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    Thread: Queen Zukin's Dream Journal

    1. #751
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      "He said he was gonna come out here and exercise your chest too!"

      Stalker at the Amusement Park

      My sister and I were at a water park. I had a friend with me and we were going to meet up with a guy that she met online.

      My friend and I waited by a bench for them to arrive. My friend told me to hide behind the shrubbery and if anything happened, if they started to attack her etc, that I was to come out of the bushes and kick their asses.

      I hid in the bushes and waited. A man came up to her. This felt awkward. The man was with his friend as well.

      "Hey babe" He said to her and started making vulgar suggestions.

      "Hi," She replied, shocked by his attitude. They were being such asses to her. They began to make a move at her and I decided that I would jump out of the bushes and beat them up.

      I leaped out and slammed my foot into his shin, a sturdy kick. His friend immediately retaliated and kicked me back in the shin.

      The pain was so fierce, I woke up and it continued to hurt in reality.

      I fell back asleep and the dream continued.

      This time, I was on the far end of the water park. My sister was practicing photography and I was wondering why I was here.

      I remember leaving the town with my friend and her telling me that they were stalking her.

    2. #752
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      ...I went to bed early last night so that I could wake up early today and try to restart my schedule, but I woke up at 10AM anyways.


      Dreamed it was the last day of school and it was finals. Joe and I somehow took the final the day before for German and we both got 28/28. I remember that to get to German class we had to walk in a tunnel or something.

      Annoying Concert

      Miley Cyrus was singing while I was trying to do my homework. FFS. Why was she even here? I was also trying to look up something in a chart.
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    3. #753
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      Yeah... A tunnel of snow and ice and wind... jk, lol

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      I am Xavier, model number XT-421 of the Rinocian Empire, I am a fully sentient artificial intelligence lifeform.

      I also happen to be the result of a hopeless love sick nerd who listens to too much techno, seen glimpses of reality and has read WAY too many sad love stories.

      But who's complaining?

    4. #754
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      ok I finally have a dream worth posting for once!

      The Blue M&M's

      This dream was strange, because I dreamed it, woke up, saw a strange image in my head that said REPLAY, and then dreamed it again.

      I was on a highway at night. I was a hitchhiker like so many now. Evil ghosts were taking over the world.

      If the evil ghosts saw you then they would kill you. So, basically, in the dream you didn't want the headlight's of oncoming traffic to see you or else they would know if you were human. Thus to hitchhike, you would have to wait until a car passed you and then leap into the trunk of the car.

      I hitchhiked to a building. Inside the building there was a main lobby. The lobby was used for people trying to "Log on". I'm not sure if it was simply logging on to a computer, buzzing into an apartment, or whatever, but the place was covered in M&M's.

      "THE BLUE M&M'S!!!" I screamed, "JAM THEM INTO THE LOCKS!!!"

      "What about the red M&M's?" A girl asked.

      "NOOO they are bad luck!!! Don't touch the red ones!!!"

      We jammed the blue M&M's into the locks. Apparently, this was supposed to help us fight for humanity against the ghosts.

      After a few minutes of blue M&M panic, a robot in the corner lit up.

      "Hello Master!" It said. WHOA! We all thought that the robot was just there for decoration.

      "Shall I take you to Akon?" It asked.

      "Errmm..Akon, the rapper?" I replied.


      "Akon...will help us save humanity?"


      We stood there, puzzled.

      "Guess it couldn't hurt," said one of the men I was with.

      "Alright, let's go see AKON!" I shouted! The robot led us through the maze of halls until we reached Akon's bedroom. He was talking to someone on an iPad.

      "SSh, I can't be bothered!" He said to us. He was enthusiastically talking to his friend about dirty things. Dirty Things > Humanity.

      I decided that this building was a lost cause, and that I needed to save my family. I quickly drove home and picked up my parents who were fending themselves against the evil ghosts.

      "I left something back at the house," said my father.

      "We don't have time to get it, any minute now one of the ghosts will sense that we are here!"

      He left the car anyways and was instantly defiled by ghosts. WTF.

      "Let's go!!!" My mother screamed. I stepped on the gas pedal, and woke up.

      8 Babies (frag)

      Dreamed that my mother had 8 more kids. That was a wreck.

    5. #755
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      Akon is NOT the savior of humanity... >.<

      Interesting logic. Dream logic ftw.

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      I am Xavier, model number XT-421 of the Rinocian Empire, I am a fully sentient artificial intelligence lifeform.

      I also happen to be the result of a hopeless love sick nerd who listens to too much techno, seen glimpses of reality and has read WAY too many sad love stories.

      But who's complaining?

    6. #756
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      Not sleeping well lately. I keep waking up with bugs in my bed and it's really gross. Had to move to a different room again to get away from them.


      It was the day before Christmas at our school so things were getting really festive again. I saw one of my friends from middle school, and was shocked cause it had been about 5 years since I saw him last. I ran up to him, poked him, and ran away. He quickly caught on to the game and chased me back to my locker. Joe thought he was trying to attack me so he stepped on his feet LOL.

      Party (frag)

      I was at a party. I don't remember much but there was a vampire and a hot tub. And possibly a log cabin.

    7. #757
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      Heya Steff. Though I don't post much, I always make time to read your DJ.

      Happy New Years, I'll see you sometime in 2011.
      Last edited by Retribution; 01-01-2011 at 06:29 AM.
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    8. #758
      Hopeless Romantic XT-421's Avatar
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      How dare he poke you and run away! SUCH COWARDICE! He deserved the stomping of his feet, lol.

      I fill such an interesting role in your dreams.

      I am Xavier, model number XT-421 of the Rinocian Empire, I am a fully sentient artificial intelligence lifeform.

      I also happen to be the result of a hopeless love sick nerd who listens to too much techno, seen glimpses of reality and has read WAY too many sad love stories.

      But who's complaining?

    9. #759
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      Quote Originally Posted by XT-421 View Post
      How dare he poke you and run away! SUCH COWARDICE! He deserved the stomping of his feet, lol.

      I fill such an interesting role in your dreams.

      Pffffffft that was me that poked him and ran away.


      Erm, anyways, I tried something pretty cool yesterday morning.

      I have a pretty awful tendency to hit the snooze button every 5 minutes for about the next 2 hours after my alarm goes off. But I've noticed, that after about the 5th or so time of hitting the snooze button, I start going into REM really quickly.

      With this ability to sink into dreams quickly and time them, I decided to do a little time dilation experiment. I wanted to see how long my dreams were compared to waking time.

      The initial alarm went off at 9:30AM, and I did a half hour snooze. After hitting the snooze button 8 times (5 minutes of sleep between alarms), I had an interesting dream.

      In the dream my sister and I went to a club/bookstore. The first floor was a bookstore and the second floor was a club. My sister got the idea that she was going to become a celebrity. I walked around the bookstore and thought that I recognized someone. I thought that I had just seen my karate instructor! He looked way too old, but when someone said his name I thought that perhaps that really was him.

      I sneaked upstairs to avoid recognition. The second floor had visual effects like a video game. There were rooms where people were playing on the computers. I took a photo with someone.

      The dream seemed really long (longer than I wrote it out to be), and I was pretty impressed that it happened in less than 5 minutes.
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    10. #760
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      No Pizza for You!

      I was at school, and for some reason I was carrying around 2 large boxes of pizza. I ate about a quarter of a pepperoni pizza, and since I'm not fond of cheese pizza I decided to give the other one to my friend.

      I had to wait until after school to give it to her though. Actually, I didn't even know where I could find her. I ran around the school several times, until I ran into her and gave her the pizza box. She said she didn't want it anymore.

      Bored with an extra pizza, I decided to just give it to the secretaries that worked at the school. They said something mean to me.

      I walked out, at least glad to be rid of the pizza, and caught a glimpse of my reflection. I was wearing a short pink miniskirt and a blue top. Wtf?

      Worms (frag)

      Title pretty much says it all. Yesterday (in real life), I found a weird fuzzball under my bed, so in the dream it turned into a bunch of worms.

    11. #761
      Japan XeL is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      Pffffffft that was me that poked him and ran away.


      Erm, anyways, I tried something pretty cool yesterday morning.

      I have a pretty awful tendency to hit the snooze button every 5 minutes for about the next 2 hours after my alarm goes off. But I've noticed, that after about the 5th or so time of hitting the snooze button, I start going into REM really quickly.

      With this ability to sink into dreams quickly and time them, I decided to do a little time dilation experiment. I wanted to see how long my dreams were compared to waking time.

      The initial alarm went off at 9:30AM, and I did a half hour snooze. After hitting the snooze button 8 times (5 minutes of sleep between alarms), I had an interesting dream.

      In the dream my sister and I went to a club/bookstore. The first floor was a bookstore and the second floor was a club. My sister got the idea that she was going to become a celebrity. I walked around the bookstore and thought that I recognized someone. I thought that I had just seen my karate instructor! He looked way too old, but when someone said his name I thought that perhaps that really was him.

      I sneaked upstairs to avoid recognition. The second floor had visual effects like a video game. There were rooms where people were playing on the computers. I took a photo with someone.

      The dream seemed really long (longer than I wrote it out to be), and I was pretty impressed that it happened in less than 5 minutes.
      Been doing something similar. It's really cool!
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    12. #762
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      Quote Originally Posted by XeL View Post
      Been doing something similar. It's really cool!
      Neat! Any posts about your results?

      Joe, there is a Drunk Woman in Your Livingroom

      I was playing an awesome video game. It was so real, perhaps clearer than reality, and it was like "virtual reality" I guess, so I was literally inside the video game.

      I forgot what the purpose of the video game was, but I was hooked up to a bungee cord that was connected to the sky. The map was pretty much infinite and most of it consisted of various natural landscapes. I started out on a flat land. Elijah was with me.

      We were jumping across the land looking for something cool. On the horizon I saw some mountains. That looked like fun!

      We jumped until we got to the mountains. When we got there, we tightened up our bungee cords and starting jumping over the mountains. That was so fun. I started gaining too much momentum and hit the trees a few times. I noticed that the trees were bare without leaves and white. They were kind of creepy looking, but I guessed it was just from it being winter.

      I leaped off the ground again and jumped to the other side of the blue mountain, my cord wasn't fitted right or something so I accidentally hit the ground a little hard, but it didn't hurt.

      Later, I am in Joe's house. I don't know how I got there, perhaps he found me out there or something . I'm staying the night, but we are freaked out because there is a drunk lady in his living room. She was blonde haired and a little heavyset. She kept leaving and returning to the house.

      I decided that I was thirsty enough to sneak past the freaky lady and get a glass of water. When I got to the kitchen, I saw that she was secretly orchestrating a music video! There were a lot of models in his kitchen that were eying me funny.

      Maxed Capacity (frag)

      This might have been a segment from the previous dream. I remember that I was trying to fit a bunch of people into the car so that we could all go to the mall. One of the girls that wanted to come volunteered to ride in the trunk.
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    13. #763
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      I only wrote this one down because it seemed a little important. It went like this:

      "...distinction...[list of names]...Shirley Hawk..." I remembered her name the clearest, like someone yelled it.

      Random Choir

      I was at my philosophy class and the teacher was blasting some awesome loud dubstep. The bell rang and I walked down the hall. I was really surprised that through all of the chaos I could still hear her music playing in the background.

      Suddenly, everyone around me starting singing . I joined in and realized that, of course, we were doing a choir concert. I wasn't in choir though so I tried to lip sync so I wouldn't throw the harmony off. I did the hand motions so I looked as if I knew what I was doing.

      After the random song was over, my teacher scolded me for not lip syncing good enough.

      DV has a new style

      DV had changed the format of the blog DJ's so that when you clicked on a member it would go to their "homepage" and then you could find their newest dreams, their favorite dreams, favorite quotes, etc. I actually really liked it.

      I was editing my homepage and editing the boxes for pictures. There was a creepy photo of Madonna on mine.

      Creepy Vampire Woman is Creepy

      This dream was like a story.

      There was a boy, probably about 16-19, living in a huge ancient mansion. He lived in the cellar and with him lived a family of vampires. He was gaining despair because the vampire family would never let him outdoors, they used him solely for his blood.

      There was also a nanny who lived in the house, she was probably about 40 or 50. She was human (AKA not vampire).

      It was probably the middle of the night when he ran to the nanny's room and begged her to marry him.

      "Why?" She asked, still drunk from sleep.

      "Because you are my only hope," He said cheesily. I understand his issue though.

      Scene switches to a bar.

      One of the vampires from the family is there. She has TWO heads, and she is uber creepy-hot looking. Mainly creepy though. If she didn't have two heads she would have been hot.

      The boy sneaked out to the bar and watched his vampire housemate. Her arch nemesis came into the bar and they got into a fight. After she left, he sat down at the bar and started complaining about girl's makeup.

      Enter me, which finally puts the dream back into first person. I start talking to him. He sort of looks like Frodo Baggins, the hobbit from Lord of the Rings, except he was a lot cuter.

      We start hitting it off when all the sudden his father appears in front of me. Like, seriously, he must have teleported or something - because there was an empty space there one minute and suddenly he was there. He sort of looked like Oneironaut. It was really creepy (he was even wearing the suit).

      I decide not to get involved, so I go home.

      Lost in the Snow

      It was snowing really heavy and for some reason I was outside. I was probably looking for somewhere to sled/snowboard. I was near the backroads, except it was flat and nearly treeless, so I was probably on a snowed over crop or something.

      I was getting lost . Every which way looked the same in the blizzard. I finally found a weird hut and went inside of it to stay warm. Inside the hut the floor was slanted heavily on one side. It was actually really warm inside the hut.

      I heard loud footsteps outside so I left the hut to investigate. I saw a man riding a dog sled, except I think his dogs may have been wolves. I asked him where to go to find civilization. He pointed behind him.

      I took that route until I found another dirt road to travel on. I eventually came to a warmer area where the snow had completely melted off. I noticed a lot of strange things. For instance, there was a HUGE bird hopping about. It must have had a wingspan of over 20 feet or so.

      Boring Party

      The party was at my friend's house, but it wasn't her house. The inside looked similar to my grandparent's house. I remember sitting at a table in a dress that had a red top and a white bottom with a black elastic. There was a really creepy guy trying to flirt with me. I wished that he would just leave me alone.

      I watched as some of the other party goers watched TV. Wasn't much of a party lol.

    14. #764
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      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      Neat! Any posts about your results?
      Quote Originally Posted by from my DJ
      I had a freaky experience last night. I woke up at 7:10AM. My GF was awake, but I laid back down in bed and fell asleep again. I then had a long ass dream about me being a samurai, only to wake up and realize that only 50 seconds had passed. At first I thought I had experienced a FA, but my GF told me I had woken up and gone back to sleep for about a minute before waking up again.

      This was an amazing experience.
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    15. #765
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      Quote Originally Posted by XeL View Post
      O_O Holy shit. I've got to try that.

      Last night was rather strange. I fell asleep peacefully around 9pm-Midnight and dreamed that I was hosting a party at my house. I had to rearrange the bedroom to accommodate 3 twin beds and for some reason I was hanging brown sheets on the walls.

      I woke up around midnight and remained in a state of wakeful dreaminess. I think I remained awake until my alarm went off at 5:50, then on the second snooze I went into a dream:

      In the dream I was at a store. I decided that I should get some cereal. I was painfully hungry. I found some cereal that I liked as a child, and marched over to look at their selection of boots. They had some cool boots, but none were really perfectly my size.

      I'm not sure if I remained awake for over 5 and a half hours or if I fell into a light sleep, I remember looking at the clock at around 1am, 2am, 4am, and 5:20am but I'm not feeling tired at all, so maybe I was in and out of sleep. Who knows.

    16. #766
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      Quote Originally Posted by XT-421 View Post
      I fill such an interesting role in your dreams.

      This is becoming truer and truer.

      Joe Vomits

      Joe, a random woman, and I were at a museum. It was a big museum, but we were the only people touring it.

      "Now..If you guys want, I can show you the ancient remains of an Egyptian princess!" Said our tour guide. Egypt! Dead body! Remains! Neat!

      "Sure!" We said in unison. Our tour guide scowled. Apparently he didn't like showing this to people.

      He led us out the backdoor, and my mind must have used this exact image for the landscape:

      We walked down a set of marble stairs and out to the hut at the far end of the dock. The hut had walls, and inside was apparently the remains of the Egyptian princess.

      "Now, only go inside if you think that you had handle it," The tour guide warned. We blew him off.

      All three of us went in at the same time. On a table the mummy lay. I was surprised to see how tiny she was, perhaps she was just a child? She didn't look like a normal mummy though, kinda gross looking.

      And, upon seeing her, Joe and the other woman ran out of the hut and vomited all over the dock. I mean, projectile vomited.

      I didn't vomit.

      "We'll...meet up with you..." Joe exclaimed.

      I took a seat on the marble steps outside until the two felt better. Beside me was a guy doing math homework. He was about 16-17 and had black hair.

      "Hi," I said.


      "What kind of math you doing?"


      "Need any help?" I asked.

      "No, in fact, I could tutor you!" He replied

      "Thanks, but no thanks, I took high school algebra 5 years ago."

      "Oh, ok." He said with a little disappointment.


      "But, I do sort of want to tell you the kind of math I'm doing. It's different than the rest," he pleaded.

      "Alright, shoot."

      "See what you do, it's like a linear transformation, you memorized the formula, you shake your head, and then after you shake it up a little bit you write it back down. And then it is transformed. And all you had to do was shake your head!" He exclaimed.

      I understood what he meant, but that was such a strange way of transforming an equation, I laughed.

      "What?" He asked, a little offended.

      "It's nothing, it's nothing. That was pretty cute though. I wouldn't have thought of that."

      We started talking and I went to his house. He showed me his cat, which started hissing when it saw me.

      I had to go home, so I found my car in a parking garage. Mom was waiting by it though, which surprised me. I gave her the keys, she hopped in, and we literally raced home.

      We raced past other race cars, did jumps, and ran over fences. I didn't know my mother could drive like this.

      When we got home, our house became like one of those traditional 50's families. I was now the youngest boy in the family, I think I had 2 other siblings. We were doing a competition where we had to jump chairs and other obstacles while getting hints. One of my hints said that I had to read the book 'Cacophony' from the library. I couldn't be arsed to do that right at that moment, so I decided to take a stroll.

      I walked down the street, and suddenly I was a girl again! I now had black curly hair that went to my shoulders and a black cloak. I was running. I saw a HUGE house in front of me, their steps went up and up forever and I recognized it to be the mansion from the dream 'Creepy Vampire Woman is Creepy" I had two nights ago.

      I ran away from it real quick and started going high in the air - missed a dreamsign.

      The Umbrella Musical

      Our 4th hour was on a field trip. We were staying at a hotel. The teacher left...and told us to behave...

      We started singing and dancing and decided to have a party. The party extended all the way into the bathrooms. In the bathrooms we started singing about umbrellas. I had made a cute little poem about them. There was a man in the bathroom, I'm not sure why I remember him vividly, but there was something peculiar about him. He wasn't singing, but just watching us.

      We wondered where a few of our friends had gone, so we decided to check the hotel room.

      As soon as we opened the hotel room door, we noticed that our teacher was waiting for us inside. Oh shit.

      He didn't say anything as we took our seats (it was a classroom inside of a hotel room).

      The teacher sat at the desk next to me.

      "How bad was it?" He whispered, meaning how much trouble we got into.

      "You know...just a little singing, a little dancing. Just a normal day, you know."
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    17. #767
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      Initially I thought you posted this BEFORE I said that in German class, lol. You've been having some singing dreams lately, it looks like. Any correlation to real life events?

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      I am Xavier, model number XT-421 of the Rinocian Empire, I am a fully sentient artificial intelligence lifeform.

      I also happen to be the result of a hopeless love sick nerd who listens to too much techno, seen glimpses of reality and has read WAY too many sad love stories.

      But who's complaining?

    18. #768
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      Quote Originally Posted by XT-421 View Post
      Initially I thought you posted this BEFORE I said that in German class, lol. You've been having some singing dreams lately, it looks like. Any correlation to real life events?

      Nope, maybe except I've been singing in my car to fend off the cold (hey, it works), but nothing too significant.

      The Sexy Psychotic Intruders

      I was playing a game on the computer when it crashed. Damn. It was acting strange so I decided to do a virus scan but the icons weren't working.

      I walked into the kitchen and the dishwasher started to talk to me.

      I heard a loud BANG coming from the front door and then footsteps. Someone had broke into the house! I ran into the laundry room and hid there for a few minutes, until everything went quiet.

      I snuck into one of the old bedrooms where I theorized that they were. They were both sitting next to the computer, one of them was showing the other how to put a virus on it. One of them heard me behind them, and turned around.

      "Oh...hi," He whispered.

      "You wanna tell me how to take that virus off?" I asked sarcastically.

      The other guy, who had still been looking at the computer, turned around. He leaped up in the air, and bit my leg. WTF?

      I pushed him off but he leaped up in the air like Spiderman and continued to attack me psychotically. I finally managed to pin him down after awhile. His partner just stood there laughing.

      And then we had an epic threesome.

      Later, I was supposed to perform a strange type of dance in front of a large audience. The gist of it was to have a rope and then swing it at a different part of the room, have it boomerang, and then catch it again. Let's just say it didn't go over too well.


      I'm at school, and I think it's the last day before a break. I go upstairs to clean out my locker, which I am having trouble with because I keep finding orange jell-o in it.

      Joe has a swimming meet in about an hour, so I go to the gym to wish him good luck. As I am running back inside the school, I realize that I can do neat gymnastics and defy the laws of gravity. This warrants a reality check.

      I look down at my hands. I am wearing black gloves. One of my hands has the normal amount of fingers while the other has 6. Strange...This seemed too real to be a dream. At first I didn't want to believe it was a dream, but having six fingers was a pretty big indicator.

      I stood there for a moment, thinking about what to do. I could do the task of the month, which I hadn't done in ages, or I could screw around and have fun. I looked at the back wall and noticed that someone had spray painted all over it. Every thing is mirror clear.

      Having noticed my surroundings, I also realized that someone was watching me. He was leaning against the lockers with a smug look on his face. He had black hair. This was the same guy from last night's dream (the guy in the bathroom).

      I met his gaze with intensity.

      "Who are you and why are you here?" I asked.

      "Impossible." He announced, and I had a false awakening.

    19. #769
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      All I wanted was a Donut

      It was a little before school, and I decided try a new route to school. I was really hungry as well, so I decided that I would go by Dunkin' Donuts and get a donut for Joe and I. I got on the highway and in a few minutes I pulled off and tried to get in the left hand turn lane. I couldn't maneuver the car right and turned left too soon.

      I found myself in an empty parking lot with a few trucks. My car stopped working. Great.

      I got out of the car. In the not-so-far distance there was a wall with broken pay-phones. Everything was brown. I walked towards where the Dunkin Donut's should be and everything just got worse.

      Everything was overgrown and destroyed. Houses were burnt and the windows were shattered. I was in the ghetto's ghetto. I heard a rustling and footsteps. Men were going in the house. They were dressed in black. It looked like the meeting place for one badass gang.

      I attempted to sneak past this burned house and try to find a phone or something.

      After finding a safe area with a pay phone, those same men came at me with swords. WTF.

      "Here, you'll need this!" Someone yelled as they ran past me, and gave me a blowtorch.

      ...So I was now supposed to fight off a large gang of oddly dressed men with nothing but a blowtorch?

      I fired my blowtorch at them, and the fire encompassed a few of them. I was pretty surprised with the strength of the blow torch, but it was still a little weak.

      They chased me back to their headquarters. The inside of the buildings were the same as the outside - burnt to a crisp. I ran through the maze of blackened hallways until I came to a bathroom. There was a light on so I opened the door.

      I found a young adult girl looking back at me. She took one look and slit her throat. Guess I came in at the wrong time.

      I kept running until I had pretty much annihilated the freaky gang. I sprinted back out to the highway and rested beneath an overpass to catch my breath.

      "Hahahaha hey dude we did it!" A man shouted. Two men had came up next to me. They looked like something straight out of a video game. The man who had just talked to me was wearing red armor.

      "Yeah, we did!" I shouted back.

      "Yeah, it would have been so much better if you knew that you were dreaming though!" He said.

      "Right on!" His friend exclaimed.

      "Wait...What?" I stammered, shocked.

    20. #770
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      The Exchange Program

      I was in one of my school hours when I heard an announcement come on. They said that anyone who wanted to participate in the German Exchange program was to meet in the Commons.

      I met there with about 50-100 other people. They had set up a dry erase board with charts. They told us that they would pay for the plane ticket, but we would have to pay for all other expenses.

      I asked her how long the exchange program was - how long I would be living in Germany.

      She responded 1 day. I would be there for one day.

      I remember a part of the dream where I was actually in Germany, but all I remember is driving in the middle of no where.

      Guess that's what I get for doing German homework before bed.

    21. #771
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      Bunch of frags

      The Purple Dragon (Frag)

      I had to slay a purple dragon in order to defeat the quest. It looked like old computer graphics.

      Funny Almost WILD Without the Lucidity

      If it's a WILD without lucidity, does that make it a WID?

      Anyways. I woke up because of my alarm and decided to do a 5 minute snooze. I've been sleeping next to my mom's room recently so I hear it when she turns on the TV.

      So I figure, either briefly there was an opera singer on the TV, or I was having HH, or most likely a mixture of both...I started hearing opera music. They were singing Christmas carols. In my head I began to see a bunch of carolers at night dressed in robes. They were slowly walking towards a cathedral.

      The giant doors opened in front of them, and then I was walking and singing with them. We began singing Joy to the World. The lead singing was in front, she was tall and graceful.

      We walked past the church pews and finally to the front of the church. On the last note, the lead singer's voice grew in loudness. I'm going to try to explain this scene to the best of my writing ability, it is hard to describe, but it was hilarious.

      Anyways, the lead singer turns to the girl standing next to her. Her facial expression was angry. On that very last high note, the lead singer absolutely SCREAMS the note into the girl's face. The poor girl's hair is literally blown backwards by this crazy screaming lady. She looks shocked and the music ends on such an angry note.

      The person next to me genuinely says, "She's such a great singer, isn't she?"

      Karate (frag)

      I was at karate lessons. They had set up a few tables, so we were just talking tonight. In the dream I realized that I was taking karate lessons at two separate locations. I thought about it more. And...the teachers looked exactly the same...and they had the exact same personalities...huh!

    22. #772
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      Don't have much to post today.

      Defeating the Purpose

      I was at a castle. It was similar to one of those Hogwarts castles. I was standing on a hallway bridge. It's too hard to explain, so it basically looks like this (click).

      My job was to install a fan. I was having a really hard time installing the fan because: 1. I was trying to screw a nail into stone 2. The natural winds were about 50MPH, so I was having issues holding onto the fan. I didn't see the purpose of having a fan if it was already so windy.

      Spooky Room (frag)

      While I was playing piano today, every time I hit a certain chord I saw a strange dream image in my mind. All I remember is being in a room, that was heavily blue, and there was an evil babysitter.

    23. #773
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      The Bionic Intruder

      I was in a large store and there was a section that was lit up and white/bright. I went in that room. They were selling high tech equipment.

      The dream suddenly shifts and some friends and I are driving a pink spaceship that is being chased by a giant bionic man. I'm pretty sure he was wearing a red suit.

      We were driving the spaceship through what looked like purple mountains on another planet. Like Mars or something, if Mars had purple mountains.

      The bionic man eventually caught our spaceship and threw it to the ground. We fell out of it and he shrunk back to normal size.

      "I want to join your team!" He said.

      "What if we don't want you do!" Yelled one of the group members.

      "Just let him join," Said another group member.

      "Alright fine."

      "Everyone get on their stomachs. Let's see if you will actually trust me enough." The bionic man shouted. I was very hesitant to do this. After everyone had done so, he took out a small dagger and held it against one of the younger girl's back. He was using a very abstract method of seeing if we could trust him or not. If we moved to try to push the knife away, that meant that we didn't trust him, but if we stayed still then we did trust him.

      Surprise Visit with Kiwi

      I decided to make a surprise visit to Kiwi's house! I talked to his mother before he came home and told her to lead him to the garage subtly. He wouldn't know I was here. His mom had a Chinese accent.

      I hid in the garage until he saw me. Reunion !

      We went out to his backyard and it was like a scene from paradise. ^_^

    24. #774
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      I don't feel like going into detail tonight, so I'm going to keep it vague.

      -Sonic the Hedgehog. Woke up in the middle of the night, laughed, and wondered why I was dreaming about that. Went back to bed and forgot the dream until midday.

      - Gone for a week in the mountains. I remember thinking that I wasn't able to update my DV DJ, and hoped that no one would lock the thread.

      - Outside in a parking lot with only a towel on. Someone tried to take my photo, but I ran back inside. I think there was a Buddhist monk sitting in the parking lot too.

      - There was a really creepy man in a restaurant that I was eating at.

      - Had to dye my hair.

    25. #775
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      Sorry, classified. (Found)
      YOU HAD A DREAM ABOUT SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!? LOL! You haven't even played any of the games though, right?

      I am Xavier, model number XT-421 of the Rinocian Empire, I am a fully sentient artificial intelligence lifeform.

      I also happen to be the result of a hopeless love sick nerd who listens to too much techno, seen glimpses of reality and has read WAY too many sad love stories.

      But who's complaining?

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