Most of the times when I attempt to WILD but fall asleep, I have dreams related to SP. I usually try WILDing within the dream. When this happens, the sleep paralysis is insane. Last night, for instance, I was WILDing (note that this was in a dream, and I wasn't lucid) and entered SP. I felt the covers get pulled off me, but then felt something extremely tiny and sharp drag along my back, and it stung. It was pretty painful. Since I thought it was a real WILD, and that I was awake, I endured it for at least a minute.

I woke up thinking, "why?!"

It's pretty frustrating. I haven't WILDed since last year, around when I joined, and now each time I try and fail, I get these scary fake WILDs. A few weeks ago, I experienced fake sleep paralysis where I was being flipped over onto my back and felt a saw going through my stomach.