Quote Originally Posted by PenguinLord13 View Post
I know. The "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" sentiment is ridiculous. Maybe it is the person killing the person, but having an AK-47 makes the job much easier. I personally think no one except law enforcement should be allowed to own a gun for actual use (i.e. for historical purposes or a collection, with no ammo is fine).
So basicly people are not allowed to defend themself them? If a criminal has a gun the only way you have a chance of living is if you have a gun. Its as simple as that. 99% of the time a police officer won't be around to help you. So you either defend yourself or die.

The entire idea of taking guns away from normal people to stop criminals from getting guns is stupid anyway. They are going to get them, theres nothing you can do about that. If they have to they will smuggle guns into the country through mexico, and we all know how easy that is.