Hi All,
Painful but funny story i just wanted to share. I have been ill over the christmas period with a abcess in my throat which caused excruiting pain when swallowing.This forced me to prevent myself swallowing saliva as normal and just spit it out instead. This has gone on for a few days now and although it doesnt hurt as much to swallow anymore,ive come to notice that my mouth has adapted to this new regime and i dont actually swallow for ages,maybe once every 5 or 10 minutes. My mouth obviously does fill with saliva but i just swallow when i feel i need to. This has lead to me observe a fact that last night i didnt swallow once before falling asleep. I'm hoping to utilize this towards WILDing or some other form of lucid dreaming technique. I suupose it iis possible to adjust the bodies natural fuctions but with alot of determination.