I've been encoutering more and more SP lately (which is odd, because I never had a case of it before I started LD'ing).

While anyway, most of the time I would wake up from a LD into the SP...I would see something that looked like this:


No choking, no chest-sitting, no sounds...just kinda "out there"...Well, today....NOT good.

So I am lying in my bed, face up...(this may be a FA)...i go to reach for my nose, can't...ugh...SP. anyways, this hat that I have on top of one of my speakers that overhangs my bed, flew off and hit me in the foot...(now i think I may be dreaming)...the next thing I know, I feel like I am hovering, and I am in this space between my bed and dresser...still cant move...but, I feel a presence..

So things are starting to get to me. Then, I hear "it. "It" is the voice of pure evil. In the one or two successful WILDs I've had, the verbal hallucinations I had were mild...kinda amusing in a way. But this...just pure evil. And I could feel a pressure on my throat...not choking, but like there was a remote on my neck.

Well, anyways, I am pretty sure it was a bad case of SP. My question I guess is...has anyone had the sounds of pure evil talk to them? I don't remember what he said, but he had that Low, deep, demonic tone.

Well, Happy dreaming, lol!