
Before when I was 14, I used to think that every of my action is all chemical-based on my brain... I wasn't conscious of my actions because of that assumption. I would get lots of mindless stupors and had chaotic thoughts. I had trouble thinking because I had no control over my thoughts.

Well. How to recognize free will is by imagining the future... There are things beyond your control to change but there are things that you have responsibility in that can change the future. Think of all of the choices you could choose that would end up altering the future...

I agree with him, although this is just the first step that argues free will.
Agreeing/disagreeing is easy, isn't it? It shouldn't require so much effort. People are machines. Living their lives as some non-lucid dream and they spend their lives constantly agree/disagreeing to another other than coming up with their own thoughts and beliefs... Eh, obviously group thinking is really no thinking. Mechanical action, it takes no effort!!! (I'm not saying agreeing/disagreeing is bad... but there's a lot more a person can do than just that)

Now onto effort. I'm not going to call myself simply smart. Generally, I see this post of mine as something I put effort in typing. Though even I have the option to not post here, I'm conscious of that option!! I chose posting this for this topic.

And, to be honest, making this post I started out lazy... right now my brain's like, "No, don't post this message... it's stupid! It won't help anyone." but I'm posting this anyways because it's what I chose regardless of the brain!!!!

To change the future... I have to focus a lot on the present, be aware as much as I can. If I had more emotion - that drive to post, maybe this post would be a lot better too! (I have more to speak on free will, but it would suck to regurgitate things eh??)

If you believe in free will, then think of what that can expand the scope of free will. I'll give you a hint: it abolishes ignorance!!