If she tapped him in his junk, it's okay to shove her away, angrily [/b]
Obviously you've never been hit in the nuts (your avatar gave a clue as well).. It's 'ok' to punch her in the jaw, I just didn't do it and there's no such thing as a tap in the junk...it ALL results in pain.

Your 'appropriate' conclusion is pretty cut and dry. There's no absouletes especially when it come to violence.
Even though I agree somewhat with your examples. If a girl is coming at me punching, I'd try to clinch her and half-way throw her to the ground, back up..then warn her to stop, after that...it's knockout time.

I'd like to think that I have good self control, but there's nothing more annoying than a girl who's yelling in someone's face. In those cases (even if spectating) I have no quarells with what a man chooses to do, I will never get myself involved in a confrontation in order to uphold "chivalry".

Sometimes a woman has to get choked.