Hi Ive known about lucid dreaming for 2 week. The first night right off i got a lucid dream but it only lasted 3 secs and was very fuzzy because my awreness was low. Then the next 2 days i remembered my dreams and woke up when my dreams end. But after that my dream recall dropped. I haven't been waking up between dreams and my dream recall went down. It got from remembering 1 dream to remembering a few things to now these past days not remembering anything at all. I've been practicing ADA through the day and doing Naiya's Visualization Technique. I've also been saying and thinking " I will have a lucid dream tonight" and "i will wake up and remember my dreams". I'm starting to become uncertain if lucid dreaming is real and if i could do it or not. I'm worried that one day i might just say its not real and blow it off. I want to learn how to lucid. But i feel so discouraged why cant i lucid or even remember my dreams. I've been thinking of taking b6 pills to see if they'll help but haven't taken them yet. I've read many fourms including yoshi's, naiya's, and puffins dild and newbie guide. I've stuck to naiya's visualization technique. But followed all their suggestions and tips. I don't know is it normal for me not remembering and losing my dream recall? Please help me and reply i don't want to give up on lucid dreaming. But as the days go on i find myself doing less ADA sessions. Please Please help.