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    Thread: Lucid dreaming Time control?

    1. #1
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      Post Lucid dreaming Time control?

      ok im new to this site and already love it so i decided to see if their were people that could tell me if this is true

      Is it possible to make a lucid dream last like a week. when i say that i mean is that can you make your lucid dreams seem like a week i mean common i need to know when i lucid dream can i pop into existence a button that makes the lucid dream last so much longer as long as i don't get too excited

      this would be amazing if it is true can anyone answer?

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      If it's possible no one has found a way as far as I know
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    3. #3
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      I read about a guy who was in autocrash and had brain injury or something i dont rememebr if he could walk after that or was paralysed but he could have lucid dreams very easy after that andt they last like years .Each lucid dream were like few years or even century so its possible i guess.. But he got it by injury tho
      Ps.sorry for bad english

    4. #4
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      It is possible. All that is needed is good dream control. Some say you can do it, some say you can't. I know many lucid dreamers that do it all the time. One of the first that comes to mind is a user named Hukif. He dilates time very efficiently and has multiple methods for how he does it.

      Remember dude, as long as you believe and yourself and practice, anything is possible within the dreamworld. The only limits you have are the ones you create yourself.

      So yes, one can dilate time.

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      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
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    5. #5
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      This is something that interests me greatly as well. I have learned to understand, accept and BELIEVE that there is nothing that cannot be done in one's own dream-world. the dream is created by your own subconscious mind while your body sleeps, and with some practice you can learn to control that part of your mind while the body sleeps. I have a few 'adventures' I would like to embark on, however a 1:1 time scale would be nowhere near enough considering you REM for such a short time each night.
      Seeing as there is no reason that the mind cannot imagine a near infinitely larger time scale, like 1,000,000:1 (dream time:IRL time) it would most definitely be possible with enough practice and most of all belief and confidence.

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      I'm gonna to into it with an open mind.

      However, from a practical stand point it should require more brain processing power than we possess. It should be possible to speed up time a little at least.

      I'm not sure your brain could process like 24 hours of dream time into an hour though say.

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      I think there was an entire DreamViews podcast on it.

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      Time dilation is real only in general relativity. So instead of sleeping with wormwood under your pillow, just place a black hole there such that your brain will be very close to the event horizon. Then other people observing you sleep will live out their whole life and indeed many subsequent generations of their progeny, While you are dreaming for what to them is thousands of years. Of course when you wake up even if you report to their 28th-great-grandchild that it was indeed a lucid dream, you will experience it as only seconds to minutes.

      Even if you report a non lucid dream according to quantum mechanics another version of you in a nearby universe with a slightly different black hole under their pillow will have had a lucid one

      In the event that you have no dream recall, log into Dream Views and check the Top Lucid Aids of Year 3257 thread, you will probably see a debate as to what percent of people in the thread think the NovaDreamer II will be out by years end!
      Last edited by cooleymd; 02-25-2016 at 06:41 AM.
      Sure LUCID DREAMS are all fun and games until someone loses a third eye.

    9. #9
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      ^^ Excellent (and pretty funny) points, Cooleymd (especially the one about ND2) ... Much better, I think, than saying "Oh, great, another time dilation thread!"

      Seriously: though it has been discussed so often, the book is probably still at least slightly open on this subject. In terms of actual evidence (i.e., experiments done by folks like LaBerge), it's been concluded that time moves at about the same pace in LD's as it does in waking life. In terms of subjective evidence (i.e., testimonials from folks like Hukif and Mylynes), it seems that the perception of time's passage can be extremely flexible in LD's. So there is a lot of room for debate, curiosity, and, I suppose, hope, left in the question.

      As far as I'm concerned (to date), the best you can do to dilate time in LD's is what you can do in waking-life: namely, that your subjective time can pass more slowly when you are, say, very bored, or more quickly when you are, say, having a great time. Beyond that, I haven't yet seen time change its pace significantly during a LD, and yes, I have tried to alter that pace. So basically you can dilate time a little bit in a dream, maybe adding a few minutes to an hour, but turning a 10-minute dream into a week or much more of subjective life seems to be improbable.

      I suppose I still hold out hope for practical time dilation in LD’s, though, because I also have suggested that perhaps there is no such thing as time, so, if time does not exist at all, then its passage can be ignored during a dream, offering a chance to exist in an eternal moment…I've had better luck with doing that, BTW, and it's pretty cool!

      Also, if time dilation in LD's is possible (and I do wish it were), I doubt it would have anything to do with brain physiology, so I don't see much sense in discussing how your brain must work faster or in much greater volume to dilate subjective time; in other words, expansive time dilation would probably have to tax a brain’s processing abilities far beyond those with which it is naturally endowed, so there must be something else going on.

      Note that I keep talking about time dilation in LD's, and not NLD's. That's because time dilation happens all the time in NLD's -- or at least it seems to do so: when you are not lucid, you are not aware that your dream is jumping from scene to scene without an actual passage of time between them, and you also cannot remember that your time in a dream really only started 5 minutes ago, and not, say, many years ago, as your dreaming mind would have you think. I’m sure you’ve all heard the movie analogy by now, but let me repeat its general theme: while watching a movie, you accept without question that it (the movie) can encompass many years within its story, even though the movie only lasts 2 hours in reality. An NLD can be very much the same, in that it might seem like much time has passed, but what you are really remembering are an assemblage of scenes, each quite short, that seem to span a long period of time, with the time that should have taken place between each scene never having existed; also, you may have been given an historic background by your dreaming mind to flesh out the dream, so that you actually believe this scene has been going on for possibly years…this belief can feel pretty profound upon waking, too, which I think fuels many of the stories of extreme time dilation.

      tl;dr: There is much conversation about time dilation on these forums, with none of it being very conclusive, but it seems that much of time dilation’s mythology might have been born in non-lucid dreams, where the impression of the passage of time can be pretty profound, even though it never happened.
      Last edited by Sageous; 02-25-2016 at 11:08 PM.
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    10. #10
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      Well as I'm sure you know the real problem with the ND2 is false positives. Le Berg thought that that button would do the trick but he had failed to consider time dilation from a gravity source. Suppose you wake up for real and remove your ND2 and hold it slightly away from the black hole. You then press the button, the on board computer detects that you have pressed it and immediately begins to send out flashing light, Unfortunately for the would be lucid dreamer, the presence of so nearby a black hole (just under the pillow) of course causes the light to shift either, and depending on how you hold it it might blue shift into ultra violet or red shift into infra red, either way the person will not consider that the light has been rendered completely invisible and will do something rash like decide to jump into the black hole and die instantly. Of course a more cautious dreamer would perform a second test and hold out their hand to count their fingers, but in this case gravitational shearing forces might tear off a finger or two causing them to conclude they are dreaming, and once again instant death awaits them in that very real black hole.


      I respond with this bit of funny stupidity because I have come to believe that time dilation is real, but only in Gravity Wells or accelerated frames of reference. Its hard to say time dilation is fake when 100 years of experiments show it is real. But it is a bit like saying shared dreaming isn't real, and have someone point out then what in the F' is the purpose of online dream journals (so it is all matter of having a clear definition of what we are really talking about). Can someone dilate time with only what is in their head, sure they can as long as they can collapse their brain to about 1/billionth of an atomic nuclei, if they can demonstrate this I'll certainly believe they can in fact dilate time. But since they can't do the one they can't do the other.

      You might know better than I if some perceptual time alteration is possible but this is because you have possibly experienced Lucid N-REM dreams, there are definitely experiments that do in fact show time acceleration in the N-REM state, but at most I have had one maybe two remembered N-REM dreams and I was not conscious in these dreams (if that is what they were)

      here in this Portion of a Scientific Video a scientist explains that
      N-REM is nonlinear and seems to play out at about 10X normal speed
      but REM is linear and seems to play out at real time

      Animal Brain Cells used to determine time and motion in Dream State

      So can you dream at high speed sure,
      can you REM dream at high speed no.

      can you Lucid in N-REM well if you're Sageous probably, but if you are a lurker not likely
      Last edited by cooleymd; 02-26-2016 at 03:08 AM.
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      Sure LUCID DREAMS are all fun and games until someone loses a third eye.

    11. #11
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      Well, looks like you'll never know if you don't try. Innovation comes from doing the impossible. You'll get that if you've ever watched the Steve Jobs movie where he hires an engineer and tells him to do something that no ones ever done before and the engineer does it. I am completely convinced that everything about LDing has to do with expectation. I believe that because of my Lucid Dreaming experience so far. Like Sageous mentioned, Hukif and Mylynes have claimed to have achieved "extreme" time dilation, and they never seemed like the type to make stuff up considering the were fairly devoted to LDing. Once I get time dilation down, I'll come back and let you guys know. Don't worry, it won't be long

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      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
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      You could remove you schema of time within the dream. Time is after all only perception.

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      If someone can dilates time in a lucid dream, he could dilates time in the waking reality as well, beacause in brain there are happening almost identical processes.
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      ^^ That's a good point...

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      Quote Originally Posted by Nfri View Post
      If someone can dilates time in a lucid dream, he could dilates time in the waking reality as well, beacause in brain there are happening almost identical processes.
      Correct me if I'm wrong, but if that's true shouldn't we be able to do almost anything in waking life that we can in dreams?

      While we're at it though, I wouldn't say I've dilated time in waking life(shocker right?), but my perception of time at times has been odd. As they say, time flies when you're having fun. But even when I'm not having fun there are times where It'll feel as though hours have passed but in actuality, only 1 hour has passed instead of 3 hours.

      I agree with xxPhoebusxx. Once we take out the schema of time from within our dreams, we can achieve time dilation with ease. That goes for everything in dreams as well. It's a hell of a lot easier to erase a schema within a dream than it is to erase schemas in waking life at all.
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      "If we doubted our fears instead of doubting our dreams, imagine how much in life we'd accomplish." ~Joel Brown
      "Your background and circumstances may have influenced who you are, but you are responsible for who you become." ~Darren Hardy

      -Become Lucid in every dream every night
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      The Problem with Time
      I think that the main problem that we have here is that in order to define time, we always end up using circular definitions. If you read up on it, time is always based on how much time it took to do something in respect to something else. We originally based a second off of something big, then we based it on something small. Basically basing it on something small enough that we can't effect it or big enough that we can't effect it either, so it is always the same as far as we can tell. We then found out that certain things cause a dilation in time, but we by no means think that we know all the reasons that time does what it does.

      So I guess what I am saying is that we are always talking about time, like it is this huge constant stream running forward, but there is already proof of time dilation, and we barely know anything about it really. We base time off of "vibrations in a molecular system" right now. Since consistency is what we determine time by, we can easily say that time can't be measured in a dream in a traditional sense. So the only thing we can measure is our "perception of time", so if you can make a dream feel like a week, then it is all that matters.

      Or you could change the molecular vibration of dream ammonium, it would technically dilate time since that is where we get a second. jk, but really.

      You may say that our mind would have to process things faster in order for time to dilate in a dream, but there is no proof of that.

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