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    1. #1
      Novice Lucid Dreamer
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      Strangest SP encounter?

      This is a thread for people's strangest sleep paralysis stories.

      I was trying to WILD last week, and I had a true "doh!" moment. First, the usual happened, but I didn't get any audible hallucinations yet. Suddenly, I heard the door open, and my roomate came in. I heard him shut the door, and heard him walk to his desk and put his backpack down. I also heard him fumble around a little bit. I also had a weird feeling that he switched the lights on.

      I figured that I probably should get up, and check that it was him, and not somebody breaking into my room or something (dumb logic). So, I opened my eyes and looked over. You can pretty much guess what happens next. Blackness, no roomate, and me pissed off.

    2. #2
      Speedcubing Madman Vegan's Avatar
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      One time I was trying to WILD, and I somewhat woke up standing in the bathroom. I thought I was dreaming, but I actually wasnt O.o
      WILDs - 38
      MILD/DILDs - 44
      VILDs - 8
      TILDs - 1 (Thirst Induced Lucid Dream, never going through that experience again...)
      Total: 98 - So close to the big 100

    3. #3
      The avatarless one
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      I think I already posted this in a thread, but I had a bit of a freaky SP experience during Easter. It was morning, and I had done a WILD (without feeling SP), and the dream was not very vivid, so I spun my dream body to ground myself. Big mistake, I woke up instead, and I was stuck in SP. Next thing I know, I was hallucinating that my body shifted to a vertical position, with my feet up in the air! I could feel myself getting lifted upwards, then the hallucination stopped, and the SP faded. My whole body was tingling with needle-like sensations as I regained my ability to move. I didn't sleep any more.

    4. #4
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      When I was younger, I woke up, I couldnt move or scream as this zombie looking creature crawls up from under my bed and slowly walks towards me. That happend to me for many years. It was frightening because it felt real and not a dream. I didnt know tho back then that it had a name, I just found out about SP recently.

    5. #5
      Member analyst's Avatar
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      My head, too often!
      once when in SP...

      i felt my dream-body separating from real-body first starting with the feet floating upwards, and then my knees, hips, torso, etc. it stopped very clearly at the neck and i was literally dangling for about 2 minutes just enjoying the peaceful feeling. i did try to control the movement (up and down) and it seemed reverse psychology worked for it. when i said, "go up", my dream body started to come back down into my real body and when i said, "go down", my dream body started to go up again. the max point seemed to be when my head was still attached, and i attribute this to my pillow being a little too high that morning and it was providing a little more pressure under my head than usual...

      i was quite conscious of my dream-body and real-body at the same time. i could see the ceiling (real eyes? or dream eyes?) but i couldn't see my dream-feet, etc. after a few minutes a real noise awoke me, and i floated rather quickly back into my sleeping body, wishing i could have hovered longer.
      Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge, experience and even your inquiries regarding LDs!!!

      WILDs: 10
      DILDs: 3

    6. #6
      Echoes Echoes's Avatar
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      I would have to say the first time I went into SP, I was doing a FILD and standing at the foot of my bed was a camel wearing a blue and black Berka talking me through the whole process.

    7. #7
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      I tried to fight the hallucinations and impending-doom feeling and rolled out of my bed. I got up and saw myself laying in bed...it was the freakiest thing. That night, I had been reading all about OBE exit techniques, so I guess I tricked my mind. I should add that I have SP every night.

      I find that SP helps me induce LDs fairly well. Is this common to utilize SP in this way?

    8. #8
      Navigator AlexLou's Avatar
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      Yeah, I can attribute my natural ability to get lucids to SP.

      I have a lotta strange SP experiences because I get the hallucinations. One time I passed out on the couch and entered SP. First I saw that the TV screen displayed a still of flowers even though I knew the TV was off. Then I saw Pyramidhead (a video game villain) in a closet nearby. I saw him through the wall. I just thought this was funny because the character doesn't scare me but he's supposed to be a scary character and I knew that my mind was trying to scare me but had failed. As soon as I thought this, he disappeared. Next I start to hear this booming coming from the back door. It gets louder and louder as if it's getting closer and soon it is so loud that I can hardly stand it. It also frightens me even though I realize it's imaginary, but it soon goes away. Now I think that I hear my roommate come in the house and I think that he may have sat down on the sofa next to me and started to play a video game. Although I know that it's just as likely that he isn't there I try to talk to him because at the time I wanted to be able to talk in my sleep.

      Needless to say, my roommate had not come in.

    9. #9
      Navigator AlexLou's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by TopographicOceans View Post
      When I was younger, I woke up, I couldnt move or scream as this zombie looking creature crawls up from under my bed and slowly walks towards me. That happend to me for many years. It was frightening because it felt real and not a dream. I didnt know tho back then that it had a name, I just found out about SP recently.
      That's freaking scary. I dread the day that I have an SP involving a zombie. I didn't know what SP was for years either.

    10. #10
      Novice Lucid Dreamer
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      Quote Originally Posted by TopographicOceans View Post
      When I was younger, I woke up, I couldnt move or scream as this zombie looking creature crawls up from under my bed and slowly walks towards me. That happend to me for many years. It was frightening because it felt real and not a dream. I didnt know tho back then that it had a name, I just found out about SP recently.

      There's nothing worse than that. I had stuff like that happen for years too, because I used to stay up late at night until passing out, basically.

      lol Echoes. That sounds more funny than anything.

    11. #11
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      Quote Originally Posted by Luminous View Post
      I woke up instead, and I was stuck in SP. Next thing I know, I was hallucinating that my body shifted to a vertical position, with my feet up in the air! I could feel myself getting lifted upwards, then the hallucination stopped, and the SP faded. My whole body was tingling with needle-like sensations as I regained my ability to move. I didn't sleep any more.
      the same thing happened to me! i was in SP and then felt as if i was rising horizontally, and i got a little freaked and i made myself come back down.. then woke up.. then lied down again and the same thing happened, so this time i let myself rise, and my feet rose up vertically above my head! and i had my eyes open and was looking at my pillow the whole time while this was happening.. and i dont know if my eyes were actually looking at my pillow or if it was a hallucination.. i just let myself rise to see what would happen.. then i came back down and woke up...
      - CoW

    12. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by Luminous View Post
      I think I already posted this in a thread, but I had a bit of a freaky SP experience during Easter. It was morning, and I had done a WILD (without feeling SP), and the dream was not very vivid, so I spun my dream body to ground myself. Big mistake, I woke up instead, and I was stuck in SP. Next thing I know, I was hallucinating that my body shifted to a vertical position, with my feet up in the air! I could feel myself getting lifted upwards, then the hallucination stopped, and the SP faded. My whole body was tingling with needle-like sensations as I regained my ability to move. I didn't sleep any more.
      dude thats sickk, wish i could just 'do' that sometimes
      | DILD= 5 | DEILD= 2 | MILD= 4 | WILD= 5 |

    13. #13
      Oneironaut Achievements:
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      Hmm im still trying to stay awake through Sleep Paralysis, i kinda wanna know what it feels like and everything
      I dont even know where i should start?

    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by KidDreamer View Post
      Hmm im still trying to stay awake through Sleep Paralysis, i kinda wanna know what it feels like and everything
      I dont even know where i should start?
      | DILD= 5 | DEILD= 2 | MILD= 4 | WILD= 5 |

    15. #15
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dash View Post
      This is a thread for people's strangest sleep paralysis stories.

      I was trying to WILD last week, and I had a true "doh!" moment. First, the usual happened, but I didn't get any audible hallucinations yet. Suddenly, I heard the door open, and my roomate came in. I heard him shut the door, and heard him walk to his desk and put his backpack down. I also heard him fumble around a little bit. I also had a weird feeling that he switched the lights on.

      I figured that I probably should get up, and check that it was him, and not somebody breaking into my room or something (dumb logic). So, I opened my eyes and looked over. You can pretty much guess what happens next. Blackness, no roomate, and me pissed off.

      Something like very much like that happened to me.

    16. #16
      Sneeky Peeky
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      One memorable time I woke up and was laying in my bed, apparently in SP, watching a pretty pinkish cloud that read "terrier/terreur" or something ridiculously French-ish-y. I feeling quite comfy, quite unaware of any physical feeling for a few moments, trying to will some energy into my paralysed fingers I suddenly felt something up on my chest and I got such a scare before I realised my hand had moved up to my chest (I had no feeling in it) of its own accord. well... I confess I did yelp...quite loudly for the morning.

      maybe a bit like half waking up when someone grabs you. Kinda brings up a chuckle thinking about it, now.

      ~ Smee

    17. #17
      Member ChaybaChayba's Avatar
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      One time during sleep paralysis it felt like my hand was burning for real! Very painful.

      Other times I usually get my legs jumping up just like that when im laying on my back. Like my body wants to jump out, really weird. It's kinda cool in a way because you never see it coming, like what the hell was that!

    18. #18
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      Sometimes I will find myself in SP within the dream, unable to move or talk. Then, all I want to do is wake up - but as hard as I try, I just end up "waking up" in another dream with SP... like an endless loop. Once it felt like I was stuck in the dream in SP for like 30 mins. For some reason I never think to try anything else other than trying to wake myself up.

    19. #19
      Myself burton_bean's Avatar
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      Yesterday I had the most odd experience during an afternoon nap! Here is how the dream went.

      I was in a wilderness type scene and I was on a gondola that was taking me up a mountain. I was just enjoying all the trees and other surroundings when two people who I knew rode by on another gondola coming up along the opposite direction. I tried to get out of my gondola to get to them and I fell out and was hanging on to a small plastic mesh that held the dirt up on the sides of the mountain. I finally got back to a place I could climb back up and and I was reaching towards the ledge and there appeared a rattle snake. I suddenly thought that this was too unreal. Did the plug nose RC and realized I was dreaming. Right when that happened my brother came in my room to wake me up for dinner. I was between the dream and waking life, and I was trying to talk to my brother and I could hear my real body just making whining sounds while I was trying to talk to him. I was in total SP so I couldn't move any part of my body. It was a crazy feeling!

    20. #20
      Be a man of Value. Jorge's Avatar
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      Dam I've never experience SP! And it's something that you have to achieve to achieve a OBE I think.

    21. #21
      Lurker KrazyRaquel's Avatar
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      I believe sleep paralysis is an interesting subject to talk about. Many say its a sleeping disorder while other believe its something spiritual. I guess depending on the person having the experience can decide. As for me, I believe this is something spiritual. Why? Well, when I was pregnant from my first child 1993-15 years ago, it would happen to me EVERY morning around 5:30am after my husband would leave to work, it never happed when he was off. I would get up every morning to make him breakfast and lunch and when he would leave, I would go to bed. Being that I was pregnant, sleeping on my side was the most comfortable position. I would lay down, then I would say as I lay there just thinking for about 10 maybe 15 min it would happen. I felt someone behind me. As I tried to turn, I realized I could not move, open my eyes, nor even yell. The felling was very terrifying. I had never felt FEAR as I did when this would happen. I didn't hear anything. And I don't think it was just because I could not move, but mainly cause I felt someone behind me. This was happening to me every morning in this house, expect for the days my husband was off. Never happened when my husband was there. Always happened in the early morning. It got to the point to when it would happen, I would just repeat prayers in my head and tell myself this will pass..until I fell asleep. Then when I would wake up, it felt like nothing ever happen. Some days I would just stay up watching TV so it wouldn't happen. When we moved to an apartment, it didn't happen anymore. Until 2004, we had moved into a house where the kids and I would notice the cat staring at the walls and move her head as if she was following the sight of something. At this time it only happen two times about a week apart from each other. My husband was working nights and I would stay up late watching TV. Around 3am I had just turn the TV off and turned to my side to go to sleep. As I laid there for a few min with my eyes closed, I heard the the door nob to my door moving really fast, as though someone was trying to come in my room. It scared me, I thought it was one of my kids. (I have two kids). So I was going to get up to see what was happening, when I realized my body was not cooperating with me. Then the fear kicked in, I could not yell, move, nor open my eyes. I could only hear the door knob moving fast, I didn't hear no screaming or yelling just the door knob. I began to pray in my head. I also kept thinking oh no not again.....then after about 5 long min. the noise stopped and I was able to move. I sat up on my bed and looked around. My bedroom door was open. (I had left it open, it was never closed) I was very puzzled and scared. I spoke about it for the first time to a friend I had met at work, Genna. She told me that if it happens again to say in my mind "if you don't come in the name of God, you must leave". So about a week after this happen, I had stayed up late watching a late show when I decides to go to bed. I laid on my back/side and closed my eyes. I laid there for maybe 3 min when I heard a squeaky sounds coming from my desk. I had a wooden chair at my desk that would squeak when someone would sit on it. I thought "what in the world are my kids doing on the computer at this time?" When I tried to sit up, I realized it was happening again. I could feel myself barely moving as I tried to sit up. This time I managed to open my eyes just a little. I could see my desk across the room, I could see the back rest of the chair but as I looked towards the seat all I could see was like a gray smoke that covered everything from the seat down from one side of the room to the other side. There was no odor, just the gray site. When I saw this I was really scared and though in head...If you don't come in the name of God, you must leave. I said that several times. Then I when I was able to move, I got up and turned the light on to my bathroom. I looked around and nothing. The presence feeling was gone. I slept with the light on that night. And it has not happened again since then. So if this was a sleeping disorder why didn't it continue after we moved from the first house. And why after I told it to leave, when it happed 4yrs ago, it didn't happened again during the 7 months we stayed in that house. Nor has it happed again ever since. There was no pattern to diagnose it as a sleeping disorder. One thing happen in April of 2004, 3 months before the door knob and the squeaking chair. I was laying on my stomach, leaning my head on my left hand, on my bed watching the news. Had a clear mind at the time, when in my right ear clear as day I heard the voice of what sounded like a young white woman. She said "You're crazy", in a happy tone. I sat up really quick and thought I KNOW I HEARD THAT. I didn't scare me it just really freaked me out. Later I created my yahoo account with krazyraquel.

    22. #22
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      Wait I'm confused. Are people trying to get SP? If so why? it sounds kinda freaky O_o

    23. #23
      Navigator AlexLou's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by blueskiesforever View Post
      Wait I'm confused. Are people trying to get SP? If so why? it sounds kinda freaky O_o
      I'm not. But it's a side-effect of some techniques for becoming lucid so some people actually try to get SP because they know that it leads to lucidity.

    24. #24
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      I've had a few interesting ones.. one of the problems, though, was that they happened before I even had my first lucid dream, way before I even heard about lucid dreaming.

      I once woke up by an alien strangling me(obviously i was in sp.) He sat on my chest and absolutely choked me, until suddenly I gathered all my strength and- I woke up...
      In the air in front of me this weird futuristic object was hovering.... then WOOF it flew into my mouth... I woke up.. Totally fucking freaked out about it.

      Most people who claim to have been probed or abducted by aliens and shit like that are actually just people in sleep paralysis or vivid dreams.. I mean.. even I feared it was true for a second..

    25. #25
      with the power of 28!! seeker28's Avatar
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      I've had some funny SP expeirences and a few scary ones.

      A few times I've had the experience some of you have talked about -- feeling both my physical body and dream body at once. So cool!

      Once while trying to WILD I got the nice little vibrations and was all happy, but then this incredibly loud, high pitched noise started. It was so loud I laid there thinking that if something was that loud in waking life it would blow up my ear drums! It HURT! I kept telling myself it was just SP and I couldn't actually be hurt by it, but after a minute or so I ended the SP just so it would stop!

      Another time I saw this giant black wolf crouching near the celing by my bed. He just stared at me, panting, drooling, all red-eyed and freaky.

      I often hear music during SP. Not anything I've ever heard (that I'm aware of) in waking life. Beautiful music, the kind that gives you goosebumps. If I was a musician I'd try to write some of it down.
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