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    Thread: Shared Dreams: See you on the Moon!

    1. #276
      Member GreyDecay's Avatar
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      I had a dream last night that i couldn't remember when i woke up because i had to rush to the car shop to keep an appointment i made. I think it was my first WILD because i remember doing a WBTB and when i went back to sleep i was lucid and aware that i was dreaming, but too scared to move because i thought it would wake me up. Anyway, i went to sleep with the intent of going to the moon to see if i could make my way to the tower and then making a portal to PortalBoat because i told him i would try to find him and make him lucid. I have a vague memory of dreaming about Portalboat and possibly Nomad, but i was probably just dreaming about them and not actually with them. I do remember some dialogue too, but not what was said. I'd like someones opinion on whether or not this was possibly my first SD, and if my WILD experience sounds like it might have been a success.
      Total LDs: 8
      DILDs: 6
      DEILDs: 1
      Semi-Lucids: 1

      Goals Completed: 8

    2. #277
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by GreyDecay View Post
      I had a dream last night that i couldn't remember when i woke up because i had to rush to the car shop to keep an appointment i made. I think it was my first WILD because i remember doing a WBTB and when i went back to sleep i was lucid and aware that i was dreaming, but too scared to move because i thought it would wake me up. Anyway, i went to sleep with the intent of going to the moon to see if i could make my way to the tower and then making a portal to PortalBoat because i told him i would try to find him and make him lucid. I have a vague memory of dreaming about Portalboat and possibly Nomad, but i was probably just dreaming about them and not actually with them. I do remember some dialogue too, but not what was said. I'd like someones opinion on whether or not this was possibly my first SD, and if my WILD experience sounds like it might have been a success.
      That's great that you attempted. So, this is your dream, basically: " I have a vague memory of dreaming about Portalboat and possibly Nomad, but i was probably just dreaming about them and not actually with them. I do remember some dialogue too"

      Any other details?

      Yes, it may be a shared dream, and it may have been a success. But, the only way to verify is if another's dream is similar. Do not let the lack of verification discourage you. I have been in others' dreams which I don't remember, and vice versa, yet I have other dreams with the same people in which we both remember.

      Keep trying. Log your attempts in your dream journal, with as much detail as possible.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    3. #278
      Member GreyDecay's Avatar
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      I'll make my second attempt tonight, aided by a tall glass of apple juice and the promise of more time to sleep in tomorrow. Wish me luck!
      Total LDs: 8
      DILDs: 6
      DEILDs: 1
      Semi-Lucids: 1

      Goals Completed: 8

    4. #279
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
      1 year registered Made lots of Friends on DV Referrer Bronze Veteran First Class 25000 Hall Points 10000 Hall Points Tagger First Class Huge Dream Journal
      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      Dream Healing in on the moon:

      I was standing with raven, Nomad, and a few others I did not recognize. We were all locked in an embrace. there was energy swirling all around us. Everyone Radiated a different color. Some were offering kind words of forgiveness and healing. others cried together. We all knew we would be strong again. All of my emotions were tenfold. I was getting disoriented.

      I left the group and wandered. I realized M wasn't there. I guess it's ok that she be by herself for now to get her bearings. I'll leave her alone for now. Still i felt very sad that i wouldn't be able to express my longing to set things right.

      Just then i noticed a small child holding my hand. She was about 4-5. I didn't know who she was. She looked like she was in a daze. She would have moments of lucidity and talk like a normal adult. I watched her zone in and out of this a few times. I was crouching on the ground now. She was clutching my arm tightly. I think we were both very confused.

      I woke up and pondered this. Could that be little C? the one i heard about?

      Dream 2: I was laying on the ground. The same child was patting me on the face very softly. She was patting me on my left eye. I looked at her. she said, "Well, are you going to be my..." Her voice jolted me it was so loud! I woke up before she finished the sentence.

      Be her what? Friend?, Joint dream gaurdian? take her to the dream park every now and then?

      I tried to talk to Q. I didn't get his message clearly. but he said that he liked my sincere desire for wanting to set right what I did to M. to cut her off like that. and since it was dangerous and forbidden to reach her in dreaming, I would instead help rehabilitate the child that was freed from her. It is a responsibility. I graciously accepted.

      Quote Originally Posted by Raven Knight View Post
      I was in a forest clearing. Nomad was there in jaguar man form. He was floating over a pond. He was in lotus position. Allison was there. She was looking at me strangely. I looked back at her. I wondered what she was looking at.

      "Yes?" I asked her.

      "Are you going to disappear?" she asked.

      "I hadn't planned on it…" I said.

      "You said you were waking up," she said, "so I thought you would disappear."

      "Waking up?" I asked, "I'm not sleeping…"

      "Yeah, you are," Allison said, "This is a dream. Did you forget?"

      I tried to levitate. I floated off the ground a few feet before landing again. "You're right. This is a dream."

      More people started arriving as if it was the beginning of a party. Before long a small group had assembled. Carlo, Pilgrim (Part human, part demon), Angelina, Basara, Q, Link, Sephiroth, Bakura, Spike, Altaïr, Vegeta, Nomad (on the ground now), Selene, Pixie, Allison, Sarnox, MoSh. MoSh gave Nomad a hug. Their hug came in my direction and I got pulled into it. Selene and Pixie got involved in the hug. Spike backed away. "I'll pass on this, mates," he said. We went from that to a group healing. Basara was playing guitar and singing, Nomad was playing his didgeridoo, and I was focused on Full Moonlight. I focused on sending some of the healing energy to Morrigan. A beam of golden energy fired into the sky. The golden energy filled the glen. It was flowing around and through everyone. It was so relaxing that I slipped to semi-lucidity…

      The healing spell finished. Allison looked at me strangely. Nomad said we needed to go to the Temple of Angels. He opened a portal and we all went through it. On the other side we were in a temple…

      Note: Things get weird here. I have a chunk of missing time. When I try to think about it all I can think of is a thick white fog. I see nothing through it. I don't remember any more dreams until I was with the others in that barren dimension where we have fought Scarlett / Ultimecia before. Now the entire group of us was there. I was still semi-lucid…

      We were on a barren landscape with a dark red sky. Red clouds floated in the sky. There was a pillar of energy a little ways off. Our group consisted of:

      Allison (wielding the Sword of Light), Carlo, Angelina, Pilgrim, me, Basara (on a silvery disc covered by a force field), Nomad (looking like Maxx), Selene, Pixie, Vegeta (sporting a glare that looked potentially lethal), Spike (trying to imitate Vegeta's glare), Altaïr (standing beside Vegeta), Sarnox (as a druid), Bakura, Link, Sephiroth, Q, MoSh (as a large winged serpent), another Q (no doubt MoSh's Q), yet another Q (Nomad's Q, Sacrosanct), and a big Mastiff sized black Pit Bull dog (snarling menacingly). As I was watching, the Mastiff sized dog became near horse-sized. I remember thinking that was one huge dog…

      We all headed towards the pillar of energy. I saw Allison put the Sword of Light away. I figured she wanted to take Ultimecia by surprise. I saw Ultimecia. She was standing beside the pillar waiting. She looked at me, then at Angelina, then at Carlo, then at Pilgrim.

      "You're still one short, bug girl," Ultimecia said with a laugh, "Why don't you all do yourselves a favor and go home? This is not your concern. You go home now, you live to tell about it. Deal?"

      "No," I said, "Release Scarlett right now and maybe you can avoid having your head ripped off and shoved up your ass!"

      "Fine," Ultimecia said as if it was a mere inconvenience that she would have to fight us, "Have it your way."

      A whole bunch of things rose out of the ground and a huge fight broke out. I figured all of the distractions were supposed to keep us from focusing attacks on Ultimecia herself. That wasn't going to work. I asked Allison if she knew where she had to be. She said yeah. I went over directly in front of Ultimecia. Some of the weird things she had summoned came after me. Three of them. Nomad intercepted one of them, Spike intercepted another, and the giant serpent swooped from the sky and grabbed the third, crushing it and throwing it to the ground.

      "Hey, now, take a look at me, let me dirty up your mind, I'll strip away your hard veneer, to see what I can find…" I focused on that song. The layers of darkness were peeled away so I could see in to the spark. Nomad got into position and launched white glowing tentacles out. As Ultimecia tried to move away from me his tentacles held her in place. Ultimecia seemed angry, and also a bit amused.

      "You already tried this once," she snarled, "Haven't you got any new tricks? This is getting boring!"

      Selene fired moon beams to hold the layers of darkness back to keep the spark revealed. The various enemies fighting around us all started closing in around us. They were trying to disrupt our attempt. I focused on levitating into the air to get away from them. Nomad flew up into the air, pulling Ultimecia with him as he rose. Carlo, Angelina, and Pilgrim all got at their point of the star. Allison took the final point of the star. Ultimecia looked over at her.

      "Another substitute?" she asked, "You really are desperate! At least the last one had some power!"

      Allison was not happy with that insult. She told Ultimecia she had better shut the fuck up. No, don't bother. We were going to shut her up. Ultimecia was laughing at Allison. She continued laughing until her laughter was cut short as Allison summoned the Sword of Light. Carlo had the Sword of Power, Pilgrim had the Sword of Darkness, Angelina had a sword with a wolf-head hilt, and I had my Witchblade sword.

      "But you're not…" Ultimecia said as she stared at Allison, apparently looking closer than she had before, "You are! You will find out your error, bitch! All you have signed up for is a painful death!" Ultimecia was trying to pull free again. A flying blue dragon sprayed Ultimecia with freezing water that froze all over her and effectively sealed her in ice. She wasn't moving now, but I could still see the rage in her eyes.

      All of our swords were connected by energy beams as the star formed this time, and I was focusing on the song Liberate by Disturbed. "Bold mother-f-er won't you liberate your mind this time!" I focused a lot of energy into it. All of the energy I could get hold of. The energy that was coming from the formation of the star. It formed a massive golden beam that fired directly through the peeled back dark layers and straight to the spark revealed within. There was an explosion there and then a ball of golden energy formed around the spark, forcing the darkness back away from it even farther.

      Basara had been flying around playing his music. Now he hovered directly over Ultimecia. A horse-sized Pit Bull dog ran/flew in to where the spark was. He crouched protectively over the spark, and he was surrounded by the golden sphere. Basara flew in there and another force field formed from his music. His music was also sending healing energy into the spark. Selene threw in beams of moonlight that wrapped around the outside of Basara's shield. Pixie's vines surrounded that. I could not see inside at all any more. I couldn't see the dog or Basara or the spark. Clearly the spark was as protected as it would ever be. Now it was time to send Ultimecia a message. Everyone who was able started firing massive energy attacks directly at the protected spark. The energy blasted around it and then seemed to disappear. The pillar of energy going into the sky looked different, though. It was pulsing with more colors of light. My Q had disappeared, too. I sent Battery, Damage, Inc., and Crush 'Em into the array of attacks. This went on for a short time before the pillar of energy into the sky finally flickered and went out.

      All of the attacks had incinerated all of the layers of darkness around Scarlett. The orb of protection around the spark sunk gently to the ground. The vines now peeled back. Then the barrier of moonlight vanished. Then Basara's shield went down. And the huge dog got up and walked away. There was a woman curled up on the ground in a fetal position. She was very pale. She wasn't moving. I went over to her. Basara was also looking at her. I could see she was barely breathing. I wondered if she would be ok. She no longer looked evil like Ultimecia. She had long black hair. She was naked. She was clutching onto something. I looked to see what it was but she was holding it too tightly. I didn't want to take it from her by force.

      Q appeared. "That bitch had herself a nice crack in the barrier of her prison," Q said, "She won't be using that one again…" He looked down at Scarlett. "She's going to need some recuperation," Q said, "Ultimecia's energy was in her for far too long. Of course any time is far too long… Actually, everyone here should go back to the moon for a healing session. All of you were exposed to her energy. I'll take Scarlett to the Glen of Healing where she can be surrounded by healing energy full time." He snapped his fingers and Scarlett was clothed in a red dress. He gently lifted her into his arms. Then they disappeared.

      I looked around at everyone. "Is everyone ok?" I asked. I got a lot of affirmatives. I focused on Through the Never and on getting back to the biodome. We went through the portal. We were in the glen now.

      "Warning!" the security system said, "Energy contamination detected! Initiating decontamination procedure! Prepare for positive energy flush!" The entire area was bathed in golden and blue energies before we could even start our healing spells. When we added our healing spells the energy became even more intense. I focused on sending some to Morrigan. A beam of energy fired into the sky. The intense healing was so relaxing that I completely lost lucidity and then I woke.
      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      DJ Notes:

      Go to the moon, summon MoSh, hugs yaay.

      Go to the Temple of Angels with Raven, and Warrior Tiger. Sacred Fountains. the pain of the Angels, and the power. Summon the Caduceus. where was Allison? here a the whole time.

      Fight against Ultimecia. Many allies. The five lords. Pixy, Selene, Jo, Rainstorm. I can't keep track of everyone. I merge with Selene. My eyes glow like the moon. Moon-Ra. Astral tentacles out of my third eye. Vines. Ice. Moon nets. Tiger Lord.

      The pentacle of the lords. U's third eye implodes. She shrieks with anger. Control is broken. Seperate!

      Bunyip: Earthquake song.
      Raven becomes Queen of Night, and dances mockingly at Ult. Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm.
      I laugh into my didjerdoo, and look more insane. FIRE!
      Hey, Come Out and Play!
      I am, Timelyst Knight, Lord of Night, I access infinite power. I become an android Liger then jaguar, then Nomad android. I roar, and ripple the fabric of time and space. The battle scene slows down. I create a wormhole on to her face. RAAAAAAAA!
      I fly through the wormhole, sensing my teleportation, and I land on her, and rip her throat out.
      Poet said, "You disgust me," and spat on her. His spit burned her skin. He disappeared. Sacrosanct fires cosmic blasts. Link cut her head off. Basara made a force field around the head and body. Raven pounded her staff on the ground and shouted. Vegeta fired pure energy.

      A woman separates out from Ultm. She looks all wet like she was just born. But, gross it's ectoplasm. She is naked in a fetal position. She looks like she is crying, but, ack, her cries are telepathic so FUCKING LOUD in my head.

      Sacrosanct picks her up and flies way after putting a red blanket on her that turns into a dress.

      Ultim, grows a new head and laughs still. The other Q's, two Golden Men, one with green eyes (MoSh's,) and one with violet eyes (Raven's, Sacrosanct is mainly blue), flying punches at the Old Hag.

      Raven fires astral tentacles from her staff of pure night energy. Stars in a black sky. The astral tentacles mangle the creature's energy. Raven is rippling space time to tear it apart.

      Basara sings: you have weaker energy, and it sounds like a thousand Japanese children, with thick accents. I shoot astral tentacles out of my paws like claws, and pierce her space time.

      Ult: I am not weaker!

      I start laughing. She fires golden bolts of pure raw energy at me. I wear a bathrobe in a Japanese garden. I turn into a house cat-man, a grey tabby. I bow, and my aura reflects the bolts, and turns them into fireworks. She does it more and more. I start laughing, and Michael does also. His aura adds to mine, and she shoots more bolts. Flowers. Koomo appears and starts laughing. Empowerments appear: weapons and energy armor float to the other fighters. Sarnox rides by as the Grim Reaper on a cute grey poodle, with a long bright pink toungue hanging out. He laughs like a child. hee hee hee. We start laughing harder. Dream emotion: Joy, Wonderment, Amazement, Power, Terror Francois appears and laughs. He is laughing so hard he is crying. Golden coins fountain from his eyes. He starts dancing and riding a small whale. The whale grins at us. WHAT THE FUCK?

      Everything zooms out. WHOOSH. I feel a roaring in my ears. We are all superheroes: pure color blasting pure color at ult. Poet: red fire, Raven, Scarlett Witch, Green Lantern, me, full blast, then I ring whipped her, Poet changed to Superman/Shazzam, laser eyes, and a blast of water, MoSh was a Naga man: pure poison. Warrior Tiger was riding a cute fuzzy baby triceratops with leopard spots. She was wearing a leopard costume....
      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      Dream Notes:

      Cover myself with my spaceship, and fly to the Biodome. Raven? "She left awhile ago, mate, don't forget, you are dreaming.
      Sit in my temple and sigh.
      Do self-healing. Raven appears with Warrior Tiger. She appears as a Siberian Tiger. Raven is a black jaguar. I turn into a black tiger with purple stripes. Sarnox changes into a Mollosian.

      We look at the stars. Silverwolf goes the sky, riding a wolf. We laugh. Let's find plants to bring back to the Biodome.

      I see MoSh. There is a little girl holding his hand. He is talking to her about a butterfly. A pink winged rabbit hops by. She grabs it and pets it. It hops away and she chases it. They disappear.

      I give Raven a hug. We talk to each other telepathically. It's like an exchange of emotion even deeper than thought. Pixy appears and gives her a hug, and whispers something in her ear.

      We toss seeds on the ground. Pixy makes them grow. I see my fingers are glowing white. Selene and I are still merged. MoonRa.

      The flowers have faces, they smile and talk to us. They start walking around and doing the can-can. Warrior Tiger turns into Alice and says, "oh!"

      I turn into The Cheshire Cat and start laughing. Raven turns into toto and barks at Warrior Tiger, then she says, "Oops!" and turns into the White Rabbit. "Com here you!"

      She runs down a hole.

      We go to Wonderland. 360 vision. Brightness. Madness. Wonder. I see R. She runs across the chessboard, and gives me a hug. I am stuck in a maze! Help.

      Let's just fly! oh ok! I turn in Peter Pan, and she turns into Wendy. Silverwolf in a little skunk costume, a cute little girl riding a wolf.

      R picks her up. "Aw!.... ack!" Hey man.

      She's a grown woman.

      "Where are we?"



      "my own little interdimensional pocket!"

      "Have some ice cream! Lets go flying haha. I'll race you. I can run faster! Oh, really?" Cheetah
      she turns into a cheetah

      we race I begin to lose I grab her, and knock her to the ground. We tumble around. then I lick her face. nuzzle

      why did you leave? why did you leave? why didn't you leave him?

      Specter of an ogre.

      "A spell!" He pulls her away. Break the cord!

      I can't! Help me.

      You have to do it yourself. I can't.

      Goodbye! "No, Nate!"

      I teleport away. I stumble into the glen of healing.

      she's covered in darkness... look at you...

      stay away from that creature.

      i want to help. You can't! You know the truth. She married the ogre. She is the ogre's wife.

      I scream at the sky at the entrance to the cave. Falcon. arrow.

      who shot me? you shot your self.


      in your madness.

      Crying with grief. Parasites came off my heart. Falling asleep. Mummification.

      dreams within dreams within dreams.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    5. #280
      Machine Elf ragincajun2288's Avatar
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      So cool

      Wow I didn't know people on this site were sharing dreams that's pretty sweet. Me and my girl been trying to share dreams lately but she's still struggling with becoming lucid so it's pretty hard for her. I had a dream the other night that I was flying in a helicopter piloted by her but she doesn't remember it. Funny thing was I was hanging out the side door with a large microphone yelling at people, telling them to "wake up" (become lucid)?

      Anyways, next time I LD I'll try to make it a point to go to the moon, hopefully I'll see you guys there.

    6. #281
      Dream Warrior Achievements:
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      10/10/2009 White Rabbit

      Shared dream with WakingNomad and Raven Knight

      Quote Originally Posted by Raven Knight View Post
      Note: This entire dream was non-lucid in spite of it being extremely weird!

      I was in a beautiful forest glen. I looked around to see where I was. There was a pond with colorful fish swimming around in it. I didn't recognize the location. I started walking around. I stepped in a hole and fell on my face with a curse. I pulled my foot from the hole and sat up on the ground. I turned and looked at the hole. It was a foot in diameter! How in the world could I have missed such a huge hole? I cursed at myself as I pulled myself to my feet to walk away. I walked a bit farther and then heard something behind me. I turned to look. The hole was bigger now. About three feet in diameter. Woah… It had grown again. I couldn't see a bottom to the hole now. I wondered where it had come from. I didn't sense any danger within the hole. Just a possible adventure. I wondered how I could get down there without making myself go splat. I looked around for a vine or something to climb. I wasn't finding anything. I found that frustrating. I thought I saw something a bit higher in a tree. I backed away from the tree to see it better… and I backed right into the hole!

      I was falling into darkness. I was wishing I could fly. I was anticipating a rather hard impact at the bottom of the hole… but the bottom of the hole never seemed to come. Finally I saw the bottom rushing up at me… slowing… slowing… stopped… I was now hovering just inches over the bottom of the hole. I was also in a passage. I looked around the passage. It stretched off to my left and right. I wondered what I was supposed to do now. I fell the final few inches to the ground. The dirt was soft and it didn't hurt at all. I got up. The passage was tall enough for me to stand up in. I looked back up the hole I had fallen through. I could see a faint point of light up there. No way to get back up. So I might as well check out one of the passages. I still didn't sense any danger. I headed down the passage to my right.

      The passage seemed to go on forever. I somehow didn't question where the light was coming from. Even with no visible sources of light I could see just fine. Being underground should've rendered me virtually blind. I finally came to an exit from the passage. It was on the vertical face of a cliff. The cliff went straight up and straight down from where I was. I looked up. Nothing visible but blue sky. I looked down… Nothing visible but blue sky… WTF? I tried to crawl a bit farther out so I could see better. I was making sure I didn't lose my footing on the passage floor… and I fell… onto the face of the cliff?! The face of the cliff was now as the ground… Uh… that was weird. I wasn't sure what to think of that. I felt really disoriented. I was walking on the face of the cliff… but it felt like the ground. I saw a bird flying over my head. I wasn't even sure if it was over me or beside me. That's how disoriented I was. I started feeling like I would fall away from the face of the cliff. I got down on my hands and knees because I felt more stable. I looked back at the passage into the cliff. The hole was still there. There was a white rabbit peeking out of the hole. I would have sworn the rabbit was laughing at me.

      "Laugh it up, Thumper!" I yelled at the rabbit. The rabbit laughed harder than ever. I found the laughing rabbit slightly irritating. I wanted to get to the rabbit and pull a Gibbs (a playful smack on the back of the head) on it. I crawled towards the rabbit. The rabbit was no longer laughing. Now it seemed to be urging me on. I still felt like I might fall off of the cliff face. I felt like Spiderman, but I felt like I was about to lose my powers. The rabbit was still urging me on. I no longer wanted to pull a Gibbs on the rabbit. I was almost to the rabbit. It was hopping happily. I was almost to the hole when I actually did fall off the face of the cliff and into the air. I was falling 'down' away from the cliff face which actually made it feel more like I was falling sideways. This was way too disorienting. I woke up.
      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      I was hiding in a hollow in a tunnel. I was a little white rabbit. I knew she was going to walk past me soon. I heard her footsteps. A girl that looked like Little Red Riding Hood, but all in white, walked by me. I stifled a giggle. She started floating forward, as if she was falling, then she started walking on the wall of the cave, then the floor. I thought this was terribly funny. I covered my mouth with my paw and tried not to giggle. She climbed out of the cave, and started walking on the surface of a cliff, which became the ground.

      I followed her very quietly right behind her. I almost jumped into her heel. When she got on to the ground, she turned into Alice.
      "Hullo?" she said. "What do we have here?" She looked around at the sky. Animal shaped clouds were floating by. A winged hippo cloud flew by and grinned at her.
      I popped my head out. "Heeheehee. Hi!" I said.
      "Well, you are you?"
      I couldn't remember. I shrugged my shoulders.
      "Christopher Ro-o-o-bin!" I said.
      "Well, you silly rabbit! That's not your name, and it's not my name either!"
      "Let's have some Candyland!" I said. I offered her a chocolate covered lollipop.
      I gave it to her, and it turned into a flower. The flower said, "Hello, Alice!"
      "Oh! How very strange!" she said.
      I multiplied all the holes, and dozens of rabbits hopped out, other multiples of me. We laughed and hopped about randomly.
      "Oh, you silly bunnies! How do I get back home?"
      "Follow the rabbit to the wizard!" I said.
      "What do you mean?"
      "I don't know!" I giggled.
      She crawled back in the hole. "No, you can't go that way!"
      She came back out. She tapped her foot. "Then what?"
      I shrugged. She stuck her tongue out at me, then disappeared.
      "Darn!" I said. "I lost my playmate." I grew wings and flew away.
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

      Tasks of the Year Completed: China (Asia)

    7. #282
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Comment: I am healing in the Cave of the Frost Giant, mummified, buried within dreams within dreams. I am in my "inner world" an interdimensional pocket I created when I was a child, Neverwonderland, populated by fairy tale and Disney characters. I forgot it was there, until I went there!

      I was also non-lucid. I even forgot who I was. Thanks for visiting me, Raven Knight!
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    8. #283
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      Fascinating! i dreamed last night of a haunted house. in Raven knight's dream she picked me up from a haunted house. I started a dream... she finished it. Amazing!

      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Shred View Post
      Haunted house:

      Me and some friends wanted to see a haunted house for halloween. So many things happened there.

      First i went inside and there was two hallways that were slanting up. I went up one. But i seemed to be getting lost. I went into a room on my right and sat down at a computer. I began talking to MoS in DV chat. Suddenly Dally, my friend from didsbury was behind me. he said that he was a member of DV and i forget the username he gave. I talked to MoS saying that this user was behind me.

      Next i left the room and went up the hallway. I was pulled back to the entrance however and my shoes were missing. Someone pointed out that my shoes were on the roof. I climbed up the side of the house, i didn't see the shoes. I climbed up from another angle and spotted my shoes on top of a ladder. I went down to find the window where the ladder was. I climbed onto the ladder but it was kind of broken. I climbed up the ladder anway and it fell over along with my shoes. I was inside the house but there was grass and dirt everywhere. A woman pointed out my shoes.

      They were on the ground. so i picked them up and put them back on. I was at the entrance again so i went to the left hallway slanting up. at the end of a hallway i found my dad there. and suddenly i was outside again.

      I was in the backyard of the house and i saw the next place to enter was a resteraunt where the spooky effect was : you go into the place and sit down. order a meal and then everyone in the place vanishes. I walked inot the resteraunt and it was a huge hall filled with tables. all sorts of people were eating. A lady server went up to me and told me to sit down. I said " I know the trick, you are just going to disappear once i order, I've done this before.". The woman said "yes". and i was shown the back exit.

      Outside i knew there was more to this horror house. I saw more houses to enter but they were all closed for the season. I walked bak to the front of the house.

      Dream 2: I'm with Raven Knight. that is all i remember.
      Quote Originally Posted by Raven Knight View Post
      I fell asleep with my light / sound machine on and the goal of picking up both Allison and MoSh before heading into a world Q had told me about that is similar to a Fallout III scenario. I fell asleep with this goal in mind. The images on the inside of my eyelids took form as I slipped into a WILD…

      I was in a strange place. I looked around to see where I was. It was a fairly normal looking neighborhood… all except for one house which was inexplicably shrouded in darkness and creepiness. My attention was caught by that house. I headed over towards it. It looked sooooo out of place. Dark clouds and lightning around it while the rest of the neighborhood was sunny and warm. Someone was walking out of it at a leisurely pace. That seemed odd considering the creepiness factor of the house. That someone was a man and he came over to me. He said for me not to waste my money. The haunted house wasn't impressive. I commented that they had sure gone to a lot of trouble to make the outside look creepy. He said it was all on the outside, nothing cool inside. I looked at the man I was talking to and a name popped into my mind. He was turning to walk away.

      "MoSh?" I asked him.

      He stopped and looked at me. "Yeah," he said as he looked at me closely.

      "You're dreaming," I said, "Do a reality check. It's me, Raven!" I didn't notice what he did for a reality check or if he did one at all. "Allison wants to come. Let's go get her."

      "Sure," MoSh said.

      I opened a portal, focusing on getting to Allison. MoSh followed me through the portal. On the other side we were in a small park. Allison was on a bench playing on her laptop. Jen was there looking irritated. She told Allison she wanted to go. Allison said in just a minute… she was about to level up. Jen walked away in an annoyed huff. I looked back at MoSh. I wondered if he was the right MoSh. I focused on calling Q. Q appeared and asked what was up. I asked him if I had the right MoSh. He looked at MoSh for a bit. Another Q appeared. My Q spoke to the second Q for a bit and then came back and said we were in the presence of the MoSh that I have spoken to on Skype. I said that was good. I went over to Allison. She was playing Fallout III… or something similar. She was using magic spells in it. That wasn't normal.

      "Are you ready to go?" I asked her.

      "Not now, Jen," she said irritatedly, "I'm in the middle of a fight here!"

      "I'm not Jen," I said, "And I thought we were going to a far more realistic version of that game…"

      Allison looked up at me… and her character died.

      "You're dreaming," I said, "Do a reality check…"

      While Allison was doing a reality check I looked around for MoSh. He'd wandered off a bit and was looking at a puppy hiding in the bushes. He pointed at the puppy and it disappeared. He came back and said the puppy was a DC. I said the DC was most likely of Allison's creation. Jen came back and was still annoyed. MoSh pointed at her. She disappeared. He said she was another DC. I said if Allison was done playing video games and MoSh was done playing with Allison's DC's maybe we could go. They both agreed. As if he knew he was needed, Q came over to us. He snapped his fingers and the scene around us changed…

      We were in a rundown town. There were a lot of trashed houses along a cracked up street. The houses were in various states of disrepair ranging from just a couple of broken windows and needing a paint job to a pile of rubble. There was a large make-shift structure at the end of the road we were on. It looked like it was put together from salvaged garbage. There were armed guards outside a large gate in the wall. Razor wire on top of the wall. The armed guards spotted us and came out. There were five of them. They had guns aimed at us. One of them, a particularly large and ugly man, came forward, making himself appear to be the leader.

      "Buying or selling?" he asked, "I don't see any merchandise, so can I assume you're buying?"

      "We want the slaves," Allison said.

      "We got all types of slaves for the right price," the man said, "Strong ones, smart ones, pretty ones (looked at MoSh), handsome ones (looked at Allison and me), all able bodied and yours for the right price."

      "How about you hand them all over?" I said.

      "We're talking a lot of coin for that," the man said.

      "You hand them all over," I said, "and in exchange you get to live."

      "Where's the fun in that?" Allison asked.

      The man laughed. He did something to something in his pocket. The gate opened and a bunch more people came out, all of them heavily armed.

      "You wanna repeat that threat?" he asked with a laugh.

      "There's more of them," MoSh said, "Good. I'd thought this was going to turn out to be boring."

      "Kill the fools," the man said as he pointed his gun at Allison.

      Q telepathically reminded me to remind MoSh to change into his Naga form. I whispered in MoSh's ear, "Change into a Naga… that should freak them out! Say, 'I am Naga' and change."

      He looked at me odd for a bit and then seemed to remember. "I am Naga," he said.

      "You're what?" the man said, momentarily distracted from shooting by such a strange statement. He looked over at MoSh just in time to see him turn into a large winged serpent. Now the gun fell from his hand and his jaw hung open far enough for a blowfly to fly inside. (A blowfly is a mutant fly from Fallout III about the size of a rabbit.) "What the FUCK?"

      The huge serpent flew forward, slithering through the air and grabbed the stunned man, biting him completely in half and throwing the body aside. The other slavers started firing their weapons at the giant snake. Their gunfire seemed to bounce right off MoSh's armor-like skin.

      Q spoke to me telepathically again. He told me to do the Queen of Night if I wanted to learn to control it better. I heard a commotion next to me on my right this time. MoSh had been on my left. I looked and saw Allison was gone… there was a huge werewolf in her place… with huge claws… and a double barreled combat shotgun. Two slavers were attacking her. She sliced one open with her claws and unloaded a shotgun blast right at the other one's balls… and a second at his head to silence his screaming. Their gunfire also didn't penetrate her thick werewolf skin. They must've forgotten their silver bullets! Q repeated to me to use the Queen of Night… just for control practice. I said no, I might not control it and she might kill the slaves. He said no, she wouldn't. Because it is not a separate entity… it's just another part of me… and I wouldn't kill the slaves. He said the worst thing that could happen is the Queen of Night form might be a bit more violent with the slavers. No loss there.

      After speaking with Q I realized I was alone now. Both MoSh and Allison had left. There was a slaver aiming a machine gun at me.

      "Looks like your freak friends have left you all alone," he said. He looked me up and down, licking his lips. "But you might yet have something you can buy your life with…" He obviously wanted to have sex. Gross!

      "I am the Queen of Night," I said.

      "You ain't the queen of… uh… what the FUCK?"

      My licidity slipped to semi-lucidity. I was holding a cat now. A cute little black one. And I had the idea I was dressed as Sorceress Edea from Final Fantasy 8.

      "You'll still die like a bitch," he said as he laughed. He open fired his machine gun. All of the bullets bounced off an invisible shield. I could hear myself laughing at him but it didn't sound like me… it was kind of creepy. The cute cat in my arms turned into a large winged panther with me on her back. The slaver emptied his gun and then threw the weapon itself… and then he got cut down by Shadow's claws.

      Now I was riding a large winged panther through the sky, throwing bolts of lightning at slavers. The slavers were open firing at anything that moved. They were sometimes hitting each other. What had them in such a panic was the fact there was a giant winged serpent, a werewolf, and some weird witch woman riding a black cat tearing them apart and all three seemed impervious to any of their weapons. Many of them were running for their lives and got cut down before they could escape. I hit a couple of the cowards with lightning bolts. I found that amusing. I found the fact I thought it was amusing to be a bit disturbing. I laughed as I threw a lightning bolt to kill a slave trader who was begging for his life. I found that even more disturbing. But it seemed like I wasn't completely in control. I fought for control. Stop killing people who are begging for their lives! I got a response thought that he would just have gone back into the slave trade business once he had escaped. And he would have taken his frustration out by torturing slaves. That pissed me off and I blasted another group of slavers.

      I saw the holding area in the back had been broken open. A bunch of slaves were making a run for it. A giant serpent was covering for them from one side. MoSh flew down and plowed numerous slavers into the ground, blasting more with fire from his mouth. A werewolf was clearing the way in front of the slaves. Allison was cutting and shooting through slavers trying to block the slaves' escape. Slavers were attacking the escaping slaves from the other side. I threw down a wall of lightning to block their attack. The wall of lightning surrounded the attacking slavers and I filled it with fire and heard myself laughing as they burned. Very disturbing. Lightning came from Shadow's eyes and stopped some more attackers from behind the escaping slaves. I saw the slaves reaching the edge of the rundown town. The slavers were all scattering, trying to escape now. There were very few left. I threw lightning and took a few of them down before they could escape. Also disturbing. Why didn't I have control? I was trying to regain complete control and lucidity when everything around me faded to black and I woke.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    9. #284
      Hungry Dannon Oneironaut's Avatar
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      Do y'all ever think about how the Moon is a hollow spacecraft that drifted here attracted by the warm glow of awareness here on earth and is filled with parasitic IBs and sucubi who feed off of our psychich energy and emotions? What about Solar worlds or Venusian worlds or better yet....
      Has anyone explored the planets in the Sirian star system? They call it the Dog Star but that is a misnomer. The word Cannabis (marijuana, pot, reefer, pakalolo,etc) refers to Sirius. Cannabis comes from the words Canine and Bis. Or double dog. Sirius is actually two stars. Astronomers came to know about this only recently but so-called primitive tribal people, but dreaming sophisticates, have known this for millenia.
      Waking Nomad, if you can go to the Moon all the time you can try to make it to Sirius. See if the word ITA means anything there and let me know.

    10. #285
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dannon Oneironaut View Post
      Do y'all ever think about how the Moon is a hollow spacecraft that drifted here attracted by the warm glow of awareness here on earth and is filled with parasitic IBs and sucubi who feed off of our psychich energy and emotions? What about Solar worlds or Venusian worlds or better yet....
      Has anyone explored the planets in the Sirian star system? They call it the Dog Star but that is a misnomer. The word Cannabis (marijuana, pot, reefer, pakalolo,etc) refers to Sirius. Cannabis comes from the words Canine and Bis. Or double dog. Sirius is actually two stars. Astronomers came to know about this only recently but so-called primitive tribal people, but dreaming sophisticates, have known this for millenia.
      Waking Nomad, if you can go to the Moon all the time you can try to make it to Sirius. See if the word ITA means anything there and let me know.
      Do you double dog dare me? Do ya?

      Actually, I have been planning on going to Sirius and the Pleiades. I never thought of that first concept. Interesting.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    11. #286
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      Do you double dog dare me? Do ya?

      Actually, I have been planning on going to Sirius and the Pleiades. I never thought of that first concept. Interesting.
      It is just something I've been reading lately. Here is the breakdown:

      The succubae and other parasitical IBs in the occult lore have historically inhabit the lunar astral realms. The connection the author is making is that these are the Greys (you know these aliens) that either have a base inside the moon or on the far side of the moon. Their DNA is corrupted and they need to reproduce with humans in an attempt to fix their DNA to get their emotions and empathy back. They cannot evolve or reproduce on their own. As they age they replace their organs with prosthetic nano-technolofy organs so that they are now moslty artificial. But also they exist on the border of the physical and astral frequencies.

      The Moon siphons off our emotional energy that these beings feed on, having none of their own. The Moon is a dead planetoid that survives parasitically off of Earth and the Sun. Having no light of its own it reflects the light of the sun in order to mesmerise us.

      The author went on to say that for the healing and ascension of the Humans and the Earth, we need to balance out the masculine divinity with the feminine divinity. So we need to honor the male principal of divinity as represented by the Sun and the female principle as the Earth rather than the Moon. We are the mind of Earth and if we don't succeed in enlightenment the Earth will not ascend and therefore die out.

      He also points out that the Greys are feeding off of our imbalance because we are destroying the Earth (raping) with too much Yang energy and the Greys are yin beings so in a sense they are serving a function to balance the Energies. So we will never become free of alien IB dominance unless we learn to honor the Earth and stop trying to prove our manhood by raping the earth with our technology and sciences but rather use our technology and science in a more nurturing to the Earth way.

      Just something I've been thinking about. I am digesting this information before I assimilate it or not into my worldview.

      But YES, I double Dog Dare you to visit Sirius. Especially the planets in the system. And find out if the word ITA means anything or ITANAMI

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      Weird. i read this thread a little for the first time last night and ironically, I had a LD last night (hadn't had one in a while too) and I flew to the moon and saw 2 people with what looked like to be armor fighting lol. I never fought in a dream before so one of them knocked me off the moon!

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      Quote Originally Posted by aliciaagraceful View Post
      Weird. i read this thread a little for the first time last night and ironically, I had a LD last night (hadn't had one in a while too) and I flew to the moon and saw 2 people with what looked like to be armor fighting lol. I never fought in a dream before so one of them knocked me off the moon!
      Sounds like two of us were practicing with our witchblades.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    14. #289
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by aliciaagraceful View Post
      Weird. i read this thread a little for the first time last night and ironically, I had a LD last night (hadn't had one in a while too) and I flew to the moon and saw 2 people with what looked like to be armor fighting lol. I never fought in a dream before so one of them knocked me off the moon!
      What color was the armor?

      Sorry that happened! Come back!
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    15. #290
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      I posted this in Raven's topic, did you see me in your dream? I was on the moon singing "WakingNomad! Raven Knight!" over and over with my arms swinging. Ask me if you want to see my dream image.

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      How can you share dreams with someone though? Do you live together or something or what?

    17. #292
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Spi View Post
      I posted this in Raven's topic, did you see me in your dream? I was on the moon singing "WakingNomad! Raven Knight!" over and over with my arms swinging. Ask me if you want to see my dream image.
      That is awesome. No, I didn't see you. What did you see? We'll meet up.

      Quote Originally Posted by Lucidness View Post
      How can you share dreams with someone though? Do you live together or something or what?
      Check out the tutorial in my signature. We live in different states.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    18. #293
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      That was only my second time on the moon. They only last a few seconds. I hardly was able to scope around. At that time, I could only see myself in third person rejoicing. Wonder how I could make it easier to stay there. Any more details of this shared moon you can tell me so I can get a good picture?

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      immediately when I woke up, and wrote down the dream, I didn't get into detail about the color so I didn't write it down and forgot. Maybe I should next time, and I'll try that again!

      Wait were any of you on the moon last night??

    20. #295
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      Sometimes Shared dreams follow a particular plotline.

      Raven's Dream:

      11/27/09 Bribe From the Anti-Christ?!
      I fell asleep with a lot of negative energy tonight. I'm not entirely sure where it came from. I got rid of some of it killing Templars in Assassin's Creed II, but there was still plenty left when I fell asleep using my light / sound machine to slip into a WILD…

      I found myself in the biodome. I was standing near the pond with the colorful fish. I was feeling a bit negative. I wanted to hurt someone. I was going to find someone to hurt. I used Through the Never and opened a portal to somewhere I was needed. A portal opened and I used it. I thought I heard someone say my name as I left.

      "Raven! Wait!" said a man behind me. But the portal was already closing.

      I looked around in my new location. There was a man there with me. I didn't recognize the location. The place was non-descript. Looked like the interior of the Animus in Assassin's Creed. Nothing to see in any direction. Just a solid ground to stand on. I looked at the man again. Was he the person I was ok to kill? I had been hoping for more than one. Like a nice army of Templars… or a camp full of slave traders… Maybe this guy was powerful. Maybe it would suffice. He didn't look particularly powerful. He was wearing a suit and tie. He looked more like a banker than a warrior. I walked over to him and asked who he was and what he wanted. He smiled at me. I was getting the urge to shove a hidden blade in his neck. I fought the urge, thinking it was just my negative energy.

      "You could be a very rich woman, Ms. Knight," he said, still sounding like a business man.

      "What are you talking about?" I asked him, "This is a dream. I can summon all the money I want." I summoned a bunch of $100 bills to rain down on us. I then summoned a rain of gold coins… and then a barrel filled with assorted precious gems. "I could summon a vault filled with gold coins and swim in it like Scrooge McDuck!" I summoned a pool full of coins and dove in. The pool felt like swimming in water but I was swimming in coins. I surfaced and climbed out of the pool. I knocked a coin out of my ear. "So what do I want with money?"

      "Not in here, of course," the man said in an impatient way, "On the physical plane. I have the connections to get you everything you've ever wanted. You want to start Outer Realms Software? Consider it done. With the best in the field to help you with every possible aspect. So you can focus on the creative parts. If we work together everything you've ever wanted will be yours."

      "That's going to happen anyway," I said, "I am on the path I need to be on. My energy will guide me there without selling out… who are you? You look familiar…" His image changed slightly, or my perception of him changed. He looked like Nicolae Carpathia, the deceptive anti-Christ from the Left Behind book series that I read a few of. The meaning of that was clear. He was lying through his teeth.

      "So," Nicolae said, "Do we have a deal?" He had a fancy looking pen and a piece of parchment.

      "Do you know how I can tell you're lying?" I asked him, feeling more annoyed at him for trying to deceive me.

      "What?" he asked.

      "Your lips are moving," I said, "I'm really not in a good mood right now. So you had better get lost before I tear your dick off and shove it so far up your ass that you're giving yourself a fucking blowjob!"

      "You should really reconsider," Nicolae said.

      "Ok," I said, "Let me see that parchment." I went over to him. He was smiling as he handed me the parchment. He was smiling right up to the point where I formed Witchblade into a hidden blade and gutted him with it.

      "You…" Nicolae gasped out, "have… made… a big… mistake…"

      "Go tell that to your father in Hell," I told him and used Battery to hit him with a bolt of lightning. He was dead. His body disappeared.

      A portal opened behind me. I saw Nomad through it. I was feeling dizzy now. I went through to see Nomad. He was in the biodome. He was looking at me with a concerned look.

      "What's up?" I asked him, "Kill any anti-Christs lately? I just gutted and toasted one." I laughed a bit insanely. The fact my laugh sounded insane made me laugh even more maniacally.

      "You need healing," Nomad said.

      "I need an anit-anti-Christ repellant…" I said, "I bet the anti-Christ is just Robert de Sable in disguise… Those damn fucking Templars are everywhere! They all need to die!" I thought I shouldn't have said that… "No… I'm not talking about you, Malkus… you're not really with the Templars anymore… This is the land of No Templars. No TemplarS. That means there can be one. And you don't really count as a Templar because you're with us now… and…" I was feeling even dizzier. And I was rambling. And Malkus wasn't even there. So I was talking to someone who wasn't there. Not a good sign. I felt dizzy and then everything around me faded to black.

      Nomads dreams:

      Speak up, sonny boy!

      They were following me in the wormhole. I spun my bed around, and shot lasers at them. They shot lasers back at me. I formed a merkabah and the lasers bounced off. I landed on the Moon. I stretched and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked like Ebenezer Scrooge.
      “We want to speak to you sir,” they said.
      “Eh, speak up sonny boy!”
      “Sir, we want to speak to you. It’s regarding your social security number.”
      “What? Oh, that program is a sham!” I said dismissively. I summoned a walker, and made my way to the gate of the biodome. One of the remote viewers tried to hand me a paper.
      “Damn the IRS! I hate politicians!” I said.
      ”Hostile Detected, back away from The Biodome,” said the Bidome’s AI.
      I made a keypad appear, just to be silly. I punched in a code: 888888888888888888 to the infinite power. In other words, I punched 8 til the end of time. That’s the code to get in. haha.
      The remote viewer got lasered and teleported away. I laughed. The gate opened up, and I walked through. I changed into a lion-man in my Five suit, then a three piece suit. I found Raven sitting on the bench by the koi pond staring into it.
      “Raven? Are you...”
      ”Okay,” she said. “Let’s practice-“ she stood up weakly, then collapsed into my arms. “Aw,” I said. I picked her up, and put her over my shoulder. I changed my suit to be an all-white superhero suit with a white cape, and a five on my chest.
      MoSh appeared. He was wearing blue jeans, worn running shoes, and a green tshirt with a cartoon snake on it, and a black hoodie that said “MoSh” on the hood, and the “s” was a snake. “What happened?”
      “Raven’s sick.” I was a lion-man wearing scrubs and a light on my forehead. “Aw,” he said, and stroked her hair. “Where are we going?” he said.
      “To the Cave of the Frost Giant.”
      Silverwolf, Allison, and Basara appeared. “We are coming, too,” said Silverwolf. SIlverwolf was a werewolf in a brown robe holding a gnarled wooden staff, that had a wolf’s paw holding a wooden orb at the top. She had one green eye, and one grey eye. Allison nodded. Allison was wearing a bright red dress, and she had red horns shaped somewhat like bat wings, and she also had something like red bat wings coming out of her back. They were shaped like a praying mantis’ forelegs. She had a black and red wand, with a gargoyle perched atop an orb at the top. She had light blue eyes.. Robert (MoSh) sprouted angel wings, and the snake on his tshirt had glowing eyes that changed color, and a stripe down its side that changed color. It sprouted white angel wings, and looked at me and grinned. Robert’s eyes became bright green.

      The Sacred Pentacle
      I waved a white ram’s head wand with glowing eyes in front of the mirror. We stepped through to the Glen of Healing. I laid her down gently in the grass. I stood at her head, as the grass lifted her up. I placed my hands on her temples. Silverwolf played a small ocarina, then, wooden flute, then pan pipes. Allison’s wand spun, and changed into a caduceus. Basara and MoSh played guitar. A pentacle of red energy was formed. I summoned my caduceus, and made it spin. A vortex formed, channeling ambient golden energy into the pentacle. Allison’s did also. Red energy came out of Basara, green energy out of MoSh, and blue energy out of Silverwolf.
      The pentacle spun in all directions, forming a sphere. The Frost Giant appeared, and blew herbs into the sphere, which went down into Raven’s wounds. The Frost Giant picked her up, and put her on his back. Joseph flew down, a white eagle, and grabbed Raven’s arms of her dream body, and we went to his cave. The Frost Giant set Raven’s astral body down in the cave. It was mummified, glowing yellow. Joseph turned into a boy, and gave Raven a blanket. The Frost Giant summoned a bowl, and scooped soup into it, then handed it to her. Raven quietly sipped it. “Even warriors need to rest sometimes,” he said. Raven smiled, and he put his arm around her, and I saw blue energy spin around Raven eyes, and it looked like a fog lifted off her head. She sighed.
      “So, you’re going to rest here awhile, Raven?” I said to her dream body.
      “Actually, I am going to take a nap. I’ll catch up with you later.” she said, stretching.
      “Okay,” I laughed. “See you in dreams.”
      Raven went to sleep.
      I turned around. Basara was gone. “So-“
      Silverwolf turned into a little witch. She jumped on a broomstick, and sailed away, saying, “Up, up and away!” Allison gave me a hug, and kissed my cheek. Then, she gave MoSh a hug, and kissed his cheek. He stumbled back for a second, and blushed. She giggled. She turned into a Siberian tiger, and knocked me down. She licked my face, and batted my head. She said, “Bye!” and jumped out of the cave. She sprouted wings, and flew away, turning into a wolf.
      “So, they’re gone. Do you want to dream with me?” I asked MoSh.
      “Sure, why not? Where are we going?”
      ”Let’s go back to the Biodome.”

      I created a portal, and we stepped through. We landed outside the biodome. There were little red imps crawling in and out of holes all around the bidome. MoSh roared and became a naga. I became a lion man in a white superhero suit with a five on it. I summonned the Beast, my sentient didjeridoo/club, and ran around bashing them. MoSh flew around striking from the sky.
      “No!” they said. “We are not dream demons. We are dreamers. We are remote viewers. This is a disguise. We are not supposed to be in this plane.”
      “What? Really?”
      One of the imps changed into one of the Men in Black, then he showed me the special Remote Viewer laser gun. It was Ralph. He changed back into an imp. “Call your friend off!” he said telepathically.
      “MoSh, stop! These are friends!”
      ”What?” he said, with an imp in his mouth.
      “These are friends.” I said.
      “Really?” he said spitting the imp out.
      MoSh changed back into himself. Ralph told me we had to move the Biodome to a safer location, and they were going to help us. He said that there are too many remote viewers watching us, and they were going to help us disguise it, but our friends could still find it just as easily.
      “Let’s do it, I trust you,” I said. The imps tunneled under the Biodome, and it lifted out of the ground, with a lot of grey dirt and rock. At the bottom of the hole in the ground was a curved surface of swirling energy.
      “That energy is the soul of the moon, the center energy surface. We are moving the Biodome away from here, and underground, closer to the center energy, thusly making it more powerful, and hidden under moon rock. To your friends and allies, The Biodome will appear the same. To hostiles, just more moonscape.”
      “Awesome!” I said. They replaced the moon rock in the hole, and buried a small black cube in it with an antenna. The cube was about one foot square. The antenna stuck up out of the ground. An transparent image of the Biodome appeared.
      “This is a holographic image replicator,” said Ralph. “Basically what it’s doing is projecting an astral image of the Biodome in its old location. To you it looks ghostly, but to a remote viewer, it looks very solid, especially from a distance. When they get closer, it looks more ghostly. This is to confuse them, and waste their time. They will be attracted to it like moths to a flame. The antenna also broadcasts that this is the location of the Biodome so remote viewers will hone in on it."
      A bunch of RV imps hopped through the moon like when fish jump when something bigger is chasing them. "The real Biodome has now been moved. Let's go there now." We teleported to the Biodome.
      "It looks exactly the same!" I said.
      "Well, how the hell are we breathing? I mean, how are we going to get sun, um... What I mean, is, isn't it going to be claustraphobic?" MoSh asked.
      "Well, do you feel claustraphobic?" Ralph said.
      "No," MoSh said.
      "Exactly. Now let's see what it looks like from the outside."
      We teleported to the surface of the moon. Nothing was there. "See with True Sight," said Ralph. Then, I could see through the grey soil, and the Biodome was underneath it. "And now you are close to the source!" said Ralph.
      "Awesome!" I said. Ralph turned into an imp, winked at me, then dove into the moon soil like it was water. He and the other imps waved at me, then tunnelled away.
      "That was weird!" said MoSh.
      "I know, right? Hey, where do you want to go?"
      "Let's uh... hey, let me try and make a portal."
      "Awesome! Do it!" I said.
      MoSh summoned a black electric guitar with silver writing on it. He played a song, and a portal opened. It was swirling black and white, and had purple and gold lightning crackling around the edges. "Whoah! That was so easy!" he said.
      "You're a natural Bard," I smiled. "Let's go."

      My vague dream of the next event:

      Dream 1: I'm in some restaurant at some buffet. I am talking to some man who seems normal. but then he starts ranting about stuff that makes no sense. I leave him and sit down with another man who saw the whole scene.

      The man was telling me that the guy i talked to was schizophrenic. I started telling him my mom was one but suddenly i fell out of the dream.

      I kept falling and falling. I could hear myself screaming. I also heard another voice screaming as I fell. it was female. Her voice tone and pitch shifts matched mine. This went on for about 10 seconds. I was trying to figure out who the other voice was but i slammed into my physical body and woke up.

      Nomads version:

      The Cafe
      He was staring at his portal, mouth agape. I grabbed his wrist, and we went through. We tumbled into a French cafe. I stepped behind the bar. There was no one there. I started taking orders. MoSh sat down at a table. He was writing something. I started serving coffees. We were in somewhere in Hawai'i.
      A cute French girl walked in. She was wearing striped stockings, small ballet shoes, a short black denim skirt, a white blouse, a small black denim jacket, and a small black hat. She had on a red scarf, which accented her bright red lipstick and her pail skin. She was holding a notebook and a cigarette holder. She was looking for someone. She saw MoSh. "Ah, there you are!" I heard her think. She was disappointed that he hadn't noticed her yet. She walked to him, and stood in front of him. I decided to be a waiter, and serve them coffee. Other people kept ordering, so I only heard snatches of the conversation, plus I didn't want to be rude.
      MoSh saw her feet, then he slowly looked up. She abruptly bent down, and said, "Boo!" He fell back in his chair a bit, and regained his balance. He adjusted his glasses. "Oh, hi!" he said, standing up. He put out his hand, and she gave him a hug. Then, she shook his hand.
      "It's good to finally meet you," she said.
      I walked over to take their order. No one thought it strange that I was a lion-man. Hmm. "Hello, my name is Juargawn, and I will be your waiter this lovely balmy afternoon. What would you like to drink?"
      "Oh, uh, menus? Can we get menus?" MoSh said.
      "You don't need a menu. You can have anything you want. Plus, everything here is free."
      "Wow, really?" said the woman.
      "Yeah! This is a dream cafe."
      "Well, in that case, I will have an espresso... and a slice of chocolate cheesecake."
      "A slice? Are you sure you don't want a whole cake?" I asked her.
      "Well, I don't know..."
      "All our dishes and drinks are zero calories at The Dream Cafe," I said.
      "Well, in that case, I'll take two! A chocolate cheesecake, drizzled with peanut butter, and a caramel apple cheesecake. Um... and ice cream."
      "Which flavor?"
      "Um... 31. Thirty-one flavors."
      "Okay," I laughed.
      "And, I'll have a hard coffee," said MoSh.
      "Uh, excuse me?"
      "A coffee with liquor in it. Vodka, rum works... Whatever."
      "Okay, hard coffee... cream in that, sir?"
      "Yes, lots."
      "And would you like dessert?" MoSh was staring at the woman.
      "Huh? Uh, no thanks."
      I walked to the counter, and made their drinks. The woman showed him her poems. She blushed when she took out her book. "This is the only time you'll see me shy..." she said. MoSh summoned an acoustic guitar, and began tuning it. I served them their drinks, and said, "You dessert will be right up, miss."
      I decided to delay the dessert to make the dream last longer. I thought the whole thing was hilarious.
      I heard her say her name was something like Alice or Alicia. She began smoking from a cigarette holder. She offered it to MoSh. He said, "No, I have to cut back. On this stuff, too," he said looking down in his cup.
      I decided it was time for dessert. I made two cakes and a giant bowl of 31 balls of ice cream. I was bringing it to their table, when a grey blur slammed into MoSh. Some kind of werewolf tackled him, and his astral body fell through the floor. A hole opened in the floor, and the woman fell in with him. They started screaming. The werewolf was pummeling MoSh's dream body. I charged at the werewolf, and it bit into MoSh's torso, and ripped his upper body out. The werewolf just looked at me, as it gulped down his organs. It had red glowing eyes. I slammed into it, and we were suddenly in outer space. It fell backwards, and regained its footing.

      "Who the fuck are you?" I said.
      He roared at me, then he grew two large fangs. He had the head of a saber-toothed tiger, and the body of a werewolf, and was all grey. He lunged at me, and pounced on me, knocking me down. He roared in my face. It felt like hot wind. "I'm Saberwolf, bitch!" he said. I tossed him off of me, and summoned a shield and a whip, changing into a lava minotaur. He lunged at me, and tore into my chest as his face became stone, before i got a chance to block him with my shield. I opened my claws, changing back into Juargawn. We tumbled through space, tearing at each others' flesh. I dug my feet into his stomach, and threw him off of me. Both of us had shreds of bloody flesh hanging off of us. He charged at me, then Koomo grew out of me, about 30 feet high, and grabbed Saberwolf as he ran and picked him up. He held him to his nose, sniffed him, grunted, then tossed him away. Batman appeared and scooped him up, and tossed him into a horizontal Selene portal floating in the sky. Selene winked at me, and I blew her a kiss. Batman and Selene disappeared from sight.

      My dreams of the next event:

      Dream 3: I'm sitting at a bar table with some girl. It is someones birthday party. The bartender says for everyone to order the man a drink. I go up and order a tequila. The man hands me one but i say "One for the birthday man as well"

      Dream 4: I'm at a picnic table in some park with the same woman from the previous dream. I am playing some guitar or something.

      Nomads Version:

      The Space Bar
      "Where's MoSh?" I thought. I was in the cave of the Frost Giant. MoSh was sitting there. "He's fine," the Frost Giant said. Suddenly MoSh fell through the floor. He screamed. The Frost Giant laughed. I followed MoSh. He was going down a wormhole. He kept screaming. I grabbed on to his ankle. We landed in a bar. I was a bartender. I was a lion-man again. No one noticed, but maybe it was because we were in a space bar. There were aliens and humans milling about. I recognized it as the same bar I had bartended at before in dreams with Warrior Tiger and Raven. MoSh was wearing a black leather jacket, and boots. He was sitting at the bar. His guitar was placed on the barstool next to him. He was a bit of a big beast of a man. I was bigger too, for some reason. There was a small stage in the corner with a mic and a stool at it. The walls were all a light colored wood. Some people were playing pool and smoking cigarettes.
      "What'll you have? Everything's free."
      "Old Milwaukee," said MoSh.
      "Um, everything's free... you want... here, let me make you the house brew. Just try it."
      I poured him a glass of beer with a tab that said, "Amber Space Brew," and gave it to him. He tried it. "That is one tasty beer!" he said.
      Two giggly young women walked up to MoSh. One was a brunette, one was a blond woman. There were very curvy and bouncy. "Hi, we like your guitar playing. Well, my friend does. I mean, I like your music, but your friend thinks you're cute."
      "'My friend thinks you're cute? How old are you girls? Do I need to see your ID?" I laughed.
      "Sh! Juargawn!" one of them scolded. "Well, we both think you are cute, actually. Do, you have... um, are you taken?"
      "Well, there's always room for one more lady in my life," he grinned.
      They gasped, "That's horrible!"
      He picked up his guitar. "Do you have a problem with Lady?" he said.
      The word "Lady" was written on his guitar in silver letters.
      "Oh, you!" the second girl said. "Aren't you going to buy us a drink?"
      "On the house!" I said. "Well, everything's free, since this is a dream!" I laughed.
      "It is?" said the brunette woman.
      Suddenly the wall exploded inward, and there was a man sitting atop a motorcycle on the rubble as the dust cleared. He reminded me of War-Bringer in black leather. He had bone-white skin, red eyes, with yellow pupils, and bright red lips, and yellow teeth. His head was knobby, and he had an earring in his ear. He stepped off of his bike and took off his jacket and threw it over his shoulder.
      "I feel like a drink," he yelled.
      "Not after you busted through the wall of my bar, asshole!" I said.
      "Hey, fuck you, barmaid! Make me a drink!"
      I turned into a French maid. "Well, what do you want, handsome?" I asked.
      "Huh?" he said, confused. "I'll have a tall Frappucino Gelato."
      "What the fuck is that?" I thought. "I'll just make something up... with poison."
      "La... la... la... " I sang tunelessly as I wiggled my butt, and mixed up his drink. I poured a bottle in that said: shrinking potion. I made coffee with some soft mushy ice cream on top.
      "Hello, ladies," he said as he forced his way between MoSh and the women. I handed him the drink. He gulped it down. He immediately shrunk down to the size of a roach.
      "Hey, you asshole!" he said to me, and teleported away. We laughed. He was back instantly riding another motorcycle. He had a chain in his hand. He threw it over one of the women's neck, and yanked her to his chest.
      "She is in pain," he said. He grabbed the other woman. "I have what I have come looking for, and now I bid you assholes adieu." He threw one woman over his shoulder, and had another woman under his arm. He got on his bike, and it started though his hands were full. He rode off.
      "Shit! We should've told that woman that this is a dream, so she wouldn't have to feel pain."
      "Dammit, we received his suggestion!" said MoSh. "Let's follow him."

      Belle, WTF
      I summoned The Beast, and she growled and turned into a chomp-chomp, and lurched me forward. MoSh grabbed on to my shoulder. The Beast followed an energy trail, and we got sucked into a wormhole. We were flying forward. MoSh was holding on to my ankle. We landed in a garden. I realized this was Saberwolf. I saw Saberwolf set the two women down gently. He turned into The Beast from the Disney movie. He touched their chins. They looked terrified. "Apparently this douchebag has a Beast fantasy, and he drags women here into his Inner World. Creepy." I said.
      "The sick fuck," MoSh said, slamming his fist into his palm. MoSh lunged forward changing into a Siberian tiger-man. He knocked Saberwolf over, and began pummeling him in the face. Saberwolf changed into his biker form, and took the hits. He scowled at MoSh, then threw him off. MoSh shot a net out of his right hand, and it closed around Saberwolf. He picked him up, and slammed him back and forth. He slammed him so hard, the net broke, and Saberwolf tumbled out, and rolled across the lawn. I summoned a portal, and Saberwolf tumbled into it. I closed the portal. MoSh nodded to me. He grabbed the women, one under each arm. "Let's get out of here," he said. A jetpack appeared on his back, and he blasted off. I followed him to the Glen of Healing. MoSh set the women down. The looked confused and disoriented. "What's your name? Names, I mean?" MoSh said.
      "Maria and Jenn," they said. They looked out of place with purses and hoop earrings.
      "Well, just relax," MoSh said. "I-"
      A grey blur flew through the glen, and knocked MoSh into a portal. I followed.

      River BattleWe fell through a portal in the sky, and landed in a shallow river. Sabertooth was in his animal form. "Don't you know who I am?" MoSh said.
      "Yes, I know you, you bastard. What the hell did you do with her?"
      "I don't know what the hell you are talking about. All I know is you are really pissing me off."
      "That's the point, dumbass!" said Saberwolf.
      "SHUT UP!" said MoSh, roaring like a thousand cobras. "I AM NAGA!" He changed into a great green and white winged serpent, and flew through the air at Saberwolf. Saberwolf clawed at him, then MoSh wrapped himself around him, and squeezed him in his coils. Raven appeared in the sky. She looked like an angel. "Why aren't you doing anything, Nomad?" she said.
      "I think he's fine," I said. Raven fired blasts of sunlight into Saberwolf's eyes, blinding him. Then, she sang this piercing note which seemed to deafen only Saberwolf. He grabbed his eyes, then his ears. MoSh squeezed, then bit him in his back, between the shoulderblades. Saberwolf collapsed. MoSh turned into a knight. I saw his green witchblade armor on him. The witchblade said, "Let's chop off his head."
      "I injected him with sleeping venom," he said. "He won't be doing anything for awhile."
      Raven alighted next to us in the river.
      "Well, who the hell is that? Is he a nightstalker?" asked Raven.
      "I don't know. He calls himself Saberwolf."
      "He's nuts," said MoSh.
      "He has an ancient grudge against you. Maybe dating back to Atlantis," I said.
      "So, he's a dreamer, like us?" said MoSh.
      "Yeah, seeing as his Inner World looks like a Disney movie, I would have to say yes. Well-" I looked over at Saberwolf, and saw his body float downstream to a waterfall. "Oh well!" I said, and we all laughed.
      "Anyway, you should, we all should bar this guy from our dreams, or kick his ass."
      "He needs healing," I heard the voice of the Frost Giant in my head.
      "The Crystal Golem says," Raven said.
      "I know."
      "Hey, don't interrupt."
      "He needs healing," Raven and I said in unison.
      "That asshole?" said MoSh.
      "Well, he may be an ally one day," I said.
      "Dude, are you serious? That fucker is ruining my good dreams! What a grand douchebag."
      "I know. But, Tooth fucked up my dreams, but he was really just Joseph."
      "Well, I don't know... Shit, I am going to wake up."
      "Ok, bye," I said.
      "No, wait, how do I stay in a dream?" he said.
      "I don't know, how about drink some water from this stream here?"
      "Good idea," he said.
      MoSh drank the water.
      "Oh my god! This water is so pure and refreshing."
      "Is it?" Raven and I asked.
      We drank the water. We stuck our heads in and looked at each other. Raven and I had heads like crocodiles, and MoSh had a head like a catfish. "Hey this is where I was with Beachgirl when we swam upriver and met the River God!" I said.
      "Cool!" MoSh said.
      "And he looked like you!" I said.
      "How do I look?" MoSh stood up, and looked at his reflection. He looked how he does in physical form. "Hmm. No different."
      "You were just a catfish!" Raven and I laughed.
      "So, did the water thing work?" I asked.
      "Yeah, I don't feel like I am going to wake up- oh shit!"
      MoSh disappeared in a flash of white light.

      Talking at the edge of a Waterfall
      "Oh well," I shrugged to Raven. I gave her a big hug. "Are you okay? I was worried about you."
      "Well, the Crystal Golem said it's basically an astral parasite, so it doesn't really affect my dream body much. Strange, huh? But, that little fucker acts like a beacon to astral entities, negative ones."
      "Yuck. So how do we kick its ass?"
      "Well, he said it has to do with ancient past, and it's a life journey of discovery that I have to go on to cure myself of it."
      "Whoah, sounds epic!" I said.
      "Yeah, well... I just want to get rid of it right now. I hate that thing... crawling around in the back of my head. Gross! It actually comes and goes. It's not a true parasite, or a whole parasite, but a tiny colony, like a virus. It's more like a disease, actually, an astral sickness."
      "Aw, I'm sorry!" I said, and gave her a big hug. I felt her crying. I kissed her cheek and stroked her hair.
      "What's wrong with me? I just... ah... I am so frustrated."
      I held her close, and focused on love energy coming out of my heart chakra into hers. "Hey, let's sit on the edge of the waterfall!" I said.
      "Okay! We can do that, and not fall off, because this is a dream."
      "Right!" I said.
      We sat on the edge of the waterfall. I floated off, and sat in lotus. "Hey, look, I am Piccolo!" I said.
      "He can train you," Raven laughed. "He's not as powerful as Vegeta, but he knows some cool tricks and combat techniques. You should watch him on Youtube."
      "Okay," I laughed, and sat down next to her. I felt coldness coming out of her hand underwater. The water was warm. I picked her hand up, and held it in both of mine.
      "Oh, your hands are cold!" I said. "Is it the water? Are you okay?"
      I blew heat on to her hand.
      "Thanks," she said. "No, not the water, it just happens when I get depressed sometimes."
      "Aw, give me your other hand." I warmed up her other hand.
      A cherub appeared, and gave us little white flowers. We ate them. "Mm, tastes like orange creamsicles!" I said.
      "Mine tastes like white chocolate, with oreo cookies!" said Raven.
      "Where are we?" Raven said.
      "We are on the outskirts of the City of Nowhere, in the Land of Nod. This part is very wild. I don't even know a lot of what's here. I know there are some shamans living in this jungle, or that may have been real... shamans... shit, we could be in Panama for all I know. I am planning on going there, ya know."
      "Right, Dream Temples."
      "You remembered."
      "Of course. Hey, look at the sky!"
      The sun was setting, and there were Northern lights in the sky. The sun set, and stars and moon came out. The Northern lights remained shifting colors. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" said Raven. "Yes," I said.
      Lonewolf ran across the sky as a constellation. He dug up a crab in sand, and shook it in his mouth. "I know you!" I said. He grinned at me, winked, and ran off.
      "Who's that?" Raven said.
      "Oh, he's a self-proclaimed Nagual from another forum."
      "Oh. A Narwhal? Weird. Wait. A what?"
      "A Nagual."
      "What's that. Oh, a dream shaman, an oneiromancer, a true traveler, someone like you and me. They have a certain way of looking at it."
      "Oh, hmm."
      Ariel flew by, and sprinkled fairy dust on us. It tasted sweet and sour. She smiled at me, then flew away.
      "Who's that?" said Raven.
      "Oh, that's my friend, Ariel. She said she was going to make an account on Dreamviews. She doesn't remember these dreams. This is my third one of her. Oh well."
      "Are you going to tell her?"
      "I don't know," I sighed. "So many people say they want to share dreams with me, but people don't really try. It's sad. I wish they could come here."
      "And remember their dreams," Raven said.
      "Well, we at least we have each other," I said.
      "And, MoSh, and Allison, and Jen, and Pablo," Raven said.
      "And mrdeano, and majinaki, Robo, The Cusp..." even if they don't remember those dreams.
      "That dream with Walms was funny," Raven said.
      "I know. Well, maybe I should battle the Cusp next, in the Colloseum. Should I yank him into our dream?"
      "No, that's not very nice," said Raven. "How bout you create a mirror and summon him, then ask him to step through."
      "He probably won't remember. He drinks too much."
      "Lame," said Raven.
      "Well, I used to drink a lot. I like dream beer, I think. I need to try it the next time I bartend."
      "What are you talking about?"
      "Oh, that bar... the one we were in where I was bartending. I went back there."
      "I wonder where it is? Another section of your inner world?" Raven asked.
      "Maybe. I think it has something to do with Oa."
      "Hmm, that's the Green Lantern Planet, right?"
      "Yeah. Well, I feel like I am going to wake up." I said.
      "Okay, well I am not. I am going to say hi to Serena and Sydney," Raven said.
      "Okay!" I gave Raven a hug, and disappeared in a flash of white light. I saw her still. She created a portal, and stepped into it. The dream faded to black.

      My dream: Dream 2: I'm walking in some town i don't recognise. A young girl about 5 years old is holding my hand. we are in a discussion. I think it was Sydney.

      Ravens' dream of the next event:

      I was in a green field. I looked around to see where I was. I didn't realize I was dreaming. I walked towards a house I saw there. It looked familiar. I wondered if I lived there. That didn't seem right. The front door opened and a woman came out. She waved to me. I went over to see her.

      "You don't have to bring MoSh this time," she said, "He's already here. He's out back with Sydney. He seemed upset about something. I hope he's ok." Serena looked a bit worried. "Maybe you should go use a healing spell on him…"

      I went through the house. A couple of girls waved at me. I waved back. I went outside. I saw a pond in the back yard. I saw MoSh and a little girl there. MoSh was sitting on the ground. The little girl was kneeling in front of him. They were holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. There was a faint blue glow around the two of them. They were exchanging healing energy. I went over to the two of them. At first they didn't notice me. I thought maybe they were too wrapped up in what they were doing. But then Sydney looked at me. It looked like she was in a bit of a trance.

      "Hi, Raven," she said, "Sit down."

      I thought that was odd, but I sat down. Sydney slowly let go of one of MoSh's hands and took hold of my left hand. I felt warm energy there.

      "MoSh's hand…" Sydney said, "Complete the circle."

      I took hold of MoSh's left hand in my right one. The energy flow felt stronger now. I contributed my own healing spell. I focused on the song Full Moonlight from the Devil Hunter Yohko soundtrack. The music was playing all around us. Sydney smiled at me. The energy flowing through us felt really strong now. The light surrounding us was brighter. It seemed to reach a climax of brightness near the end of my song and then it faded out. Sydney let go of my hand. I let go of MoSh. I felt really light now. Like I could fly… which I did. I floated off the ground into the air. I heard Sydney laugh. I looked down. MoSh was looking up at me strangely. I was flying... so I must be dreaming...

      A portal opened. Nomad was there. He asked what was going on. I told him he had missed a healing session.

      "You guys had another one and you didn't summon me?" he asked, "Damn!"

      I landed beside MoSh. Nomad also landed. Sydney got closer to MoSh and gave him a hug. I realized Nomad was in my inner world…

      "Did you get here on your own?" I asked him.

      "Sacrosanct let me in," Nomad said.

      "That's good," I said, "So were we going to help your uncle?" I asked.

      "Are you guys up to it?" Nomad asked.

      "I'm fine," I said, "MoSh?"

      He gave Sydney another hug. "Yeah," he said, "I'm ok now."

      "Come back soon," Sydney said to MoSh.

      Nomad opened a portal. We all went through it.
      Last edited by Man of Shred; 12-01-2009 at 12:49 AM.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    21. #296
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
      1 year registered Made lots of Friends on DV Referrer Bronze Veteran First Class 25000 Hall Points 10000 Hall Points Tagger First Class Huge Dream Journal
      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2006
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      Lethbridge, alberta
      DJ Entries
      My dreams:

      Dream 2: fragment of walking outside a campus, talking to some woman. and later being inside a building.

      Dream 3: I'm with a japanese girl, she hands me something like a little box. and i say "Nani kore?" (what is this?). Later when we are talking she says something i can't undrstand. i scratch my head and say "w. wa.. wakrimasen. hehe" (i don't understand)

      Raven Knight's dream:
      Quote Originally Posted by Raven Knight View Post
      I was in a pretty forest glen. I looked around to see where I was. I didn't see anyone. I sat down by a pond and watched the koi in the water. It was rather relaxing. I was thinking there was something I was supposed to be doing. And I wasn't doing it… but what is it? I couldn't think. I got up and looked around the glen. I thought I was supposed to meet someone… but who? Alicia? No. Allison? No. Nomad? No. MoSh? No… er… yes! It was MoSh! I was going to meet up with MoSh! I stopped pacing and opened a portal to get to MoSh… I went through the portal. I also became semi-lucid…

      On the other side I was in a grassy field. There were buildings nearby. It looked like I was on a sports field of some kind. There were football goal posts at both ends of the field. I realized I was on a football field. I walked off the field and towards the buildings. It looked a bit like a school. I didn't know what kind of school it was. I saw one person walking along one of the walkways that ran along side a building. I went over to him.

      When I got close enough to the man I recognized him. It was MoSh. I went over to him and got in front of him. He stopped and looked up at me.

      "Hey, MoSh!" I said. He looked at me strangely, "We were going to find you a date. You can do a reality check. This is also a dream."

      MoSh looked around. I was thinking I would try to find a girl he was interested in. I focused on Through the Never to open a portal. I had that idea in mind. I wondered if it would work. No, that wouldn't do. I couldn't be having doubts or it definitely wouldn't work. A portal opened and MoSh and I went through…

      On the other side we were in a tent. There were beautiful women everywhere. They were throwing themselves at MoSh. I had ended up in the middle of a fucking outdoor brothel! A couple of the women came over to me and started fondling me. I pulled away.

      "In case you hadn't noticed," I said, "I'm a woman!"

      "That's ok," one of the women said, "We cater to all kinds."

      "No," I said, "Seriously. Not interested. MoSh? Is this what you wanted? Or did you want to find a single woman meant for you?"

      MoSh had to come up for air. "A single woman!" he said from inside the group of women, "I wanted to find a single woman, not a bunch of hookers!"

      I opened another portal. I was focusing harder. The idea wasn't just to get MoSh laid… it was to find him a nice woman. A portal opened and I pulled MoSh away from the women and through the portal…

      On the other side of the portal we were amongst beautiful trees. Cherry trees. It was a beautiful place. A stream flowing amongst the cherry trees. There was a woman standing there. She looked like the picture here, or mostly. She was wearing a kimono. She looked over at us and seemed surprised to see there was someone there. She came over and looked at me and then at MoSh. She smiled. She seemed really friendly. Her aura gave off a welcoming energy.

      "Welcome, friends," she said to us, "You have found the hidden garden. You must have pure hearts or you could not have found this place. I come here to find peace. What brings you here?"

      "That obviously doesn't work," I muttered, "Or I couldn't be here…"

      "The same," MoSh said as he smiled at the girl and turned a bit red.

      "We all seek different things," she said, "but what we really want is peace. My name is Asuka. What are your names?

      "MoSh," MoSh said, but he told her his real name instead of MoSh.

      I didn't want to intrude, so I pretended to be absorbed in looking at the flowers. Asuka and MoSh continued talking to each other. I could still hear most of it. I stayed close enough to hear with the hope I could remember what was said and record it even if MoSh didn't…

      "I sense something…" Asuka said sadly, "dark shadows are following you. You need to keep them away from you. Here. I have something for you." She reached into her kimono and pulled out a small package. It was wrapped in bright golden paper with a pretty design on it. She handed the package to MoSh.

      "What's this?" he asked.

      "Open it," she said.

      MoSh opened the package very carefully. Inside it was a crystal orb with a beautiful flower inside. MoSh was looking at the flower and the woman kept talking.

      "It is the flower of life," she said, "Keep it with you. It will keep the shadows away."

      "Wow," MoSh said, "It's beautiful."

      The woman smiled even bigger. "Thank you," she said, "I grow them myself. It's so nice of you to say so."

      About here MoSh and Asuka walked away down the stream talking. I heard them laughing as they walked away, and they seemed to be enjoying each other's company. I was watching them walk away as everything around me faded to black and I woke.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    22. #297
      Machine Elf ragincajun2288's Avatar
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      Flew through space the other day heading towards the moon. Woke up in mid flight though. Next time though, I'll try harder, I'll see you guys there. I'm really interested in this shared dreaming.

    23. #298
      Lost Soul Royalpeach's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ragincajun2288 View Post
      Flew through space the other day heading towards the moon. Woke up in mid flight though. Next time though, I'll try harder, I'll see you guys there. I'm really interested in this shared dreaming.
      Flew, you say? There's your problem. In my opinion, flying long distances creates more problems than it solves, unless you're very skilled at it. It takes a fair amount of time, which could be spent in better ways. Also, many people talk about rough landings waking them up. Next time, I suggest you try what works for me. If you need to get somewhere, just focus on either a memory of it, or what you predict what it will be like- its "energy signature", as the many Star Trek marathons I've seen have drilled into me -and envision yourself being pulled towards it instantaneously, like a magnet. It's best if you make specific observations about it, particularly if it's a person. For example, after the few months I've been talking to Nomad and Raven, I've started to develop my own little archetypes about them. (Guys, don't take any offense to this! It's just the way I think of you.)

      I see Nomad as having a green and gold energy. He is very in tune with nature. He seems to be rather impetuous at times (Sorry Nomad! ) but he learns very much every day through his mistakes and dream guides. He is also very righteous, in the sense that he is just, merciful, and at the same time, brutal to those who deserve it.

      As for Raven, she has more of a dark, mysterious aura; purple, dark maroon, even a little black. She seems slightly more experienced than most others with these types of things, like it's in her nature. She still has much to learn, as we all do, about the dream world; yet, at the same time, it seems as though she has a natural way of going with the flow of dreams.
      Last edited by Royalpeach; 12-06-2009 at 09:49 PM.
      Total LDs (since joining)- 4
      Total LDs (including before "The Great Plague")- Hard to count. 200?
      DILDs- 2 DEILDs- Possibly 1 WILDs/VILDs: 2 Astral Projections: 1
      Current focus; WILDs

      A gun gives you the body, not the bird. -Henry David Thoreau
      Like all dreamers I confuse disenchantment with truth. -Jean-Paul Sartre

    24. #299
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      Quote Originally Posted by Royalpeach View Post
      Flew, you say? There's your problem. In my opinion, flying long distances creates more problems than it solves, unless you're very skilled at it. It takes a fair amount of time, which could be spent in better ways. Also, many people talk about rough landings waking them up. Next time, I suggest you try what works for me. If you need to get somewhere, just focus on either a memory of it, or what you predict what it will be like- its "energy signature", as the many Star Trek marathons I've seen have drilled into me -and envision yourself being pulled towards it instantaneously, like a magnet. It's best if you make specific observations about it, particularly if it's a person. For example, after the few months I've been talking to Nomad and Raven, I've started to develop my own little archetypes about them. (Guys, don't take any offense to this! It's just the way I think of you.)

      I see Nomad as having a green and gold energy. He is very in tune with nature. He seems to be rather impetuous at times (Sorry Nomad! ) but he learns very much every day through his mistakes and dream guides. He is also very righteous, in the sense that he is just, merciful, and at the same time, brutal to those who deserve it.

      As for Raven, she has more of a dark, mysterious aura; purple, dark maroon, even a little black. She seems slightly more experienced than most others with these types of things, like it's in her nature. She still has much to learn, as we all do, about the dream world; yet, at the same time, it seems as though she has a natural way of going with the flow of dreams.

      What about me? I think me nomad and raven are an official dream trio.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    25. #300
      Lost Soul Royalpeach's Avatar
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      I agree! Sorry MoSh, I should've included you! I don't have quite as clear a visual of you yet, but I've picked up a few notes about you. I see you as a mix of colors; mainly red and yellow, some brown, blue, and a tiny bit of green. To me, you seem like the typical '80s kid, into good ol' rock and roll! You love to have a kickass time. You always lay things out just the way they are. But you also have a mellower side, hence the blue; you like to just kick back and relax sometimes. It seems like you have the same kind of care for nature that Nomad does, though I can't really be sure of any of this at the moment. I'll post a more accurate bio of you in a few weeks, if you want.
      Total LDs (since joining)- 4
      Total LDs (including before "The Great Plague")- Hard to count. 200?
      DILDs- 2 DEILDs- Possibly 1 WILDs/VILDs: 2 Astral Projections: 1
      Current focus; WILDs

      A gun gives you the body, not the bird. -Henry David Thoreau
      Like all dreamers I confuse disenchantment with truth. -Jean-Paul Sartre

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