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    1. #1
      Member SuperSonicFan's Avatar
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      Free Time on Your Hands? Help me with my Game

      So... here it was two years ago and I got into this whole programming thing. Anyways, completed AP computer science and got a 5 on the test. FOr the class, we had to come up with a simple project or game for a final project. Well, obviously, I started work on a 2d Sonic game. ANyways, for the class I was able to complete lke 10% of it. Basically, you had a level, with Sonic, and some ground, although it was only blocks. (no smooth ground yet) ANyways, you could move and jump and stuff and it was sidescrolling. Anyways... totally kicked everyone else's but in the class.

      Here it is summer though (well, for like another week anyways) and I decided I would go and finish this game. Anyways, I am needing a couple peeps to do stuff that I.. um.. suck at quite frankly. For instance, I have just been using Fraps and ripping animations off of Sonic Generations. Then I thought..."Heck, why not find someone to create artwork for me and not only have the code from scratch... but the graphics as well!" So ya, I need an artist or two to do one of three things...

      1. The cutscenes (ya I'm going all out here) are going to be hand drawn (similar to Sonic and the Secret Rings if oyu played it) so I need someone to do that...
      2. Someone to create sprites, each having its own frame set to be animated
      3. Someone to design textures to be used on the ground, and also desiging backdrops

      I also need a music designer. Originally, I was just going to rip some music from Generations, but then I had that stroke of genius again and thought this..."Why not have someone create music for each zone to be original to the game, and have actual Sonic music as unlockables?" So ya, if you use Acid Xpress or whatever and can do stuff like that... you are 'hired'. (in quotes cause um... I'm poor and can't pay you, except by recognition in the credits )

      Also, I am currently in the process of reworking the physics so that we can have smooth ground (cause ya know, that is kind of a staple of the Sonic franchise) and once i have that finished, I am going to need someone with Java experience to help me with building the levels. (adding enemies, rings, etc... to arraylists throughout the level, as well as helping me create the actual ground.)

      So ya, there is my game. If you wanna help, give me a brofist cause you like Sonic too, or whatever, that would be awesome!

      Here is what I had done about 3 months ago when I turned the project in. (keep in mind, I also had an entire level built, but what you see is just what I was using for testing) Also, any wierd stuff you see with the goal ring not moving, Sonic not actually falling, etc, have all been long past fixed. Now I have enemies, rings, lives, etc...

      Sonic Boost Update Video 1 (Part 1) - YouTube

      Sonic Boost Update Video 1 (Part 2) - YouTube

      Sonic Boost Update Video 1 (Part 3) - YouTube

      Thanks for reading, and I look foward to your help, brofist, etc...

      See ya
      Spoiler for Lucid Dream Goals:

      My Youtube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/7Emeralds50Rings

      Here is the game I am working on... - http://steamcommunity.com/groups//So...eSealofSolomon

    2. #2
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      Hey man, everything I do is freelance (not exactly great) but I have some exčerience in all the things you need so I might contribute a thing or two one day if I find the time

      Are you using gamemaker?

    3. #3
      Member SuperSonicFan's Avatar
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      Hey man, everything I do is freelance (not exactly great) but I have some exčerience in all the things you need so I might contribute a thing or two one day if I find the time

      Are you using gamemaker?
      That would be awesome.

      Sorry, I should of specified that... no I am making everything from scratch in Netbeanz using Java. Also, if anyone joins, please let me know if you have Steam, because that is where I have a page set up for the game.

      And seriously, even if you have no idea what you are doing, it would be awesome just to get a good group going to have input on things.

      Here is the Steam page I just created in case you are curious... Steam Community :: Group :: Sonic and the Seal of Solomon
      Spoiler for Lucid Dream Goals:

      My Youtube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/7Emeralds50Rings

      Here is the game I am working on... - http://steamcommunity.com/groups//So...eSealofSolomon

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