Alright....this might sound silly to some but it's legitimate question to There was this episode of Fraggle Rock maybe 30 years ago where they all had to hook up in a dream to do something. I don't remember what. The way they achieved it was by sleeping with their heads touching. Now obviously....that is a cartoon and it doesn't happen that way. I know because me and my brother tried 100 times as kids...haha. Question is...since our brains run on electricity, we're made from light and energy...that sort of thing...has anyone ever tried while lucid and sleeping next to someone else...whether or not they are into lucid dreaming...tried to enter the other persons dream. That was a ridiculous run-on sentence btw. Maybe even try to communicate and then ask the other person if they remember anything when they wake up? Even if it was totally unsuccessful...has anyone tried it out of curiosity? I'm gonna try it tonight for funsies. My wife doesn't give two shizz's about LDing. How awesome would that be though? I'm goin in...