Okay, this is just a thought that popped into my head today that's really got me interested. I hope this is the right board for it.

So everyone knows that dreams are tied to the subconscious mind, even if I had any sort of doubt about this before, these past two weeks I've had enough dreams to convince me that that's true (each one touched on an issue in my life, they were all pretty easy to decipher too). Recently I was watching Dr. Bruce Lipton's Biology of Belief, and during the second part of the presentation his partner comes up on stage to talk about how the subconscious beliefs can get in the way if they don't match your conscious intentions, and while he goes on to present this technique where you can change your subconscious belief in practically minutes, I think it's safe to say that for the average person not working with his program, it would take much longer for them to change their beliefs on a subconscious level.

So, if I didn't lose your attention already XD do you think it's possible to take advantage of the connection between the subconscious mind and dreams to do the same thing? To try to alter your beliefs in a lucid dream setting?

Thinking about this logically, I don't see why it shouldn't be possible, but I wouldn't know how to even attempt something like this. If I were to try, hmm, the metaphor of the brain being like a computer was used a lot in the presentation, so I think I'd try to make everything that my subconscious is supposed to be translate into that, like a GUI so I can make sense of everything, but I don't know how to draw the line between actually accessing my subconscious and just creating something that I'd believe was my subconscious and messing around with that with no results XD.

Enough rambling from me what do you all think of this?