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    Thread: Will I eventually get it?

    1. #1
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      Will I eventually get it?

      I've attempted WILD about 20-30 times now and haven't made much progress. I've read all the tutorials and know what all the common mistakes are, and I'm pretty sure I don't do any of them. Is there anyone here who failed a lot and thought they would never get it, but is now really good at it? I really want to get good at WILDing but I feel really discouraged by my lack of progress. I'm not going to give up, though.

    2. #2
      Member Sorox's Avatar
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      While I'm not what you would call "really good" at Lucid Dreaming, I did fail A LOT before i finally had my first few WILDs/LDs. When i say a lot, I'm talking more than 20-30 times. I literally tried every night for almost 2 years before getting it down. and even now I'm still only getting 1-2 every 2-3 months. It's not all practice, more like you need to stop trying to have one and just let it happen. about 50-60% of my LD's have been accidental. Waking up one morning without morning I stumbled into a WILD by accident and I just learned from then on to just go with the flow. Then again, the point is to INDUCE whenever you want so i guess what i'm saying isn't really helpful
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      "Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality."

      I'm not going to add an LD count because I sort of don't keep count. I've had about 2-3 WILDs... i think and one or two DILDS.

    3. #3
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      Hey, don't sweat it if you haven't yet succeeded in a WILD attempt! It's one of the harder lucid dreaming techniques but once you master it, you're almost guaranteed an LD whenever you WILD. I believe Mancon is very good at WILDing; I'm sure he wouldn't mind answering your questions.

      From my own experiences, WILDing doesn't seem to be that much about actually forcing yourself to stay aware, as it does staying on the line between consciousness and unconsciousness. Many of my SP episodes have come when I'm close to nodding off and have forgotten how much time has passed, then suddenly - bam! Sleep paralysis. Once you get to SP, be sure to keep attention away from the hallucinations and your physical body, and passively relax into whatever sensations you may be experiencing. I can offer more specific advice if you could elaborate a little more on how far you've gotten.
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    4. #4
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      I can offer more specific advice if you could elaborate a little more on how far you've gotten.
      Usually what happens is I go for a WILD attempt, and I end up just falling asleep normaly because I become to restless from trying to stay slightly aware. Then, usually an hour or two later, I all of a sudden wake up in the middle of sleep paralysis (I can sometimes transition into a lucid dream). So it's sort of a half WILD/DEILD lol, I'm not sure if there's a name for that. But yeah, I've never transitioned from being awake to being in a LD with no lapse in consciousness, in other words a 'perfect' WILD.

    5. #5
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      Yes you will get it . It took me about a month before i got it down. All you have to do is let go, i usually just imagine miscellanous things which help mostly because it gets my mind off of sleep paralysis.

    6. #6
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      Thanks Dreamfinder. Were you trying every night in that month, or less?

    7. #7
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dreamfinder View Post
      Yes you will get it . It took me about a month before i got it down. All you have to do is let go, i usually just imagine miscellanous things which help mostly because it gets my mind off of sleep paralysis.
      how do you keep yourself from falling asleep when you let your mind go?
      I tried to do that once but I fell asleep.
      I was so much older then, I'm younger then that now.

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