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    • 1 Post By Fuzzman

    Thread: Do you really think I'll eventually have my first lucid dream? );

    1. #1
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      Do you really think I'll eventually have my first lucid dream? );

      I seriously don't know what to do. I used to be able to recall atleast four dreams , but I can't recall any for the past few days );
      I stopped doing my training and reading and almost basically gave up ); but I've decide to start again on my first day of summer );

      My question is
      1~where do you think I should start up again? What method? There's just so many it's confusing );

      2~ Do you think by practicing my lucid dreaming from the first day of summer I'll have ATLEAST one before summer Ends? );

      3~ does it really get easier to lucid dream once I start having more? ); I do not wanna take any supplements );

      Please understand how I'm feeling right now.
      I used to think to myself "I'll never get depressed as quit"
      But I've found myself getting lazy an such now );

    2. #2
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      You seem very adamant about achieving it so in time it will happen if you stick to your goals. Keep a strong focus of lucid dreaming on your mind during the day when you practice your techniques but try to be relaxed about it too. Don't feel frustrated or annoyed with yourself if you can't focus as much as you'd like to, if you don't get lucid or don't remember any dreams, just know that trying in itself IS practicing and it will get easier the more you get used to it. Try to think of this skill as a lifelong skill, if you have only one lucid dream on purpose in your life you're already way ahead of the majority of people who don't even know about it.

      Here's a few tips that hopefully might help:

      For dream recall, if you really can't remember anything when you wake up, lay still for 10 minutes in bed trying as hard as you can to pick out any thoughts that come up that could be related to your dream and try to follow them seeing if you can recall more. Write down in your journal ANY detail you come up with even if you're not sure if you were dreaming it or not. "I woke up feeling anxious and thinking about gummy bears but don't remember the details of my dream about it." If you really have nothing come up, write that down anyway to build the habit of writing when you wake. "I couldn't remember any dreams or thoughts related to dreams."

      Research on the forums and find a technique that fits into your lifestyle and that you think you would enjoy, something that you won't do half-assed and will actually use your full attention when doing the technique. If it's just reality checking throughout the day, put your full effort into it when you do it and really take the time to question whether you could be dreaming or if you're really awake. If it's awareness, spend time becoming aware of as much as possible around you and in your mind and body when doing the practice. There's tons of techniques so find one and stick with it fully for at least a few weeks to see how you like it before deciding to change. Don't confuse yourself with too much information by trying every technique available, get used to one first and if you like it after a few weeks, keep working with it but maybe add in some other practices once the first has started to become natural to you.

      Also along those lines, don't focus on working a bunch of different skills at once. If your recall is slacking, focus more on building your recall and less on becoming lucid. Once that is built up then you can work more on lucidity, but don't give yourself a bunch of crazy goals to achieve. Start small, just get comfortable with becoming lucid and stick to a simple achievable goal, like moving your body around, observing the dream scene, and picking up objects in the dream. This has two benefits: one is that it keeps it as the only thing in your mind so you're not wasting time when becoming lucid trying to figure out what to do, and two is that it is something easy and possible so you will feel less frustrated than if you picked something that would be difficult for you and ended up failing.

      Hopefully this helps some, just remember that while it is a cool skill and may seem like you want it really badly right now, it will take time to develop. Keep lucid dreaming on your mind during the day but stay relaxed about it and don't over think it. You've got your whole life to have one
      Last edited by Fuzzman; 05-28-2014 at 03:41 PM.
      fogelbise likes this.

    3. #3
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      Thanks (: this made me feel much more relaxed about this while thing.

    4. #4
      Join Date
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      I think I already gave my two cents in some of your other posts. But something else you can do is learn about how to astral project during the summer. Unlike lucid dreaming, I haven't heard of anyone struggling for long periods of time to do it. Usually it takes about a month, but some progress quicker than others. It won't hurt to learn about it alongside your training, and if you lucid dreaming still fails you, this might be a way to help you achieve it.

      I'm not the source to discuss astral projection, mind you. But I still think it's something that may help you if you decide to learn more on the subject.

    5. #5
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      Okay XD thanks!

    6. #6
      Join Date
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      My first lucid dream a few years ago I believe was influenced directly by simply thinking about lucid dreaming the entire day.
      "Everything perishable is merely an image
      The unfulfillable – here it becomes actuality
      The indescribable – here it is performed"

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