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    View Poll Results: Would you say lucid dreaming is better than video games?

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    • No

      4 4.94%
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    1. #51
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      Quote Originally Posted by slash112 View Post
      None of those arguments will ever beat the fact that an LD is the greatest feeling ever.

      And if you seriously think that video games are better than lucid dreams, then I don't see why you are in this site at all.
      Don't tell anyone, but I personally feel LDs are, in fact, better than video games. I just like debate. So, anyone willing to address my points in a non-subjective manner?

      ((It's funny because everything is subjective.))
      Last edited by Mzzkc; 10-18-2009 at 02:30 AM.

    2. #52
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      Who dares to vote against lucid dreaming!?

      I shall smite thee!

    3. #53
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      The thing about an LD is that you have total freedom. If you practice enough, controlling LDs is very easy. It doesn't take "years" to have an LD. Just a while to find what works for you.

    4. #54
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      Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
      The thing about an LD is that you have total freedom. If you practice enough, controlling LDs is very easy. It doesn't take "years" to have an LD. Just a while to find what works for you.
      Still, at first, most people have restrictions that don't even allow them to do things you could easily do in a video game. Control takes a good deal of practice, perfection and tuning, all in short to medium bursts. You can practice a game as much as you'd like. Also, you don't have to spend a lot of time or effort to enjoy a game. Sure you might have to play it a bit before you get all the good stuff, but it's fun all the way through.
      Last edited by Mzzkc; 10-18-2009 at 07:00 PM.

    5. #55
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      This totally reminds me of a lucid dream I had a few weeks ago.

      I was apart of some sort of game where I watched a little dinosaur from bird eyes view. Every time I swung my arm the dinosaur would do a light attack, when I kicked my leg it would do a heavy attack. It was almost as If I was sat in front of the telly playing on the wii.
      The game wasn't realistic either, it looked just like an actually game! using 3D models for everything XD

      I spent a good few minutes trying to kick the other dinosaurs asses. Each one had a little health bar above their head too
      I was playing a baby t-rex while the enemy's was them dinosaurs with the plates along their spine and HUGE tails. (Cant remember the name for them)

    6. #56
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      Firstly, Video games can last longer than any one Lucid Dream.
      True, but videogames get boring after a while and do end. Lucid dreams are based on your creativity and imagination and you could spend a whole lifetime having them and not get bored of them, and you start mastering it the longer you go on for meaning you can have lucid dreams more often, adding up.

      The "money" argument has no backing because anyone resourceful enough can get a game they want to play for free.
      That is also illegal in most cases, lucid dreaming is not illegal and benefits you mentally. Video games can also do this but most video gamers do not buy many games that do. If they do get games free and illegally, it can make them feel a bit bad if they are the type to feel bad from things like that.

      Video games are consistent, and allow you to control things with a push of a button. No fancy attention and focus shifting to bring about a certain archetype.
      If you are bad at lucid dreaming then sure, video games can be better but for lucid dreamers who are more experienced, they have the satisfaction of doing it themselves instead of the game making it. You also can control everything in a lucid dream if you get to that point. You can not control everything in videogames even if you have played them for years.

      To have an experience and get lost in a captivating story all you have to do is pop in a disc, or cartridge, or other. If you want to change your experience altogether there's nothing fancy you have to do to change the scene. And when switching games there's no leftover archetypes that might mess up your fun.
      Part of the above I said about satisfaction applies to this too. The experiences you have in lucid dreams are amazing because you personally are there if you know what I mean and it's your mind that created it instead of a programme. This is partly still a valid point however.

      Video games can be quite realistic. It all depends on what game you're playing. Very rarely are LDs actually as vivid as we like to think they are.
      You're never actually there in a video game though. In a dream even if it isn't that realistic you're still there. I'm not going to get into this but what in your opinion is realistic? It can mean many different things to different people so without knowing more I cannot really say anything else.

      Controls in games aren't really that big of a deal. Furthermore, how many people have to get used to something simple like flying in LDs, Let alone something much more complex?
      Another good point that I can't really think of a response at the moment except that when you do learn how to do those things, you learn it for life and it can stay the same while in a video game, the controls change each videogame. A bit offtopic but the controls in a videogame, there aren't very many buttons on an average controller and you can only control a limited amount of things with them when with lucids you can learn and control anything you want.

      Most people have restrictions in LDs. They shouldn't, but they do for various reasons.
      If they do, it would still be very few restrictions. Lucid dreams have a lot less restrictions than real life. Think of how many restrictions there are in a videogame compared to real life. In shooting games, pretty much the only thing you can do is walk, shoot, reload and not much else.

      Most modern games use games use vision, sound, and touch. LDs only use whatever senses you're focusing on at the time. This could be all of them, or none at all.
      Videogames can use those senses, yes but they use them to a lesser degree than lucid dreams (except sound if you have surround sound speakers) Touch is really really restricted in videogames, though they are trying to improve this, it's pretty much restricted to vibration for some controllers and the wii-mote all you can feel is the wii-mote still... In lucid dreams, you use these three senses most the time and can use the other two as well when in a videogame you cannot.

      Undoubtedly I've missed out a lot as I'm kind of new to lucid dreaming but a more experienced dreamer would be able to go into it in a lot more detail.

    7. #57
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      Not to mention some claim to taste things in dreams. I can't say I have (usually its bland) but I'l trying to.

    8. #58
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      absolutely yes LD's are better

      We need not even explain it. They just are.

    9. #59
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dying Dignity View Post
      True, but videogames get boring after a while and do end. Lucid dreams are based on your creativity and imagination and you could spend a whole lifetime having them and not get bored of them, and you start mastering it the longer you go on for meaning you can have lucid dreams more often, adding up.
      Or, you could just start up a different game (However, there are some games out there that have a ridiculous amount of replay value). Dreams generally only last so long and they're rarely linked together in any significant way. Games allow for a much more in depth experience that can last for days or even years (in the case of an MMO).

      That is also illegal in most cases, lucid dreaming is not illegal and benefits you mentally. Video games can also do this but most video gamers do not buy many games that do. If they do get games free and illegally, it can make them feel a bit bad if they are the type to feel bad from things like that.
      Yep, in most cases it is illegal. It's still possible, which essentially means games, like everything else electronic, can be free. I would also like to point out that someone who is willing to steal like that probably doesn't feel bad about it at all. They're too busy enjoying their free game.

      If you are bad at lucid dreaming then sure, video games can be better but for lucid dreamers who are more experienced, they have the satisfaction of doing it themselves instead of the game making it. You also can control everything in a lucid dream if you get to that point. You can not control everything in videogames even if you have played them for years.
      Your first point is simply untrue. Games offer quite a bit of satisfaction when you accomplish a certain feat. I remember how great I felt when I took down my first scarab in Halo 3. Also, everyone, no matter how skilled they are, will run into problems when trying to control the dreamscape. For more experienced LDers, the problems will be few and far between since they already have well established archetypes they can call on. The opposite is true for less experienced LDers. However, when it comes to games, the controls are the same for everyone, which makes them much easier to learn.

      Part of the above I said about satisfaction applies to this too. The experiences you have in lucid dreams are amazing because you personally are there if you know what I mean and it's your mind that created it instead of a programme. This is partly still a valid point however.
      I offer the argument that everything you experience is subjective and therefore formed inside of your head. Who's to say someone doesn't truly lose themselves within the game like you would in a LD? Still, that doesn't directly address my point that you can have any experience you'd like very very easily.

      You're never actually there in a video game though. In a dream even if it isn't that realistic you're still there. I'm not going to get into this but what in your opinion is realistic? It can mean many different things to different people so without knowing more I cannot really say anything else.
      Realism in the sense that the previous person meant it: Graphics and visuals. Some LDs are incredibly un-vivid and even a video game with poor graphics is more realistic than the dream.

      Another good point that I can't really think of a response at the moment except that when you do learn how to do those things, you learn it for life and it can stay the same while in a video game, the controls change each videogame. A bit offtopic but the controls in a videogame, there aren't very many buttons on an average controller and you can only control a limited amount of things with them when with lucids you can learn and control anything you want.
      Yep, I touched on this before. Game controls are the same for each person and are easy to learn or be taught. In dreams, you have to come up with your own set of controls. Not an easy feat.

      If they do, it would still be very few restrictions. Lucid dreams have a lot less restrictions than real life. Think of how many restrictions there are in a videogame compared to real life. In shooting games, pretty much the only thing you can do is walk, shoot, reload and not much else.
      Most good modern FPSs let you do a lot more than that. Sure, that might be all you can do in a crappy game, but good games are generally more immersive than that. Restrictions in Lucids occur when people create archetypes for themselves based on what they deem to be true in reality. For instance, many people can't fly because they've ingrained the idea of gravity holding them down into their minds based on their experience in waking life.

      Videogames can use those senses, yes but they use them to a lesser degree than lucid dreams (except sound if you have surround sound speakers) Touch is really really restricted in videogames, though they are trying to improve this, it's pretty much restricted to vibration for some controllers and the wii-mote all you can feel is the wii-mote still... In lucid dreams, you use these three senses most the time and can use the other two as well when in a videogame you cannot.
      Yep, Lucids allow for much more in depth sensory perception. . . most of the time. Anyone who has had enough LDs can usually relate a couple times in which they were unable to see, hear, or what have you. Another instance in which video games provide a consistent experience.

      Undoubtedly I've missed out a lot as I'm kind of new to lucid dreaming but a more experienced dreamer would be able to go into it in a lot more detail.
      You did fine. ^.^

    10. #60
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      Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
      Not to mention some claim to taste things in dreams. I can't say I have (usually its bland) but I'l trying to.
      I've said it many times but I'll say it again: a lot of dream food tastes awesome!

    11. #61
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      Quote Originally Posted by Naiya View Post
      I've said it many times but I'll say it again: a lot of dream food tastes awesome!
      The other night I accomplished eating something. It was a jelly snake, which maintained a flavour just like in reality, if not slightly subtler. Very sweet, too.

    12. #62
      Dreamer Mistoballin's Avatar
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      Lucid dreams are 110% better than video games, in games can you fly to the moon while kissing the girl of your dreams? Can you summon up a batch of exploding muffins? Point proven.
      Have a Lucid Dream [ ]
      Fly [ ]
      Summon a person or item [ ]
      Morph into another species/gender [ ]
      Kiss the girl of my dreams(Get the pun?) [ ]

      Lucid Dreams: 0 Dreams recalled: 2

    13. #63
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mistoballin View Post
      Lucid dreams are 110% better than video games, in games can you fly to the moon while kissing the girl of your dreams? Can you summon up a batch of exploding muffins? Point proven.
      Tip: Dont except food from dreamers.

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