Well...not sure if it was a dream or sleep paralysis but I was basically struggling to fall asleep, turning around in bed untill I finally fell asleep, 2-5 mins later I "Woke up" feeling my body shake all over and I was paralysed(Kinda like before you'd go into a lucid dream I guess) and I was calm and didn't move, after about 1 minute I felt like something moved slowly from my chest to my neck and then I suddently couldn't breathe anymore I struggled, moving my little finger to get out of the sleep paralysis if it was that, I could move it barely but it wouldn't stop, untill after some time of choking I just "Woke up" as if nothing happened, as if I was never choked or anything. This isn't exactly the first time it happened, it happens atleast once every 2-3 weeks I think, It started about a year and a half ago after someone lying to me about something. Does that mean anything? And is there any way to stop this from happening? Cause it's scary as heck when you can't breathe. >_<