As not to bother you with the details of the actual dream, I'll just start at the point that was strange for me.

I was in a dream and my left leg started to itch, the dream continued like normal and I decided to just scratch it away with me right hand, but for some reason the itch stayed persistant, even though I felt the relief of scratching. Some DCs in the dream made some strange comments about the situation and then I suddenly woke up and noticed that indeed my left leg was itching and that I tried to scratch with my right arm, problem being I was using that arm as a pillow that moment.

Now that was the first time anything remotely close to that happened to me and thinking back to it, it pretty much felt and seemed like a reverse WILD. Yet the only time I managed to WILD correctly was inside of another dream and I generally seem to have bad success with WILD or DEILD.
As I said something like that being my first time, I usually have no transitions between dreams and reality at all with neither side affecting the other, it always happens in the blink of an eye.

(TL;DR) Which brings me to the question: Is it easier to WILD/DEILD for people who have transitions between dreams and reality? If yes, can these transitions be learned?