|My lucid dreaming story|
Six months ago was the first time in my life I had become aware controlling your dreams was possible. In one of the posts before this it mentioned how to NOT take little things for granted. Which is what I had done, and not thought about controlling my dreams, until science class one day. About two months after that, I remembered that day and looked up, "how to control your dreams". I became obsessed. It was awesome. I spent hours on end researching about lucid dreams, I knew like everything about it (obviously not true, I'm sure there's more to learn lol) Eventually I made a Dreamviews account, and there have been multiple occasions where I was near lucidity (but not quite yet, one day though ). But then, after a couple of weeks of practicing, it completely dissipated from my life. There were times where I roughly thought about it, but that was it. I became lazy. It was like this for months. Now I have started again and feel very confident. I will continue to stay updated here, and constantly doing RCs and DJs. My solution if anyone is having trouble with staying consistent, is to be on DVs alot. This site, based around LDing, will get you thinking about it and want to do it. It's helped me a ton now. Best of wishes to you- xSpidy
P.S Please comment down below to give suggestions to everyone on ways to stay consistent with LDing. Bye!