So I had a lucid dream in which I ask my dream to show me something important but I do not understand why it is in important. So I start the lucid dream off in the cavern. I remember my goal to ask my dream to show me something important. When I ask the scene changes and I am in a computer lab. In front of me is a computer. It has a line as if you were about to ask sri or google a question. It starts to talk and I believe it is an audio file from a website. However I cannot hear anything. I am confused by this so I ask the dream for clarification. The space bar button is pressed on the keyboard and what I believe to be audio plays again. Can anyone relate to this or provide a suggestion of why or how this may be important? Perhaps I was supposed to hear the audio?

Edit: It makes sense for me not to hear. I didn't ask to hear something important. I asked to be shown something important. So what is so important about being shown a computer that talks to me like sri. But if I didn't ask to hear something important then why would it show me something that involves the sense of sound?