Pink flying scorpion

Makes a change from a pig, I suppose. I hoped my long term recall would be better as I didn't write this down whan I woke up. Some of it stays in my mind, later in the day.

I was in a room and others were there too. There was a small creature that looked like a prawn but was apparently a scorpion. But it was prawn-coloured. It could also fly, which was fascinating to some but I didn't like it. I just wanted it to stop.

I can't think past the "noises in my head" that I've been dreaming about lately. The mechanical things for example. The scorpion gives it an extra "sting" just like the mechanical things from outer space. A degree of uncertainty as to whether it's an irritant or something potentially fatal. COme to think of it, that's the paranoia I feel in waking life. Out of the chaos, something or someone may attack.