The way it works requires understanding why random crazy things take place in your dreams. |
This is perhaps one of the most advanced of yogic activities. In my own opinion it is far harder than anything I have presented so far. It is often the stated goal of many schools of meditation. The truth is that even after decades of practice I have a long way to go to suppress all thought for more than a minute or so. |
Last edited by Sivason; 01-03-2013 at 05:14 AM.
The way it works requires understanding why random crazy things take place in your dreams. |
Last edited by Sivason; 01-03-2013 at 05:17 AM.
The actual lesson is pretty short; the path to achieving the goal is a many year journey, but you are all planning on lucid dreaming the rest of your life, aren’t you. If you get good at suppressing emerging thoughts, then you will be able to increase your control by many degrees. |
Step 1: Become familiar with how quickly thoughts form. Sit and watch the hands of a clock. You will do this only 15 seconds at a time. Try to avoid any thoughts by saying the number corresponding to the second hand in your head. It is unlikely that while awake you will make it to 15 without a thought forming. Work on this until you can get from 1 to 15 with only a single interrupting thought. You must stop thinking about whatever the thought is, as quickly as possible by focusing on the next number. You will notice that despite using your inner monologue to count, you still can form thoughts. In this part of the lesson I simply want you to experience how quickly you get interrupted by a random thought and increase the speed with which you can suppress that thought by focusing on the clock and the next number. You can move on as soon as you can only have 1 random thought in the 15 seconds and refocus on the clock before the 15 seconds expires. |
Last edited by Sivason; 01-03-2013 at 05:11 AM.
Step 2: Spend a couple minutes doing the “Be here now” meditation. It is described in an earlier lesson. Simply interrupt any random thought that does not apply to things you are experiencing with your sensory awareness, by using your internal voice to narrate what you are seeing or experiencing. If you start to think about your job, then force your mind into describing or commenting on something taking place at the moment. |
Last edited by Sivason; 01-03-2013 at 05:22 AM.
Do steps 3-5 in a meditation state or while falling asleep, until you have developed confidence, then try them while external stimuli is happening (such as riding the bus.) |
Last edited by Sivason; 01-03-2013 at 05:26 AM.
Do not worry about reaching any given skill level. Just reaching a point where you can witness the earliest stage of thought formation will allow you to avoid irritating DCs and random events more often than not. |
Last edited by Sivason; 01-03-2013 at 05:26 AM.