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    Thread: Twoshadows' Dream Journal

    1. #3001
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Today's dreams:

      Dream 1:

      I was talking to my mom on the phone and asking her if she could make some more raw almond butter for me and send it ovrer with Carl later today. Then she was telling me about this cool trilobite fossil she had gotten. It was about three inches long and pink. Then she stopped talking to me and I thought we had been cut off. Then she got back on the line and sounded a little shaken up. She said she had been talking to me outside when the neighbors' goat had come into her yard and butted her, knocking her down. She said that this goat was known for butting people and that they usually kept him penned up.

      Dream 2:

      I was talked into eating a bite of hamburger. It had no flavor and I instantly regretted going off my raw vegan diet.

    2. #3002
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      From a hike ealier this week.

    3. #3003
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      Yesterday's dreams:

      Dream 1:

      Another Buffy inspired dream. Spike was tring to kill me, but everytime he found me he was so overwhelmed by my beauty and charisma that all he wanted to do was kiss me. Hahahah....

      Dream 2:

      I was at my grandparents house and looking out the front window at soe vultures that had landed and were quite near the house. I tried to find my camera so I could take a picture, but I never could find it.

      Dream 3:

      I was in a house that was supposed to be Mary's. I commmented on here new kitchen furature. She then made me a frozen dinner. After I had suppsoedly eaten it, I realized that it was turkey, mashed potoatos and stuffing....all things that I wasn't supposed to eat. I felt horrible that I hadn't rememebered. Missed BIG dream sign.

      Dream 4:

      I was out in mom's backyard and saw all this stuff growing by the back shed that no one had planted but that has come up on its own. There were turnips, a really big beet, wild flowers and other things that I don't remember.

      Today's fragments:

      Buford the horse, a burning house, colorful beetles.
      Last edited by Twoshadows; 01-25-2011 at 04:31 PM.

    4. #3004
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      Hi, Twoshadows.

      Lovely hike picture!
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    5. #3005
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      Wow TS, I wanna come down there with a hang glider and take you for a real flight The desert behind you is so pretty

    6. #3006
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironaut View Post
      Hi, Twoshadows.

      Lovely hike picture!
      Hi O, good to see you. Thanks for dropping in.

      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      Wow TS, I wanna come down there with a hang glider and take you for a real flight The desert behind you is so pretty
      Wow, I'll bet that would be amazing. I have never seen anyone hang glide in this area. I wonder why.

      There is no way I can catch up on all my dreams. I have had a bunch of interesting ones lately, but I'm bad and didn't write them down, so I'll choose the two that I remember pretty well.

      Dream 1:

      I was feeling a little depressed about my raw diet. I hadn't been feeling good one night and let myself eat some warm soup (yes, that was in real life) and was feeling down about it thinking that I had totally blown everything. So I found Markus Rothkranz (wish I had remembered I needed to go flying with him again.) I sat down with him and started to tell him my tragic story about giving in and eating the soup. I went on and on and he was a wonderful listener. But before I could get any feedback from him Jillian Michaels comes in and pulls me away and asks me to talk to her about how I was doing on my diet. So I began my sad story again to her. But I was able to tell her that I thought that the reason I wasn't feeling well the night of the "soup incident" was that I had been really working hard doing her workouts every morning and that I thought that maybe that had triggered a detox.

      I woke up before either Markus or Jillian could talk to me, but I feel that this dream was good because I got to put my feelings into words and share and get it off my chest.

      Dream 2:

      I was in a store or place where Tom Delonge was. Most people had already gotten autographs and left. I finally went up to him and asked if I could take a picture with him. But when I tried I found that my camera just wasn't taking pictures. But I knew that if I switched it to video mode that it would work, so I did that and got some clips of him being goofy. The dream went on and i can't remember all the details. We were hanging out doing something. And he started flirting with me and told me I had a nice butt. And then he kept trying to touch it.

      I know....I know....Famous people = Dreaming. Especially famous people trying to touch my butt.

      Just not catching it.
      Last edited by Twoshadows; 01-25-2011 at 04:28 PM.

    7. #3007
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      Wow, I'll bet that would be amazing. I have never seen anyone hang glide in this area. I wonder why.
      Deserts tend to have turbulent air, but if you stay out in the open, it's fine.

      And damn TS, where's the RC when you're camera doesn't work?

    8. #3008
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      Quote Originally Posted by ninja9578 View Post
      And damn TS, where's the RC when you're camera doesn't work?
      I know...I know. Famous people touching my butt...aaaand a broken camera. Does it get more obvious than that?

      I'm beginning to think it's me that's broken.

      It just hasn't been on my mind that much. That's the problem.

    9. #3009
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      Dream 1:

      I was a police officer, and I was really worried because I wasn't sure what I was doing. So I just drove around in my car praying nothing would happen.

      Dream 2:

      I was looking at all these different sized bowls in this very large coffee table. In the bowls were little frogs and fish in water. I though it was amazing There were so many different colored frogs. There were also jars with bamboo around the frogs. It looked like a little jungle.

      I looked on the floor and saw a dried out frog that had gotten out of one of the bowls. I picked it up and found that it was still alive. I put it back in the water hoping it would recover. I also saw a goldfish on the floor that was also dried up. I couldn't tell if it was alive, but I put it into the water anyway.

    10. #3010
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      I haven't done a very good job lately at writing down my dreams when I wake up. And in not doing so, I really just lose my dreams.

      See, all that's left from my multiple dreams from last night is an image of something having to do with playing in the marching band and something with water and kayaking underground. Sad sad.

      So to make up for it I will post a very entertaining and nostaglic video I made as a tribute to my favorite band from when I was young and in LA.

    11. #3011
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      Dang...another night were I know I've dreamed. And I can still 'feel" the dreams. But yet there is not enough to put any actual images into my head. You know that feeling?

      But anyway, here is a picture to fill in my empty spot.

    12. #3012
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      I was playing World of Warcraft with my Mom. She was one quest behind me and I was waiting for her to catch up so we could quest together. We were discussing how with the newest patch they had added in a lot with touch screen. The series of quests I had just finished and my mom was working on had you touching a place on the screen. I don't remember details except that a bar would fill where your finger was. It was some sort of machine in Gnomeregon.

    13. #3013
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      I'm posting from Phoenix AZ today.

      And it's going to be a beautiful warm sunny 75 degrees. Mmmmm...

    14. #3014
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      Long long long dream about being in a new high school. I kept forgetting where any of my classes were, so I had to return to the office at least five times to pick up my schedule again. And even then I could never figure out where the rooms where or how the times worked. Everything was so confusing. Seriously, this dream went on for days....until I was so far behind in my classes that I knew I would never be able to catch up.

    15. #3015
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      I had a lucid dream last night, with an odd ending. I have never had something like this happen before.

      I will get to writing this up later when I get the chance. For now, this is just my commitment that I will write it down here.

    16. #3016
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      Lucid Dream:

      There was a lot building up to this dream. So I will jsut share some of it in note form:

      Robert waking me up, taking the car. Daniel writing on the ceiling. Monica and Robert going away. Eating ice cream with Tanya. At preschool with Celia, care gone with purse, camera and cell phone in it. Jeff brought it back.

      In fast food place ordering food with Mom, Celia, Jeff and I. I had this one year old baby with me that was talking like she was about 5 years old. The baby couldn't decide what to order, then had to go to the bathroom. I took the baby in the bathroom. I went into a stall. To my surprise the toilet was huge (about the size of a queen bed) and in it was a tiny baby swimming around.

      This did not trigger lucidity.

      I went to another stall. In that toilet was another baby swimming.

      This did not trigger lucidity.

      Every toilet in the restroom had a baby in it-- except one that was over flowing with poop and another that had a toilet that didn't quite seem attached and was tilted to the side.

      This also did not trigger lucidity.

      I saw that there were many mothers standing around in the bathroom. I found out that this group of mothers had brought their babies here so they could practice swimming. I felt angry that they took up all the clean toilets. The baby in my arms was complaining that she really had to go now. I felt frustrated. I told her to go in her diaper since she was wearing one. She didn't want to do that, so I finally held her over the tilted toilet and let her go. The pee ran over the side and onto the floor next to one of the toilets with the babies. I felt it served that mother right to taking up the good toilet. I had to go to. So I also went and my pee ran over onto the floor too.

      Then my mom came in the bathroom and needed to go. I told her about the babies. She went over to one of the moms and started talking to her. I stood there and stood there and waited and got bored. So I started doing that thing where I fall backwards until I almost hit the floor then I bounce right back up into standing position.

      I did this several times before I really noticed what I was doing. I thought, "Hmmm...this is something that I can only do in dreams. Why can I suddenly do it in real life?" I wondered for a moment. Then I decided that it wouldn't hurt to give flying a try. If this was real life like I thought it was nothing would happen. But if it were a dream then I would be lucid and wouldn't that be grand since it has been so long since I have had a good lucid dream.

      I leaned a bit and was suddenly hovering horizonally. I finally was sure I was dreaming so I flew out of the bathoom. I was now in a large room that was set up with tables with food. I flew over a table that had a big plate of chocolate raspberry cake. I grabbed a piece and stuffed it into my mouth and started to fly off again. But it tasted so good I swooped down again and grabbed the whole plate of cake and started shoving in piece after piece into my mouth.

      When it was gone I decided that I really needed to do something else really useful with my dream, like fly to the Moon. So I flew outside. I could see a park with dead or dormant trees in it. I flew to the trees. I decided I wanted to experiment and see if I could fly through one of the tree's trunks. But as I flew to the tree I decided to just break off a dead branch instead.

      But at that point I was horrified by seeing a man standing in the air in front of me. His skin was tinted green and his black hair came up to points like devil horns. He reached out and grabbed me. I was so started and terrified that I gasped "Go...go....."

      Then I had the weirdest briefest false awakening. I had a glimpse of being in a bank. This scary man was just a bank manager. I had fallen aleep at his desk and he was shaking me awake. But at that instant I awoke to me real bed. It took me a moment to understand what I had just gone through.

    17. #3017
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      It was Halloween. I was at what looked like my sister's old house. I remember trying to decorate the house. I think my younger sister was with me too.

      Later I went out trick or treating. I noticed all the houses were deorated in pastel colors. I knew that was because that was what the stores were selling this year. I thought it was an odd look for Halloween.

      There was a lot more to this dream. But this is all I remember at the moment.

      I missed "Halloween" as a dream sign. But actually It's been a while since I have dreamed about Halloween.

    18. #3018
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      I think I'll try to post my lucid dream from a few weeks ago. I have it written some where, but I can't find the paper. SO I'll have to do my best.

      I remember getting lucid. I no longer remember how. [Shoot. I really wish I had my notes, because I really don't remember much of it now. And let this be a lesson to me about doing a better job at writing down my dream when they are fresh...and not on a loose sheet of paper that I am bound to misplace.]

      I remember the second thing I decided to do was to find a guy to kiss. I think I remembered trying to go to the Moon, but I just plain felt lazy. Finding a guy to kiss was much much easier.

      I flew down to a guy that I thought was good looking. Next thing I remember is that we are in a car making out. He was a good kisser. I pulled back at one point and took a good look at him. He reminded me of Robert Patterson. I remember thinking how I never found Robert Pattersom that good looking, but today he looked really sexy to me.

      And that's all that's left in my memory of this dream.

    19. #3019
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      I just remembered that the above LD was triggered by my dream sign of my camera not working. Yay me. I refuse to have another dream where my camera is not working and not get lucid.


    20. #3020
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      Dream within a Dream:

      I don't remember a lot of the details here. I was starting college. Jeff and I were roommates. I went to sleep and started dreaming about Buffy the Vampire slayer and Angel. It was a sad dream and I started to cry. Jeff heard my crying and woke me up. I was embarrassed and didn't want to tell him what I was crying about. I then noticed my cat. I had no idea how she had gotten here. I knew that there was a rule about no pets here in the dorms. I wondered how I could hide her. I was suddenly so afraid that I would lose her somehow. It was very upsetting.

    21. #3021
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      I was at my grandparents' house. I has trying to hide from a big Godzilla-type monster that was roaming the city. I ran to the basement and discovered a hidden room that I had never known about. I was excited to see that on a table was a pile of board games including the one called Pop Dog that was our favorite game as kids and that disappeared later in life. "It's been down here in this hidden room the whole time." I said. My sister, who was suddenly with me grabs the game, apparently as thrilled as I am to see it again after all these years.

      I also see a fridge. I'm nervous to open it. My grandparents have both been dead for quite a few years now. What if they left food in it that they never cleaned out before they died? No one else would have known about this room to find it and clean it. But when I open the fridge it is all empty and clean.

      The only other thing I remember seeing in this room are piles of old fancy dishware.

    22. #3022
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      Dream notes:

      One handed pull-ups

      Flying over the grand canyon

    23. #3023
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      Lucid dream:

      I was standing on the lawn by my grandparents' house and looking at the sky. Over the mountains I could see a beautiful cloud. It was colored like a rainbow (like the picture Moonbean used to have in her sig). I pulled out my camera and tried to take a picture. I was so thrilled that I had my camera with me this time, The last time I had seen a cloud like this I was so frustrated that I had left my camera at home. But as I tired to take a picture I found that the button seemed jammed. I tried again and again. I couldn't believe my poor luck to be standing in front of this gorgeous unusual cloud and not able to take a picture.

      Blam. This is a dream.

      I started to fly. I remembered that I needed to go to the Moon. I wasn't going to miss another lucid opportunity. I looked up at the sky. I could see the moon shining back at me in the evening sky. I started to fly towards it and quickly realized that I needed to find a quicker way. As I continued to fly I concentrated on forming a portal in front of me so I could fly through it and be on the Moon. But attempt after attempt brought me no result except for a light fuzzy pink patch that I passed right through. Finally I was fed up. I had to get to the Moon now. So with all the determination I had left I decided to just change the sceney and BE on the Moon. Suddenly everything around me started to turn white and grey. I could see hills and craters around me. I landed and took a big jump (this is something I had really wanted to do). My jump took me up slow motion into lunar sky. I noticed an interesting sound that accompanied the jump. I jumped several more times enjoying the odd sense of slow motion and sound. Then I looked over a hill. I saw houses. I went in one of the houses. Inside were two ladies that were cooking. I asked them what they were doing on the Moon. They told me that they were not on the moon. I told them to follow me out of the house and see. They were very surprised to see that their house was now on the Moon. I wondered if I had done something when I had changed the scenery and had somehow taken the houses with me...or taken the moon home to me.

      And that's actually all I remember of being on the moon.

      Last edited by Twoshadows; 03-18-2011 at 08:25 PM.

    24. #3024
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      I was in a movie with Tom Delonge. I was dressed in clothes from the 1800's and in a dance scene. Later we were watching some edited clips. And some point after that we were traveling in the back of a wagon that was actually a truck.

      I had two kids with me that were my friends' kids, but in the dream they were supposed to be mine. I wondered how they could be half Navajo when I was white and the dad was white. And it really stressed me out when I couldn't remember their names.

    25. #3025
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      Aww, no task of the month with your moon visit?

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