Something weird happened last night. I've never experienced that before. Was it some kind of Wild or what was it?

It's 11:00 pm and I go to sleep. I lay at my back, my hands on my stomach and I look at the ceiling. I get sleepy and close my eyes. After 5 minutes or so, I start feeling dizzy. I get a buzzing sensation. I realize that this might be sleep paralysis. I try move my hands. I can feel that I'm able to lift my hands. I stretch my arms out. I still have this buzzing sensation. I think about it and than I realize that it is impossible to stretch my arms out, because the bedsheets were lying on me! I open my eyes. I feel that my arms are still lying on my stomach. The buzzing sensation goes away.
I think about it a few moments, I'm confused. I turn to one bedside. And again after a few moments I get this buzzing sensation. It drifts away and comes back. It repeats itself a few times. I try to take advantage of this and imagine that I was moving my dream body.
My eyes are closed, everything is dark I start to see a dimmed light. I see that I'm in a cinema. There are a lot of people. A DC suddenly vomits on his neighbour. I feel very dizzy and the dream fades away.
I do a RC and I realize that I'm awake. I turn to the other side and sleep this time without any buzzing or so, but also with no dreams
Can anybody plaese tell me what I experienced?