I dont really know where I should begin right know, but I just start with the what I belive is the main reason of this thread. I can really feel what Astralboy is trying to say here, becaus what Astralboy do try to explain is in my opinion pure logic. And with that said, I dont agree that exactly every word or sentence is pure logic of what he has said here. And that's just with the consideration on some statement he has might expressed in a way as truth's. And thats already been debunked in this thread.

It has been obvious to me that there been some big battle going on in here, and I think every one knows why, if you give it a tought. I cant claim that what I believe or think is right, and I also think that no body really cant claim that theire right about anything as long as we are in this materialised form as human beings. But every one can speculate and try to understand things, and really get something valuable out of it. So it is also a good thing that people believes in diffrent things, because otherwise we would just end up to one conclusion that this is the truth! And we eventually stop learning and end up with similar experiences, and with very limiting contrasts of all our experiences. There is an quote you all probably already heard of, but it goes something like this i think. "The more I learn, the less I know".

So back to the heart of this thread and the question "What is the evidence that dreams originate from the brain?" As already said, the main truth and answer if you look at it from a logic perspective, would be. No body know. And this thread could be closed after that. So the reason with these kind of questions should not lie in getting the right answer, but rather exchange toughts, Ideas, believes and then in a constructive gentle way try to see if those toughts might be a possible theory. All this thinking got to be in a balance as good as possible between spirituality and science and logical thinking. It's easy to get frustrated when there is unbalance between these ways of thinking.

A last thing. Ask youre self this question. Why you do engage in certain questions, and putting energy in them? No need for answers here about that, but It's really worth thinking about for your self.