Hey guys I joined this forum about two months back during the summer holidays where I had lots of spare time. In this time I had 7+ lucid dreams but they wernt comptlely perfect as they always had some sort of struggle, however there were a couple in which were fully lucid. Anyway I have not been doing LDing techniques for example reality checks or dream journal, this is because I had to much to do with school, exams and part time job. I just couldn't be bothered. However In the last three weeks I have been having about 3-4 LD a week... And don't know why. They have been activated by just knowing I was dreaming. My lucid dreams were controllable but to an extent. As in some dreams I could not fly, but some I could not. When Noticing I was dreaming I instantly rubbed my hands, and kept shouting I AM LUCID, this is because I wanted to become fully lucid yet nothing happens I have recently promised myself I would interact with my surrounding. I did this in my most recent one where I ate a gummy wor. And touched leaves I thought this would do something but just like other trchniqiues did nothing.... I apologise if this all seems random and has, no structure but I'm trying to get a point across. Well I want to ask the question that why am I having more lucid dreams now that I'm not trying to than when I was trying to?
Also if I have another one of these soon is there a way of becoming 100% lucid?

Thanks guys, good to be back