This is almost beyond-dreaming, but because it is less that I will put it here. The memory I wish to view is one from around 3-6 years old. Everyone in my family reports vividly seeing a spirit in the old house we used to live in, and according to them the spirit frequently visited me. I don't remember anything but a few fragments, I was so young.

I'm ready to see this memory now, and I want to use lucid dreaming in order to replay it. But, I'm also afraid of what I may see. I think I will ask my dream guide to come with me.

My question is, how can I make sure that my mind will not make anything up in an attempt to please me? I want to see the memory(s) in its closest form. I know that when one is lucid, it is easy to believe that what one is seeing is the truth, AKA false rememberings. I really don't want that to happen, but I can't really prevent some of it from occurring. What do you guys think is the best way to view a memory?