someone else on her left and someone else on my right, but for some reason we start making out. It’s kind of gross so I pull away quickly, but then go back in as she grabs at my crotch and I grab her boobs. She has soft, large breasts of a younger woman, but it’s still and older woman so again I pull away after touching her down south too and frenching her.

      She then goes for the old man sitting next to her, what a slut. Then We’re outside again and dancing. I’m just floating between partners. I think Ashleigh is gone and I mostly float between Carly and Kristen from college. Then one of the teachers says for us to hide on Main Street and have our partners find us. So I run, joking to Carly (who is also running) that I’d meet her at the bar.

      I actually go to the bar, but am the only one who does. I hide for a moment, looking around at the one booth place. It’s empty, but the old woman comes and looks at me. She tells me that I’m not the one that she is looking for and am relieved. I wonder if anyone is looking for me, since I floated around partners.

      I kneel down and wait for anyone, but the bartender notices me. “I’m hiding,” I tell him, but tell him not to worry. “It’s not from the police or anything, or a bounty hunter.” We joke around a bit about that, then we start talking.

      He mentions something about a smelly big rug that he just had to throw out that he had had over the carpet which was down now. I talk for a while, then wonder what is going on outside so I go to the door and stand there.

      Stangler comes up to me and says that for evading everyone I would be on sixty minutes. Then he asks me if I’m a dungeon master in DD. I don’t know what he’s talking about but then he says that he knows that I am. All the information was in a paper that I always loose. I laugh and say that that does sound like me.

      I wonder if he meant DDR, I tell him that I’m okay at it, but only ever done it once or twice. Mulligan is the DDR master. We then go outside and pass Nonnemacher. I point to him and say that he is also good at DDR and he kicks me playfully.

      Apparently there is a game called dungeons and dragons, I’m not sure how it got into my dream, I don’t recall ever hearing about it before.

      I ran into Ashleigh at the store where she works about a week ago and the first thing I noticed about her was her chest had gotten bigger since high school, even though I didn’t actually say it.

      I had gone to a Meat Loaf concert last night and during Paradise by the Dashboard light he warned us that it was going to be gross because we were going to watch an old man try to score, I think that’s where the old woman came from. $35 is exactly what I played for a shirt at the concert.

      I must have seen Carly’s picture on Facebook yesterday, I think she just added new photos so would have been in the recently updated friends list.

    23. #123
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      Out Chasing Rabbits
      I'm not sure entirely what was going on, but I was in a karate class. I was a student, not an instructor, but I was wearing a black belt so I was probably in a Shorin Ryu class at the YMCA. I didn't recognize the instructor, but grandmaster Hilson was there too, wearing a red belt.

      I woke up and then reentered it lucidly.
      I was fully aware of the fact that I was dreaming, however I didn't have any control and the dream continued on normally with us practicing. I lost my lucidity after a while.

      I played soccer at the YMCA last night and after that I watched Human Weapon on the History channel. The style they focused on was karate or which I have a third degree blackbelt.

      I'm not sure what happened but someone had given me a squash racquet and there were some balls attached to it. I told him that it wasn't mine and he didn't believe me. He said that he knew about my escapades.

      1213, 1313, 1303
      I was moving in again and couldn't remember which apartment I lived in. I first went to 1213, there was a girl in it, but wasn't my roommate and the apartment itself looked different.

      Then I went to 1313, but I couldn't find that door. If I did find it, it was a tiny door that I would have to crawl through, then it hit me that I live in 1303. I went to the apartment and got in with a credit card. It was the weekend so I couldn't get my key.

      Becky was there, but Kara wasn't. I went upstairs to my old room to pack up some stuff and bring it downstairs and Becky and I started talking. Something about her boyfriend not wanting to dance with her?

      A few days ago I got a message from Becky letting me know that she had arranged for the comcast to be installed when she moves in.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 08-06-2007 at 02:21 PM.

    24. #124
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      Put the Engines In
      There are a bunch of girls at the boats and they want me to put all of the engines back in. Most of them had been taken out for some reason.

      I changed the oil on all of them yesterday and in order to do so they have to be taken out.

      4:40 Mile
      I was at some sort of high school race. I had just won the 800m run and was getting ready for the mile. I was talking to Alli about how I was going to run it. I was going to go out slow. 35 seconds for the first 200m, and then keep that pace. 70 for the first lap, 2:20 at the half mile, 3:30, at the third lap, that would put me at a 4:40 miles. It's kind of slow, but I figure that I could blast the last lap at a much higher speed.

      There was a really hot woman who was half naked, it was the girl from the very beginning of the Freddy vs Jason movie. She hears sounds and starts to run towards the camp but then sees Jason walking towards her and goes the other way.

      She runs to me and I'm waiting for Jason. He shows up and I fence him with my machete and disarm him, slashing him across the chest and then chasing him up a tree.

      Then a stick comes to life and attacks me. I high block the attack from one of it's branches with the back edge of the blade and them slash it through the middle. It goes flying across the stream, not quite cut in half, but with a deep gash in it.

      I celebrate by going nuts on the other trees and slashing at them for fun.

      100m Dash
      I'm running a 100m dash at a track meet. My father is racing it too. I'm surprised to find out that I'm not ceded at the top and aren't even in the top three. I get stuck in lane seven and wait for the gun.

      I get a shitty start, but easily pass the guy who was top cede and win the race. After the fact I look at the clipboard of one of the officials to see that it's wrong. I tell her that I won the race and try to get her to fix it.

      Then the dream goes to an art show. They first give back past entries that had been left.

    25. #125
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      Assistant Teaching
      It is the first day of training for the new school year in the Tae Kwon Do Club at Shippensburg. There are a lot of new people there and me, Brian, and Jon are helping Grandmaster Hillson teach them the basics. Jon asks me what color a master's belt is in Shorin Ryu. I tell him red and black (I think it's actually red and white,) then I ask him why Grandmaster Hillson is still wearing black. I thought ninth and tenth degree blackbelts were red.

      Becky messaged me yesterday about moving in to make sure that I had the rent paid.

      At Work Underwater
      The day is shitty and it's raining buckets on us at work, but Tom doesn't want to close. There is about a foot of water covering the entire place and I guess that we are there to clean everything up when it's done. I want to play video games. I think I have my iPod and am playing solitaire.

      What's in a Bloody Mary?
      I'm watching Jeopardy. It's a special Jeopardy with couples working together. Alex asks one of them what's in a bloody mary and they discuss it for some time. The game now turns into a Millionaire clone in which they stall. The man thinks its banana juice but now takes a sip of one.

      He says that it's made from the seeds of something. I say that that's technically true and can't believe that this guy doesn't know that. They call out to a friend, I'm not sure if he knows the answer or now. The woman decides that they are going to use both of their remaining lifelines to make sure.

      That commercial with someone called Sir Charge mentions a bloody mary.

      I'm giving the lifeguards a break at work and am bouncing between stations. One of them gives me a piece of white cake, saying that it's Sloane's and that I can have it. Sloane confirms that I can have it when I see her and eat a slice.

      Now we are down at the boats together and a storm is brewing. Out of no where a tornado forms and comes right at us. Sloane dives underwater and I run to the boat house, but don't make it in time. I grab one of the rails and hold on for my life.

      It passes and we run down to the other shack as another tornado touches down near us and destroys a bunch of houses. Sloane runs into the nearest building and I run to the shack that we were headed for.

      The second tornado passes and we inspect the damage. I check out a large room and none of the lights work, there is a slide that seems damaged. The ground underneath it had been taken away and it didn't reach because it was stuck on a rock.

      I tell Tom and he asks me and my brother to move the rock, it's the size of a refrigerator. Then I go look at the rails that I had been holding on. They were ripped to shreds and parts of them were missing. I was lucky that mine didn't come apart on me.

      I come to the realization that I almost died, but somebody reassures me that guys in their twenties don't die in tornados, guys in their thirties do.

      The other day Sloane had a really sexy white bikini on. Maybe that's where that white cake came from.
      Last edited by ninja9578; 08-07-2007 at 02:41 PM.

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