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    Thread: Queen Zukin's Dream Journal

    1. #1026
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      Zero recall.

    2. #1027
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      Stealing internet from another cafe lol

      Dobby Like Creature in the Cornfields

      I was on north campus, because apparently I had transferred there to their dorms. I needed to find my chemistry class, which was back on central campus.

      I looked at a map as I walked. Where the fudge was I??

      In front of me stood a tractor pathway into a forest which gradually became a crop. On my map it was marked as a significant road that I would need to take to get to my chemistry building.

      I started making my way through the fields, continuously doubting that I was on the right path. I realized that I was going to be really late for this class.

      I heard the breathing of an animal near me.

      I looked around.

      In the distance I saw a white wolf stalking me. Oh shit.

      I slowly backed away until I was out of its sight and then picked up a heavy pace out of the forest. I was getting lost though, and found myself in the familiar cornfields. I couldn't keep gravity with me as I ran, which should be an easy dreamsign for me.

      "HELLO!" A creature yelled out as it jumped out of the stalks. It looked like an ape, a bare ape, sort of like Dobby from Harry Potter. In the dream I felt a familiar sense with this creature, like a long lost friend.

      "Hey!" I replied, "Was that you back there?"

      "Yes, in my other form of course!" It replied.

      "Do you know how to get out of here?" I asked.

      "I'll lead you the way," He responded.

      He lead me the way out of the forest. I was sure that this was not the road I was supposed to have took. Once I was out of the forest, I looked at the map when I saw a street sign. It matched up perfectly, and I wondered why I was supposed to go to a forest to get to my chemistry building.

      Beach Rave!

      Some people were having a rave on a beach. It was pretty neat. Day and night were getting confused a lot.
      Last edited by Queen Zukin; 09-05-2011 at 11:56 PM.

    3. #1028
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      My internet is down and I'm posting this from a cafe. Once internet comes back I'll try to edit the posts and add more dreams.

      Hacking into the DreamNet

      I was in the car with my mother. We were driving through a parking lot when I met eye contact with a girl I used to know. I hadn't seen her since elementary school but I recognized her and the way she looked at me. For a few seconds, we locked eyes.

      I was back in the car. I had just given the time to that man when I looked back at my watch and noticed that the time had completely changed. It now read 2:39. At first, I felt bad for giving the man the wrong time, but I was certain that the watch had read 5:12. I looked back at the watch again and it read 10:40. Was this a dream? I looked at my hands and they had five fingers and a thumb. This was a dream.

      I first wanted to complete the most important task at hand, but clarity was lacking. I willed it to be fixed and it was. I noticed that I was wearing my pajamas still.

      I needed to find a computer in this parking lot, and the best place was probably the SEARS across the street. I went inside. I wandered around and shouted a bit until I found the tech section. They were selling mini computers. They were no bigger than 6 inches tall and 4 inches wide. It was cool. I took a wire from the computer and decided that I should connect it through my head. It was a black wire with a smaller metal connection. At first, I couldn't get it in right but eventually pushed it in hard enough (no sex jokes).

      Immediately I started hearing strange noises. The world I saw around me was the same, but I heard something strange. At first it was like a buzzing in the air. A whooshing and hissing of sorts. It turned into voices of people around me and then voices of people around the globe. I could hear them dreaming.

      I walked around the store, still listening to the net I had been connected to. I saw an old piano and pressed down on one of the keys. It was off tune. I played a simple Ode to Joy and it sounded like a wicked tale. I put both hands on the keyboard and completely improvised to see what I would play. It was an interesting green tune, pretty yet disharminous.

      When I was finished, I noticed that my connection to the dreamnet had diminished. I decided that I needed to find a more heavy duty wire. I needed a big ass wire that could carry out some badassery.

      I'm not even sure what these wires are called - I have seen them before in reality, but back in the 90s. They are huge compared to normal wires.

      I connected one of those wires to the computer and then to my mind, forming a serious and lasting connection to the net. This time, I heard and saw more. My experience was still auditory heavy, perhaps just because that is how I am, but I also saw a few visuals.

      I heard everyone dreaming, their voices and thoughts had become intertwined into a music, a hard base trance music, that had turned into an acid trip at a rave. Lights danced around me as I felt dreamers from France, Belgium, the UK and all around Europe and the world.
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    4. #1029
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      A little bit more than a Reunion

      I was with a guy I had known from sixth grade. I remembered him as if he were my age now. I had a crush on him back then haha.

      DJ Ravine was also there. Epic. I had been talking to him for awhile and he seemed pretty cool. We were flirting a lot and just acting crazy.

      My sixth grade crush, Ravine, a bunch of kids from karate, and I were going on a field trip. They were hassling me because I didn't have a permission slip or something, which was useless anyways since I had turned 18 months ago.

      Retribution's Retribution

      Retribution had decided to take over the forums and the IRC and was sending out tons of viruses through the servers. He had gone really evil and was attacking everybody for something that they had done to him.

      I was on IRC at the time as well and it was pretty chaotic. A member messaged me with a strange phrase.

      Loving the Weather

      I looked out my window...and it was snowing!!!

      I laughed hard about this, because a few days ago it had been in the mid 90's. I wondered what the kids who hadn't been here long would think about our crazy weather.

      The snow was gathering and I wondered if we had broken a new record. I was pretty sure of it, but the weatherman wasn't making too big of a deal about it.

    5. #1030
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      This isn't really working

      I was at the rave that I am going to this weekend. It was really empty. There were people watching TV. LAME.

      I went outside and noticed that the party was actually going on outside. Still, there was barely anyone there. I noticed a police officer suspiciously watching for anything. Ugh.

    6. #1031
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      Rebecca Black - Friday (Mike Doerr Extended Remix) by upgrayedd on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

      Maria River

      I was at my university's festival. I was looking at a booth about backpacking in Canada. They had a TV depicting some of their adventures in the wild Canada. I was surprised to see that they were hiking up mountains and exploring the jungle. I never thought that Canada was that exciting.

      I was now in the TV. I was inside a medieval castle, watching the rain pour. Dreariness.

      I ventured outside of the castle and the scene became a jungle. I walked alongside a path until I came to a dodgy signpost that read "Maria River". In front of me wasn't a river. It was a wooden plank pathway that had small amounts of water running over it. The water had been eroding the wood and made it extremely slippery, reducing it to a dangerous slide through the jungle.

      A part of me wanted to try this thing out. I had remembered in the dream hearing something about how dangerous Maria River was. Something compelled me to go through with it, even though it meant almost certain death.

      Little Lucid

      I remember little of this dream. I was playing a video game and sort of already knew that I was dreaming. I hadn't decided to act on it until now. My vision was the video game, so I had to try to pull out of it. I remember doing a reality check and stabilizing by stomping and shouting, but that's it.

      Two Transparent Friends

      I was sleeping in a house unfamiliar to me. I woke up to find two orange transparent long-lost friends of mine standing next to me. I don't even remember their names in waking life (I know that I used to, though) but I remembered them clearly in the dream. Honestly, I'm not even sure who I remembered but I know that I've met them before.

    7. #1032
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      flkdsjfsd been putting off typing up my dreams and now I don't even have that much time left to post them before I leave. So it will be quick.

      Doctor for an Hour

      I was a doctor at a hospital. But only for an hour. I found it to be pretty stressful.

      Summer Program Fragments

      I dreamed that I was in a summer program, or something. I remember a big, hogwarts style dormitory and eating lunch in a big hall. There was a tension in the air though, like we were being forced to be there. I also recall an upturned couch, perhaps the result of a fight.

    8. #1033
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      No recall. Didn't sleep.

    9. #1034
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      Don't Kiss my Father!

      My college was having a prom, apparently.

      I was really confused about this. I was walking down the streets intoxicated, or really just THAT confused, and remember seeing the streets covered in lace. I started laughing at this cause it was so random. I followed the lace down the street and it lead to a woman's marriage. They were standing on a cake.

      I went back to the dorm. We now lived on the top floor. We were so high up that they had to make a highway just to get to our dorm haha. Later I wanted to leave again and had to take this highway back to the campus. There was so much traffic. I remember seeing a strange building that was an upsidedown V shape.

      This highway lead me to a festival. I left to get something and when I came back I saw my friend kissing my father. What the fuccck?

      Doin' Homework

      Doing homework online. Making sure that I answered with the correct number of significant figures.

      DJ Comment

      Someone commented on my other dream journal. I was surprised because I didn't think that these members even existed.

    10. #1035
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      You MUST Drive!

      I was visiting home for the weekend. My mother forced me to drive the car back up to campus, even though a parking permit costs a lot of money. It was raining and I was watching as cars were hydroplaning on the road. I watched as a police car lost traction with the road and slid.

      I didn't really protest having to drive the car back to campus, but I felt confused because nothing was explained to me clearly.

      This Bed.

      I remember being shown a bed in a very rustic house. There was something about the bed that was interesting, or maybe just something about the scene. In the dream I had been traveling and was staying the night at a strangers house. They told me that I could sleep in one of their guest rooms. The room looked like an attic and the ceiling was triangular. In the middle there was a single bed. I think that the covers were blue. Their was a dirty old window several feet adjacent to the bed.

      Piano Player

      I was attending the senior's graduation. There was a person playing piano on the stage. My mother urged to meet the man who was playing piano after the ceremony was over.

      I tried to find him, but discovered that behind the stage there was also a restaurant that the actors also ran. The man was now one of the waiters that was running around serving people. The other waiters and waitresses started talking to me about how much they loved free food.


      I was biking in my old neighborhood. I noticed that I was wearing gloves. They were blue with some pattern on them.

      I saw some highschoolers playing cards and waiting at the bus stop. For a few moments I played cards with them until their bus came. I went to get back on my bike and finish riding home but it seemed as if I was "bungee'd" to the scene. I couldn't bike off without being strongly pulled back to where the stop was.

    11. #1036
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      What the?!

      Christine and I were in what looked like a hotel. We were playing with a camera and its nightvision component. We found this very amusing.

      While I was talking, Christine took a picture of me in the dark.

      "What...the..." She whispered, "Zukin...Come look at this..."

      I leaned over and she showed me the digital picture in the display. Her exasperated words were an understatement.

      The picture showed my profile mid-speech in the corner. In front of me were two entities. The first entity looked like a man without eyes.

      The second entity looked like the creature from Picasso's Scream. Both of them were very overbearing and felt very malicious. Woke myself right up from that.

      Wonderful Surprise Visit

      I was talking to my roommate when Akira walked in. I was absolutely shocked to see him. He told us that he was going to dorm with us and that he was attending this university now. I wondered how he managed to persuade the RA to let him live in a girl's dorm.

    12. #1037
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      Nach fünf im Urwald


      Build a house, quick! Don't die! HURRY!

      The scene morphed into a rave, and then it morphed into Louisiana or swampy Florida.

      I was standing on a dock with my older sister. The dock was stationed in a marsh and it went through it. We were at the beginning of this dock, where there was some sort of lighthouse.

      My sister and I were being attacked by green bug creatures. They were so difficult to fight off because they were so tiny and there were so many of them. The green bugs had magical properties.

      During the daytime, these bugs were a swarming evil. But during the evening and night, they returned to be calm and beneficial.

      As the sun began to set, I opened an empty jar and the green bug creatures filled the container. My sister and I discovered that the green bugs were attracted to our presence. It was a magical scene, one day I will have to draw this out. As we pressed our fingertips against the glass case of the jar, they collected near our fingers. They began to sprout like a luscious green vine, a beautiful vine with continuous fractal branches, growing up and up like the tree of life.

      "Warum sollte man nach fünf nicht in den Urwald gehen?" The green insects whispered.

      "Weil die Elefanten dann Fallschirmspringen üben?" I replied.

      "No. Because those after 5 will die," they whispered solemnly, "You must leave."

      My sister and I took the green insect's advice and began our journey back down the winding dock through the marshes. The sun was setting fast and visible light grew dimmer.

      I heard a swishing noise.

      "What was that?" I whispered.

      "I don't know..." My sister replied.

      "The crocodiles...Went in the jungle after five," I realized.

      "That's why their snouts are long..." She added.

      We began running as fast as we could down the dock. The crocodiles were faster, though. I didn't know that crocodiles were so evil.

    13. #1038
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      Lost my roommate.

      I slept really bad last night.

      I just remember a fragment about being at a restaurant with both Jin and SD. Jin was running his mouth and was being a little overbearing, his opposite of reality.

    14. #1039
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      I haven't really been sleeping.


    15. #1040
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      Giant Blue Scuba Pool

      I remember only the last part of this dream. I was swimming in a giant pool, and I remember a female instructor telling us that we would need to learn how to scuba dive. I went underwater and saw why. Because the pool was too deep to swim to the bottom of, we would need to learn to scuba dive so that we could clean up the bottom of the pool.


      There was a giant room full of people doing gymnastics. I don't know why we were being held in here, but we weren't allowed to leave. I discovered that I had an amazing ability to jump really high. In fact, I could do some pretty extreme parkour with this.


      I woke up and looked at my clock. It was 11am! I was going to miss lunch! That's all I remember.


      I just remember seeing a ton of little frogs everywhere. You could just scoop them up in your hands. They were so cute.

      Unlucid Lucid

      I remember being lucid, but obviously not too lucid. I just remember flying around a lot, having a blast rushing through the sky. I had forgotten about any goals until about 5 or 10 minutes in when I went completely lucid and realized that I had some other things that I wanted to do!

    16. #1041
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      Sim City Four

      I found my old copy of Sim City 4. I was playing a DEMO version and someone had made a video tape of their custom buildings. They had a school for different talents. It was based off of a city near me. I was trying to find my serial code for the CD, but I think that I had lost it a long time ago.

    17. #1042
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      I've Been Here Before...

      I was walking around what sort of seemed like a more futuristic city. It wasn't boldly futuristic though, maybe only 20 to 30 years in the future. I was with a motherly figure. She had blonde hair and a good personality. She reminded me a bit of my dream guide. In the dream, she seemed to me my guardian or supervisor, as if I was a little child venturing out into a new world.

      We walked into a mall when I had a strong epiphany, edging on Deja vu.

      "I've dreamed this before," I said as I observed the design of the mall and the movement of people.

      "Indeed you have," the woman responded reassuringly. I sort of just stood there for a moment, lost in deja vu, confusion, and thought. This happens to me often in real life. I will be just doing something, and then I have a remembering of a dream and a deja vu at the same time, making me certain that I have already dreamed up this scenario before.

      Darn you, Scrabble!

      I was at the bottom of a hill. At the bottom of a hill was a public bathroom. Inside the bathroom people were blowing up balloons. They were blowing up balloons to celebrate chemistry. They invited me to their chemistry party.

      Their chemistry party was in the middle of a restaurant. A car had crashed in the middle of the restaurant and people were eating spaghetti on the floor to celebrate. They weren't being careful with their spaghetti so it was pooling on the floor. We decided to play Scrabble inside the crashed vehicle. In our version of scrabble, once you made a word you would toss the used letters out the window and into the pile of tomato sauce from the messy guests.

      It was madness.

      Escape by Train

      Something awful was happening and I had to get to my home very fast. I was under the impression that I could take a bus back to my hometown, but I quickly discovered that there wasn't a bus that would make that journey.

      So a flying train would have to do.

      I boarded the flying train. It had a spiral staircase in the air that I had to jump onto. Apparently, many people also had the same idea as I did and they were jam packed. People couldn't even fit into the train anymore, so they were sitting on the open spiral staircase in the air.

    18. #1043
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      Underground Adventure

      "Sssh, quiet. Don't let them see you," we whispered as we snuck into a library near closing time. We darted under cabinets and hid in corners as people passed us.

      "Where do you think it is?" A friend quietly asked.

      "I don't know...But I believe that the basement of the library connects to a series of underground rooms. I think we will find one of them there," I replied.

      "Slim chance."

      "Better than none," I retorted.

      We cleverly dodged security guards and finally made our way down the marble white stairs of the library and into the unfurnished, cavelike basement.

      We heard what we were looking for.

      "How do they not hear it upstairs?" We wondered. We had found our way to an underground (literally, HAHAHA) rave.

      "Hey guys, I'm just setting up still," an organizer told us. We walked around the cavey basement, a lot of people were already pouring in. This was going to be pretty big. DW was playing tonight, so that would make it even better. Hardcore and Hardstyle makes everything better.

      The music played and the ravers started to jump! I was confused at some points because the outside of the room would occasionally change. Occasionally whether I was dreaming or not crossed my mind. I was very sad to wake up from this.
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    19. #1044
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      HAHA An underground rave! That actually sounds like a lot of fun. I have a lot of dreams where I find some type of secret room, that leads somewhere cool.

    20. #1045
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mancon View Post
      HAHA An underground rave! That actually sounds like a lot of fun. I have a lot of dreams where I find some type of secret room, that leads somewhere cool.
      Yes, they are very fun.

      My recall really sucks right now. I have been getting so much sleep every night. Nine to ten hours. It is wonderful.

      Death by Shower Head

      I was forced to move out of my dorm and into an apartment with some strangers. They had a lot of high-tech things. An example of this would be their shower. I couldn't figure out how to turn the shower head off and it was flooding the bathroom. I was yelling out to them but they were sound asleep on their beds. I'm pretty sure I died from drowning, but I'm not sure why I just didn't leave the bathroom.

      The Summit

      I was climbing a mountain with a friend of mine. I didn't realize that we had already gotten to the top so when I turned around I was astonished to see that I was standing on the edge of a cliff. I believe we were on Mt. Leconte, though a few edges of the mountain had changed a bit. I stood there just looking out to the blue mountain horizon, once again amazed.

      Many Mini Lucids

      These past few nights I keep having a lot of miniature lucids. They aren't miniature because they are short, but miniature because I can't remember the majority of them. I keep realizing that I am dreaming, however, it's not a sudden realization. It's like I knew I was dreaming all along, but just now decided to do something with it. In each of these little lucids I remember looking around a bit, examining the people and walking by them passively. In one of the lucid dreams I was in a restaurant. I had just decided that I was dreaming and was slowly walking past the tables and watching as everyone continued throughout their day, talking and laughing with their friends. It seems I can only remember up to that point in the lucid dream, and then everything else is just a black blur.

    21. #1046
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      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      My recall really sucks right now. I have been getting so much sleep every night. Nine to ten hours. It is wonderful.
      I'm sorry Have you read about this? I think there might be something to it.

      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      Death by Shower Head

    22. #1047
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mancon View Post
      I'm sorry Have you read about this? I think there might be something to it.
      Maybe. I haven't been drinking as much water as I am used to, but I had attributed the drop in recall to moving into university and adapting to this schedule.

      I have been reading a narrative about Cocaine for one of my classes, which is why I believe I dreamed about this.

      Pixie Stick Cocaine

      I was in the back of a moving truck. In the back of this truck was a woman who was selling drugs. She hung samples of things on the walls of the truck and had made it into her own little mini-shop. I had bought cocaine from her, but you see, it was special cocaine. It was in the color of pixie sticks, kind of purple too.

      I brought the cocaine back to my apartment, but the apartment caught on fire. Because this cocaine was so magical, it burst out into flames when the fire hit it. The firefighters arrived as did the police. They discovered that I had drug paraphernalia, but they weren't sure what it was yet. They took samples of the carpet and told me that they had found heroin and methamphetamines in the carpet (lolwut?) and that I would be escorted to the police department.

    23. #1048
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      Vampire Cave

      I think that my dream mind must have been on something last night.

      I lived in a village that lived in a big cave. Of course, companies didn't hesitate to invade our area and set up Wal-Marts and Home Depots in our wonderful cave village.

      I was also a vampire. No one knew this, and actually, I barely knew it myself.

      In the dim light I could see that a girl was dying of an illness. She laid there barely half conscious. I was supposed to administer medicines to her via injection. I watched as the needle punctured her skin and observed blood seeping out.

      I felt my old, normal self fading into the background as the beginnings of a frenzy emerged. All rationale disappeared as I felt myself drawing closer to the blood.

      "What...are you doing?" The girl asked with half open eyes.

      I wondered that myself. What was I doing? I had been brought out of my frenzy and left to examine what I was about to do.

      I felt a frenzy within me attempting to build up once more, I pushed it away but it only grew stronger. Yet, I still had to help this girl. I trapped the blood that had already left her veins into a small, sealed container. I left to Home Depot to get her medicines (because of course it would be there).

      This is Kinda Normal

      I was driving down the county highway when I realized that I needed to slow down. I braked, but that only lead to the car accelerating! The only way I could slow down was to just take my foot off of the accelerator. I just sighed, because such strange problems like these were very normal for my old car.

      BOO! You're not Scary Hahaha.

      I was running happily down a hill next to a building. As I was running down the hill I was jumping also, because if you have never tried that in real life it is very fun. I thought about how that also sort of feels the same when you are trying to run in a dream because you lose touch with gravity.

      I examined how the gravity felt and deduced that this wasn't a dream because gravity was too normal. I said to myself, "I'll know this is a dream when I begin to jump unrealistically high."

      For some reason, I also ran into a shop and hid under a desk. I think that Willy Wonka and a few spies were chasing me. They were confused about where I went.

      I watched them as they began to pass me and instead of fearfully hiding under the desk, I jumped out and yelled "BOO!" and ran off laughing.

      Scenic Lunch

      Eating lunch at the top of a mountain!

      Boring Dining Game

      The dining hall decided to set up a game where they would call random rooms in the middle of the night and either ask them to work in the dining hall for ten minutes, or to randomly eat there. It was chaotic.


      I don't remember much of this dream, but I dreamed that my mother died. I was very, very distraught.

    24. #1049
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      I keep almost forgetting to post!

      Group Experiment

      I was randomly chosen to be a part of an experiment/study. An Indian woman had all of us sit on the floor while we were told to put eye drops into our eyes. She turned on calm music.

      I'm guessing that the experiment was about the effect of eye drops on relaxation and sleepiness because people were starting to drift off pretty fast. It was coming in waves for me.

      Gas Leak in the Car

      My family and I were going on a trip but the car was stalling. We also smelled gas. We observed the car and discovered that somehow the gas had leaked and managed to spill even under the car seats. It was messy.

      Good Lucid, Recall not so much

      I remember having a really good, long lucid. I don't even remember what I did, but I know that it was of a good length and quality. I should have written it down when I first woke up!
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    25. #1050
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      The Squash Within

      This dream was so crazy ahahaa.

      Apparently, I had planted a squash somewhere on campus grounds.

      Now, forget all of that.

      I was with Jennifer Aniston in a limo that was sitting in a grassy field. We looked out of the window and saw a futuristic highway next to us.

      I get out of the limo and start digging in the field looking for buried treasure.

      I get a notice, it really just pops up right infront of my eyes, and says "The squash that you planted is ready." It gave me a map of where to find it.

      So, I took this treasure/squash trail map and followed the coordinates until I was on the X marks the spot. When I was standing at the location, I realized that the squash had grown inside me like a tumor.

      So now, I needed to figure out how to take the squash out of my chest, where it had apparently grown. I wondered why people even bothered to grow squash if it was such a big ordeal.

      Yeeeeah Right.

      I was stranded with a bunch of army men out in who-knows-where. One of them was Colonel Miles Quaritch, from Avatar. He walked over to me (I was sitting on the steps of a green trailer) and started telling me that I needed to portray China as a bad country. He drew out China on the trailer with white chalk, but it ended up looking more like Greenland. I refused his commands because they were bullshit.

      Apartment Stop

      A group of friends and I had just come back from a party and were stopping at my friend's apartment. He lived in a boxy, modern style apartment. We were going to split up again after stopping at his apartment, but I can't recall why or where to. I just remember for an instant the lights weren't working and I ran into someone that I hadn't anticipated being in front of me.
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