Hello, fellow dreamers.

I've been working on my own personal dream-database.
In it I want to keep track of anything I can. Characters, locations, themes, emotions.
The purpose is to get a better understanding of dreams and what causes certain dreams to happen. I'll probably start a dayjournal too for comparison.
I want to see how daily life influences my dream and how changes continue in the dreams. Find out how dreamsigns change.
So far I've been able to track dreams back to it's daytime origin pretty good. Right now I think almost 85% of my dreams I can explain with what happened the day(s) before.
Once I have enough dreams I want to look at patterns that might occur and much more. I have a feeling some dreamthemes come back at certain periods of time.

So my question is, how you handle your dreams?
Do you simply write them down for a fun read or memory in the future?
Or do you dissect and use them to have a peek in your head and look for patterns or maybe find unresloved problems?
How far do you go with documenting your dreams?