Do you believe in the bleeding effect?

My idea of the bleeding effect is anything observed or learned in waking life 'bleed' into your dreams, and any skills you learn or improve on in your dream that are real can 'bleed' into waking life.

Example of Waking Life bleeding to Dream: You learn the at anatomic structure of a bird and their wings and how birds fly in waking life. Now, if you know how to shapeshift in a dream, you can shapeshift into a bird and understand how to fly.

Example of Dream bleeding to Waking Life: In a dream, your subconscious represented by a character teaches you how to defend yourself better. When you wake up, you know how to defend yourself better.

During the day, your subconscious is always taking in information and never filling up, and at night, your sub.c is 'awake' and is used to mesh out problems and maybe even teach your conscious something. This is what supports the idea of the bleeding effect. If your conscious doesn't know something, then your subconscious most likely will. This is more evident for those lucid both in waking life and dreams.

And yes, I got this concept from Assassin's creed.