Sorry about not beeing as accurate. I am not having dream journal right now with me. Still i would be interested what was this dream experience about: I made some experimentations at the evening. As it sometimes happens, these experimentations made me feel somehow awake over the whole night. I couldnt sleep well. As i live at the college, i am usually not alone at night. As i was in a half dream state. I had the feeling of loud music playing in headphones on my head. The funny thing about it was, that I didnt have any headphones as I later realized. I felt crazy afterward. Still. REalizing this was only illusion i continued to lye in bed. Then I had the feeling that my roommate comes together with sensation that he is trying to assasinate me {still movements, whispering and so}. As i realized, that it was him, i tried to communicate with him, but it didnt work somehow. I couldnt speak. I tried to move. I couldnt. So i floated out of my bed finding out that this has to be a dream, but i couldnt speak. Everything was so dark. I was full of fear. So i returned somehow to my bed and got awake.
Later I realized that nobody is in the room. Everything were just hallucinations. Pretty a crazy experience. Of course. I was freaked out, still i like the state somehow. It is so different then real life. What was this experience in terms of lucid dreaming. Was it a WILD of SP or what.