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So, none of you really know me. I'm not very active here. But Hi!
Dreaming of a Warzone-
In the bustling streets of a large city somewhere in Europe, war had erupted. Somehow, I was one of the first US responders to the situation and was attempting to fight off the terrorists who occupied a large sky scraper and were raining down terror in the form of RPGs and mortars. As our squad rushed to engage them, it was clear they had an advantage. They were sitting in the upper reaches of the sky scraper picking us off like ducks, because, for some reason, we decided to attempt to engage them from the street.
However, we had one distinct advantage. The advanced technology of our military landed directly in our squads hands - a robotic suit that would completely cover the human body, enhancing every aspect of it ten-fold. It made us stronger, faster, bullet-proof, better armed, and capable of flight. The suit resembled this:
The best part? When not in use it looked like an unfolded packing box. So simple, yet deadly. Somehow, I was put in charge of working the suit, and jumped right in. The box quickly engulfed me and form-fitted my body and I began blasting the terrorists with a large Gatling Gun attached to my shoulder. I began tossing cars out of my way onto a bridge, so that no civilians would somehow wander, or drive, into the area.
Sadly, I remember nothing more from the dream. But I would like the suit!
Well, it's true isn't it? Once in a while I still have a dream that's worth sharing on here. I had an odd one just before I woke up this morning.
The Reason I'm a Bastard - The first thing I can remember was that I was extremely angry. I was in some sort of suit that made me faster, stronger, and oh, I could fly with a jetpack. Pretty cool. Anyway, I was in the parking lot of my local safeway (supermarket), and the parking lot had apparently flooded for about 4-5 inches of water, and the store had decided to put in a tiny little dock for some reason. I was standing on this dock, staring at a tin container, which opened up to reveal a twisted and disfigured doll who had somehow come to life. I knew I had to put the doll down. It was evil. It walked up to me and said "My parents are dead!". That didn't stop me. "You killed my parents, you little shit." I said, as I grabbed the top of the tin container she had crawled out of and started slamming it on top of her. After a few hits I swung it low and shot her into the water, where she lied there fully submerged. I walked over and looked around for some way to possibly destroy the doll for good. I saw three grandmas wading through the water. I asked the first one "Do you happen to have a lighter?", to which she replied "Of course! Here you go." and tossed me a large, rigged together lighter. It worked though, and I could feel the doll fearing what i was going to do. Now I just needed gasoline. But where would I find that? I asked the third grandma, who replied "Why, I happen to have a container right here." and handed me a small black container filled with gasoline. "You're just going to give it to him?" asked the second one, slightly perplexed. "Well, if he tries to run off with it, I'll just make him pay for it!" the third one said, satisfied with her logic.
As I began emptying the container on and around the area of the doll, who was still in the small lake, a crowd began gathering. I was wondering how I'd light it all, when all of a sudden someone shouted "HEAT SEAKER!". I looked up and saw a missle barreling towards me, and I rolled out of the way just before it could hit me. It grazed the water and then lifted itself up and apparently picked up something else, as it didn't come back. "Damn," I thought, "I've gotta pick this up". With the gasoline poured, I began to lit the lighter and was about to drop it and run away when some random janitor decided it was his duty to clean up part of the gasoline spill. Specifically, the part on top of the doll. For a split second, the doll had an evil grin on its face and thought that it was safe. "Like hell.." I thought, as I quickly pushed some of the gasoline back on top of the doll, who's anger and fury quickly turned back to distress and alarm. I'm pretty sure I said something like "Eat shit", and then pushed the lighter into the gasoline, causing it to burst into flames and then miraculously explode. The doll was destroyed, and I was shot into the air due to the force of the explosion, but quickly used my built in jetpack (Handy, huh?) to gain control and then land. The audience that had gathered applauded as if it were some fourth of July show.
So, to answer any questions, yes, I did just dream about beating the shit out of a doll and then blowing it up, while wearing some sort of super suit. It either makes me awesome or insane, and I'm not quite sure which one yet.
So, it's been a while since I've bothered to post on here. I just don't have that many interesting dreams.
OUTLAW! - Me and a small band of friends were apparently fugitives, wanted for possibly robbing a bank. I wasn't quite sure. Anywho, we were being chased by another band friends, who were the cops. Me and my gang ended up hiding out in my shed, which was completely revamped, larger, clean, and stockpiled with weapons. Suddenly the cops found us, and were trying to coax us out of the shed. All of a sudden, the background changed and we were in what seemed like the 1880's, with cowboy hats. The cops now had simple one shot rifles, but we had modern technology! After talking with them, I got sick of it and grabbed several hack saws and an RPG. My gang threw open the doors of the shed and I aimed and fired - Striking the center of the group. As the explosion boomed, we bolted out of there and down the street - After grabbing a few hacksaws and what I think was a box of grenades.
We decided we would leave by train, and hopped on. We thought we were safe, but the viewpoint shifted and I saw the cops, banged and bruised but still alive, on the train cart behind us, trying to follow us.
I was in a cafe with bear (our campus cop, cool dude), and we were walking around making rounds and chatting, as this was his second job, and it was to patrol this HUGE cafe to make sure everyone was being good. All of a sudden people started singing and 4 girls really stood out, so I got them together and made them into a band. I went home, and my friends were there. For some reason, my friends were there and they attacked me, I threw one through a wall and the other was more persistent, when I didn't want to kill him. I ended up snapping his neck. I gathered two of my pillows and went back to the cafe (Wtf?), and went to a table where people were talking about 80's amps, and how newer amps didn't have this buzzing sound. I told them all I had a buzzing ampNo one really saw my pillow, which I was sitting on. Then this kid (We'll call him moody) stood up and started singing to me, and it was an apology song. Another friend, named Michael, came up and tried singing, but he kept getting interrupted by moody, who was doing a different song for a different reason. Then all of a sudden moody became a girl, and by this time everyone was staring and thinking "aww" while I was laughing my ass off. She wanted me to stand up, and asked my spanish teacher to hold my hand.
So yeah. Drugs are bad.
So, I had this insanely epic dream just a few hours ago. I thought I should write it out on dreamviews.
The War of the Worlds - I don't know how it happened, but there was an evil dictator taking over our town. He lived in a giant castle and had any weapon at his disposal. Me and a few friends were the only ones left alive that wouldn't submit to him. Most of our town had been turned into smoking ruins.
It started with just me and a two or three friends. We were trying to get away, to somewhere safe. We knew we couldn't last if we stayed. We were wearing ghillie suits, or some other type of camo. I remember vividly that I had bullet-proof riot gear and helmet, with moss and leaves on top of it all so I could blend in better. My friends and I had only airsoft weapons, why we carried them around, I have no idea.
All of a sudden someone I knew ran out of the bushes. "Dear god, can you help me?" He explained. We told him to hop into our group and we'd get him so camouflage soon. I told him we were heading to my house, and that I had an extra Ghillie Suit he could use to hide in. He agreed and jumped in with us.
When we got to my house, it was quiet. Very quiet. It was odd because that part of the town had not been ruined yet, and my lawn was lush and green. We went to the back, and then we saw some neighbour kids. They were having fun shooting each other with airsoft guns, like they had no idea what was going on. As soon as we got there my friends started shooting at them for fun with our airsoft guns, and it seemed like I was the only one who remembered what was going on. For a second it was like I just wanted to be sucked into this innocent childish game, but I knew something was wrong. Something was out of place. All of a sudden I heard distant booms. Booms of artillery, and that shocked the sense back into me. "MOVE!" I screamed, which seemed to make everyone realize what was going on. I grabbed two people by the collar quickly and began dragging them, running as fast as I can. Seconds later artillery began raining down around us, but thankfully the ones who had moved fast enough were slightly ahead of the bursts. I turned around to see my friend on this old swing-set that had a slide on it. He was trying to scramble down, but he wasn't fast enough. An artillery shell hit the set square on and he was gone. I pressed on with the people who were left.
The artillery barrage began to follow us, someone was tracking our movements. There were more of us now, maybe 8 or 9 total. We were running as fast as we can. I let go of the two I was dragging finally and they began sprinting with us. There were craters everywhere, and the artillery wouldn't stop. All I could think about was making it to a large house, somewhere safe. We ran and ran, until finally we made it to a gigantic medieval Japanese Dojo. We quickly ran inside, where we stayed until the barrage ended. After catching our breaths we walked outside, and we were greeted by the sight of flaming ruins, broken buildings, and bodies. It was impossible to think anyone was still alive. All of a sudden this small Chinese man walked past us, and I couldn't stop staring at him. There was something about him that made me want to run after him. He was wearing this smug smile on his face like he knew what was going on. I was turning to go run after him, up the stairs of the dojo when all of a sudden a dog tried attacking our group. It wasn't some mangy stray dog, but a strong attack dog. We knew who sent it. It got caught in part of a broken fence and my friend tried jumping and kicking it, but that just made the dog angrier. The dog charged me, and I was in no mood for games. When it jumped at me I slammed it into the ground as hard as I could. I felt internal organs rupture and the dog howled as blood poured, and splattered everywhere. I stood up and told someone that we at least had food now, and I went to go sit and figure out a plan on how to get some weapons....
I think there was more after that. I remember a fragment where we WERE armed, stealing weapons from enemy soldiers. We wanted revenge, and that's all we were trying to do. Kill as many of them as possible for what they did to our town, our families, and our friends.