I had a dream last week, where I met my husband. Well thats what I said when I woke up. I was so sure of it.
I dont ever see faces in a dream or remember names.
I this dream I both happened.

My best friend introduced me to 2 guys both were new friends, 1 I knew right away was my husband. We were outside in the summer at a high golden wood table.
The dream continued where "my husband" came up behind me while I was standing at the table texting, put his arms around me and hugged me and just stood there behind me with his arms around me, like we had been together for years. In the dream I had known him for all of 5 minutes, but for some reason we both just knew. Thats where the dream ended.

I have never met either of these guys before and neither has my best friend.
I am not currently dating anyone, have never been married.

As I said, I never remember faces and I could tell you each detail about this mans face. His eye colour, hair style, eye shape, lips, and jaw shape. I could draw you a picture it seems to be so stuck in my head. I have not had the dream since but he keeps flashing into my head during the day when I am not thinking about anything that would have to do with this dream. Like I should know what he looks like.

Does this mean something? or is this just my mind making up my perfect man?