I was studying the principles of Tensegrity. Both the Physical and Archetechural application, as well as how it applies to the flow of Energy and Fluidity. A fascinating concept and theory put into reality by both Casteneda, with an ancient handed down routine brought to the masses. And Kenneth Snelson, with his super impressive design in sculpture that is Needle Tower. Take a second and google "Needle Tower by Kenneth Snelson" if you have never before seen the sculpture. I recieved a great deal of knowledge, by simply looking at the photographs, visualizing the theory at work, and contemplating how it applies to aspects of the path of knowledge. Casteneda used this theory to describe a energy workout basically used in strengthening the amount of energy you have, as well as developing more through the usage of visualization and specific movements used to exite filiments carrying through the assemblage point I presume.. I was reading them off the internet, from someones notes they typed up and posted, and doing them at the same time in my apartment bedroom.. Which was kind of rocky at first. But then, something very strange started happening to me..

I don't know if anyone is familiar with the term "Somasomatic" or not but for those who aren't I will give you a brief summary. It is a term used by Medical Science to describe the phenomena of "muscle memory", i.e. A physical movement that has been practiced by a person over and over, forgotten by the mind from a long period of non-usage, will be remembered by the body muscles first rather than the mind when trying to be recollected, if that makes any sense...
Anyway, I was having Somasomatical experiences while doing some of these exercises... And I couldn't figure out why or how, seeing as this was the first time I had seen, and studied Casteneda's(Toltec) movements, it was feeling so f$*%ng familiar to me... Like Deja Vu in my body almost. And then it hit me.. The reason some of these movements felt so strangley familiar to me, was because I had done some of these movements before....

When I was 19, I studied Southern Shaolin Kung Fu, or Hung-Gar. And my Sifu or (Sensei) was a man who I had always regarded as having massive inner Chi. Even before reading anything on Don Juan, or the path of knowledge, I had a general idea of what Chi was and my Sifu had more than an average man. And he would take us through a routine JUST like what they were describing on the computer screen. Some of the movements were so familar because we had done alot of them in the same ORDER as well. I look back and remember how highly my energy was charged in those classes, and wondered if my Sifu had learned this from his Master, or from Casteneda's early works or seminars on the subject of "Tensegrity". Now granted I am not familiar enough with both routines to say whether or not they are indeed the same.. But I have a hypothesis, that these two sequences could have the same basic principles in movement. If you could identify and recognize similarity in the movements from 2 different cultures' sacred energy gathering rituals, such as the Chinese practicing similar movements in Kung-Fu to instill clear and dynamic energy, and the Ancient Toltec Shaman of Mexico using same techniques to develop energy for purposes of intent. You could thereby add validity to the Movements for creating and distributing bodily energy or Chi, because two completely different cultures are using the same basic techniques to develop Chi or energy although they have never co-existed, or shared knowledge.

If I come up with any evidence supporting my theory, I will update this thread with my findings. Thanks for reading this Hypothesis and any feedback on this or Tensegrity, in general, would be greatly appriciated.

-May the force (of intent) be with you.