There are times, often after I wake up (trying to WBTB) where rather than losing track of my thoughts and falling to sleep, I sort of begin visualizing. Eventually, it becomes like a spot between sleep and consciousness that doesn't seem much like HI. Usually, I hear about HI being kind of random and such but these are actual situations that seem quite realistic. If I focus into them, with time I can imagine the feelings, smells, tastes, sounds, etc... but I never slip into a dream with that particular situation and often times my dream isn't even similar to the situation. It's pretty much just as the title says, a deep visualization. For example, last night I had this dream: Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Kvxdelta's Awkward World of Hidden Truth and Reality Beyond Recognition - Dream Journals (Dream 021: The Dreamgate) and I tried to re-enter it by going back to sleep. (this was before I tried to write it, or the others down, while I was lying in whatever position I was in.) I began to lose track of my thoughts and wander in the quieter, calmer parts of my mind like I usually do and fell into a deep visualization of riding an Ender Dragon (Minecraft monster) over a large forest, that also seemed to be from Minecraft. Me and my friend had battled riding Ender Dragons over a forest on his Minecraft server the other day, if that says anything. However, there was no other person around and I think I MIGHT have been wielding a sword. I also think the trees might have been Minecraft ones. Now here's my question. What are these "deep visualizations" and are they normal? Are they just loose and/or distant dreams? Is it actually HI? I'm confused. >.<