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    Thread: Logic in Dreams...

    1. #1
      formerly αliαsмκ nightronics's Avatar
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      Logic in Dreams...

      So, last night i had a LD in which i tried to dream manifest purely by though alone. When that didnt work, I remembered the door manifest method (behind this door will be X) so, looking around and seeing no doors in sight, I tried to Thought Manifest one.
      Well, it didnt work. I said to my self "When i turn around, there will be a door" and I turn around, and there is the bottom one foot of a door, still forming. I woke up before it finished.

      Has anyone else had these lapses in logic that they regret in the morning? I know about the logic in dreams, but it didnt seem illogical, I just didnt think about it. Was this dream logic?
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    2. #2
      WDr is offline
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      I don't know
      Earth, most of the time
      I often wake up from LDs where I feel kinda... stupid. I don't know why, I just seem a little less... smart in dreams, LD or not

    3. #3
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      I know exactly what you mean! I use logic far better when I'm dreaming lol.

      The other night I was Lucid Dreaming but things did feel slightly real when I looked out of the open window. I remember thinking "If I jump and I'm not dreaming I will die," so I checked to see if I could 'hover' in the air.

      Next thing I know, it's safe to fly out the window and I'm off!

      I also use light switches as signs in my dreams. I check the light switch and if it doesn't turn on I somehow just know I'm dreaming hahaha

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by Aliasmk View Post
      So, last night i had a LD in which i tried to dream manifest purely by though alone. When that didnt work, I remembered the door manifest method (behind this door will be X) so, looking around and seeing no doors in sight, I tried to Thought Manifest one.
      Well, it didnt work. I said to my self "When i turn around, there will be a door" and I turn around, and there is the bottom one foot of a door, still forming. I woke up before it finished.

      Has anyone else had these lapses in logic that they regret in the morning? I know about the logic in dreams, but it didnt seem illogical, I just didnt think about it. Was this dream logic?
      never include 'dreams' and 'logic' in the same sentence, lol

    5. #5
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      The more complex the logic the more likely it is to not work in the dream world. The only one which is consistently reliable for me is simple predication "x is y", "I am b", etc... You can even redefine things right in front of you "that tree is a door" works surprisingly well. I never see things "change" from one to another, it actually more like I was previously mistaken and it has always been what I said it is.

      Another thing that works well in dreams are metaphor, analogy, and puns. I once saved a damsel in distress from a burning building by "fighting fire with the fire of passion"... yeah... awesome dream.

      Hard logic is tough tough. It seems mostly inaccessible to me in my dreams. However, there is an entire suite of thought processes which I would call "dream logic".
      I'm not always lucid, but whether I'm awake or asleep I'm always dreaming.

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      during sleep our "logic center" is turned off. In order to be lucid, you must find a way to activate it. The more LDs you have the better you will be at making more sense in dreams, and the more logical LDs you will have.

      I agree with SuperOhm Don't try to change things straight up like that. Don't think "there will be a door behind me", think "there was a door behind me." Remember things that don't exist.

      UNLESS you want to change the dream scene by thought alone, I only know one way to do this without help of trickery and dream objects.
      Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
      Neo: What truth?
      Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
      Neo: There is no spoon?
      Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

    7. #7
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      Very good points. The reason why we can do anything in our LDs is that the whole thing is happening in our minds. In a sense, we ARE the dream.

      I will mention this, however, avoid tense. Using terms like was, will be, is becoming, etc... doesn't tend to work, stick to present tense. Placing something in the future or the past implies that it is not here and now, and we all know that yesterday is already gone and tomorrow never comes. Even present participle doesn't work too great.

      I'm not sure that the logic portion of our brains is completely off though. I would say that different portions of the brain are necessary for different logical inferences, and sometimes some are on while others are off. I've recognized logical fallacies in my standard non-lucid dreams before. Once again, however, it seems like it would be a mistake to rely on those more complex logical circuits and stick to simple present-tense predication.
      Sensei likes this.
      I'm not always lucid, but whether I'm awake or asleep I'm always dreaming.

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