I have this reoccurring dream about a presence in my dreams for the last couple of years now. It is not a ghost that can be seen but a presence that I feel. I can have a totally normal dream about something and all of a sudden I can feel the presence in my dream. It doesn’t take part in what’s happening but I am the only one who knows it near. I try to pay no attention to it but I know its there and it makes me very uneasy but my dream continues on whether I am dreaming happy or sad thoughts

Up until recently this presence was not menacing it was more watchful, it hovered close by in my dream but never really became part of what I was dreaming about. I feel it’s an entity of some sort now because the last dream I had my 12 year old daughter was screaming from her bedroom. I ran to her room and I knew the presence was in there with her. When I opened the door the bedroom floor was made of glass panels and when I looked down there was this abyss. This presence was trying to smash the glass floor so my daughter’s room would collapse downwards into the abyass. I grabbed my daughter and we ran. The presence didn’t give chase and it did not expose itself to my daughter but she thought the house was collapsing for some reason.i didn’t tell her and thats when I forced myself to wake up.

This presence feels real like it shouldn’t be part of my dreams and comments would be appreciated.