This is my crazy workbook, for WILDS. I figured I'd make it at my first attempt to WILD, rather than make the thread and then separate posts. It'll probably be important to note somewhere along the line that I have a broken leg, it's in a cast, and it has affected my dreaming... oddly.

My first attempt was last night, and it went surprisingly well. I fell asleep at 5:00 AM (I normally sleep somewhere between 3-7 AM since it's summer break for me) and set my alarm for 9:00. Oddly enough, my alarm didn't wake me up (It gets really loud, and it was right next to my head). nREM 3? I have been waking up before my alarm clock by a few minutes for the past couple days for some reason, but this morning I woke up at 9:25 or so. I didn't write in my DJ, I could only remember one fragment of a dream for some reason (I was a bit... insane in the membrane before I slept). I drank some water, attempted to to go to the bathroom, and thought about whether or not I should write in my dream journal for a few min.

Good thing to note, because of my broken leg, I hop around places on one leg when I'm in my house. I find it easier and faster than crutches, and it's easier to go up and down stairs. Because I hop, I've noticed it wakes me up a lot more than walking when I try to sleep. When I went to the bathroom just before I slept, I hopped slowly, and focused on relaxing instead of my destination, this helped me a lot.

I started to WILD at 9:40, and I was very tired and relaxed. I mostly just had to focus on keeping attention. Within 10 min, I noticed HI turning my whole field of vision into white. I tried to visualize myself flying into whiteness, into a lucid dream, but instead something else happened. It was extremely powerful HI, it might have even counted as a dream in general. My older brother came downstairs and grabbed my pants, then took drugs out of it. As soon as he did he said he was tired of me doing stuff like this and he it's time my dad knew the truth. I was so pissed and scared, I would have tackled him had I been able to walk/run, and I might have gotten into the dream if I did, and then regain the momentary loss of awareness. He ran upstairs and I jerked my real body up to try and get him. I was so convinced it was real, it took me a few minutes and a drug check to convince myself it was HI, but I didn't do a reality check. When I jerked up it was 9:54, so that all happened within 15 min.

I don't consider this a failure simply because it made me realize that I'm going to make sure to always do an RC after a WILd even if it appears someone interrupted me, and most of all, it seems I've found my good WBTB time. about 4 and a half hours. I was so close...

Oddly enough, I've never had HH that vivid till I started my DJ. Two days ago when I "woke up", I had my first non-lucid drug dream, about smoking weed with my friends, and then it switched to smoking by myself, and all of a sudden, my mom screams down that I need to wake up cause I have to go to the doctors. I saw her open the door, heard her call down, and still felt and saw myself stopping in the middle of a hit. I freaked out, and I felt my dream arms fade, the smoke clear, and the drugs disappear. I was still in that state of "holy shit I might get caught high" for a good five minutes. I did feel a bit euphoric after that for a good 10 min though. The reason I'm saying this, is because I'm wondering if it's possible to have HH with your eyes open, or if anyone has similar experiences. Sorry if this is considered off topic, I feel that it fits with what we're learning.

Damn that was longer than I intended...