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    Thread: Queen Zukin's Dream Journal

    1. #1051
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      Squash dream is epic!

    2. #1052
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      Squash is epic!!!

      No dreams for me last night. Wednesday nights kill, I have that one horrible 8am class.
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    3. #1053
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      Zukin's Lost Dreams

      For one reason or another, some dreams do not manage to get posted to my dream journal. The majority of these mini-entries are dreams that I seemed to remember months after dreaming them, while some of them I just forgot to post.

      Dream 1

      I'm in a basement, standing on a ladder. It reminds me of the basement from our old house in upstate New York, but it is notably different. The basement is unfurnished.

      An unpredicted event occurs, and I am now trapped in the basement. I am seeing a lot of yellow, like giant yellow cotton? It reminds me of insulation.

      Dream 2

      I'm sitting in the livingroom of an apartment that I am not familiar with. Perhaps this is Ganryu's apartment. I'm hiding from an evil fog.

      Dream 3

      I'm loitering near a swamp next to my house. People are gathering there because a truck slipped on the road and fell into the swamp. There was some kind of struggle to leave.

      Dream 4

      It's midnight and I am, again, near the swamp next to my house. Except, the swamp has now grown into a considerably large lake. There is a boy outside with me, and we are being mischievous. Somehow, we manage to hang a cow by its feet so that it dangles above the lake.

      We didn't know, though, that people were living on this cow (mini-civilization?) and that if we didn't get the cow down by next midnight then these thousands of people who lived on the cow would die.

      Dream 5 - Deja vu

      This happened in real life.

      My friend and I were in a hotel. She was listening to Taylor Swift through her stereo and I was passively listening and on the brink of sleep. I suddenly felt an extremely strong deja vu that I have dreamed this before, this exact moment. I could recall feeling how the bed felt and the music and everything. It was crazy strong.

      Dream 6

      I was walking around in the wooded area of my backyard when I discovered that my backyard connected to an open grassy field. People were shooting off fireworks in the field. The open field had stumps for people to sit. I'm not sure when I dreamed this, it feels very old, but I actually now live right next to the exact scene that I saw when I dreamed this.

      Dream 7 - Deja vu

      This also happened in real life.

      I was sitting in class and we were improvising a skit in German. The guy sitting next to me started talking like a Hippie and I immediately felt that overwhelming sense that I had dreamed this before. It just kept coming and coming and lasted at least a full minute.

      Dream 8

      I was walking home from school. I saw that my neighbors had received packages on their doorsteps. To get inside my door I needed to climb through a white tent structure. I was eager to see what we had received in the mail. Instead of receiving a package, I had received a stack of homework.

      Dream 9

      There was something creepy about the house down the street. We were running past it and trying to avoid being near it. A giant dead tree also stood next to it, which didn't help the lovely sight.

      Dream 10

      They had built a house next to the lake near our house. The realtors were having an open house and I stopped by to visit, but it was empty. I remember the yellow half steps leading up into a semi-spiral right into the doorway.
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    4. #1054
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      I haven't been writing anything down these past few days cause I've been LAZY.

      The dream from last last night - I was on some beach called "Graves Beach". There wasn't many people there.

      The dream from last night - I was in one of the dormitories and I looked out of the window and saw that someone had shredded massive amounts of paper in the middle of the courtyard. I also dreamed that I was in a dungeon. I didn't remember how I got there, I just woke up there. There were other people too, and we were trying to figure out why we were there.

    5. #1055
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      Snap Snap

      I just remember taking big black and white photos of places.

      Secret Ladder Basement

      I was in a small city that had old village buildings. I noticed that almost every one of these buildings had an inaccessible ladder leading to a basement. I tried to get at the ladder, but was interrupted every time. I think that I got really close once, but instead of being able to reach the basement, I found myself sitting in a pile of cherry pie filling.

    6. #1056
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      Backwards Dimensions

      I was with a group of friends and we didn't have a place to live so we decided to stay the night in the old house where I used to live. I was creeped out just being there, but I didn't tell the others why. I kept seeing things in the corner of my eyes and kept getting weird vibes. The house was a mixture of the old house in its original form and the new house.

      Everyone had gone to bed but I was still awake. I went to the kitchen. Here I just decided to become lucid. More often than not, I already just know that I am dreaming but I don't really care enough to change the scene.

      I was standing across the kitchen counter. It was night outside. I was holding a gun, and I don't know why. I wanted one last confirmation that it was a dream, however, if I had even a doubt that it was a dream I would have never performed this action.

      I took my gun and then shot the window twice. I looked away and looked back. My suspicions were validated when I saw that the window had instantly repaired itself and went back to its normal state.

      With masochistic pleasure I shot my hand. I laughed when the bullet hit my palm and just instantly dissolved. I had landed myself in a Zukin Dream Night. When it's day time everything is pure and fine, but when night time hits and I am lucid, creepy things run about!

      I decided to be a part of the creepy lurkers and ran upstairs through the darkness and into the bathroom. I switched on the light but it didn't turn on. I realized quickly that I should have known that the light wouldn't turn on!

      I looked at myself through the mirror. In the darkness I could barely make out my eyes. My reflection seemed to mirror not my actions, but what I was thinking. With sinister eyes, my reflection beckoned me to come through the mirror.

      I climbed on the cabinet and touched my hand to the mirror. My reflection did the same as I and I pushed through the solid glass and into the next dimension. I stood there, now, with my reflection wondering if she was me or if I was her.

      This dimension that I had been enticed into did not feel any kinder than the previous. It felt backwards and sinister. Realizing this, I stepped backwards and away from my hungry reflection until it was too late to realize that I had walked backwards into an even lower dimension.

      The way to best describe this is when you have two mirrors across or adjacent to each other and these mirrors reflect off of each other and in the mirror you can see what looks like an infinite amount of mirrors continuing on forever. I kept walking backwards into the next mirror down, and I continuously did this about six or seven times until I had reached such a low point of existence that I was sort of shocked awake and lucid again.

      I had been watching my reflection being eaten by some kind of swamp monster - even the hunter had been hunted in this low dimension. I immediately jumped back forward again and started leaving in the way I came, passing through six or seven mirrors and dimensions until I returned to the dimly lit bathroom from which I came.
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    7. #1057
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      I didn't sleep well because despite my highest efforts, I got sick.

      I managed to recall one dream. In the dream I was with a new friend of mine. I remember a letter and sleeping bags, and living in a hotel with other people.

    8. #1058
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      Strange Girl is Strange

      I was with a young adult who resembled a peer I knew from early high school. She was showing me where she lived. She lived in the attic of an old beach hut that was falling to pieces. She didn't have much, that was fine. She just liked to live near the beach and just live life day to day. She was a little strange, I got some weird vibes from her, as if she was hiding something. She showed me the beach next to her attic hut. Yep - same recurring beach.

      70's Halloween

      I was sitting in a random gazebo. I don't even know why, but I felt connected to this gazebo like I had to stay there.

      It was Halloween night and I was watching people come in and out of the gazebo. I could tell this must have been set in the 70s because of the hairstyles that all of the girls had.

      I felt like I was missing out on my Halloween, but for some reason I just needed to stay there in that gazebo.

    9. #1059
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      Yoga BUST

      I was doing yoga in a small training center when suddenly it was raided by cops!

      The instructor told me to dim the lights, and he would take care of everything. I ran over to the light switch and made the lights very dim.

      Unfortunately, he didn't take care of everything because his friend walked in through the door and the cops searched him and found cocaine on him.

      Everyone in the yoga center was handcuffed. I was being charged for participating in the drug bust because I aided 'the enemy' by "dimming the lights."

      The handcuffs were like paper and I easily managed to escape from them. I ran to my friends house where we started talking about what was going down.

      The Scores Weren't So Good

      We got our German exams back. The professor told us that the scores weren't so good this time around, but they certainly weren't bad.

      I looked down at my exam grade. I got an 11%.
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    10. #1060
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      Recall has fallen to whole new levels of absolute suckiness.

      The only thing I remember is a theater, a flash mob, a giant green hill and saying good bye to someone (all from different days that I haven't posted).

    11. #1061
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      Chlorine Diagonalized

      I was at an unknown house. I think it may have been Konsento's house (YES. I did NAME you that - for whenever you read this), or it may have been that I was going to meet Konsento here at this house.

      I was sweeping the floor with a maid. There was so much dust everywhere! I kept finding "Chlorine Pills" on the ground and was getting confused as to why anyone would try to take pure chlorine as a recreational drug.

      The maid was talking to me about the chlorine pills and she told me that she liked them because they made her feel very derealized. I wondered what it would be like to try to mop the floor on drugs.

      Everything suddenly went diagonal, as if I had just taken the chlorine myself, and I fell fowards and into a new dream scene.

      I found myself sitting at a booth in a restaurant. I felt compelled to talk to a man sitting near the bar, and so I did.

      The waitress got pissy at me and told me that she would add more to my bill if I went to talk to this strange man, so I told her that I wouldn't pay any portion of the bill that included that unfair charge.

      After talking to the man, I saw my friends sitting at a booth so I went to talk to them.

      Everything went diagonal again and I fell into a scene with a water slide.
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    12. #1062
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      Konsento - My mind is still blown from that "psychic experience"! Bricks were shat.

      OK I did actually remember a dream the other night, but I didn't write it down and so I forgot.

      Too Much Headbanging

      I was at a rave and Rhythmics was playing. He was playing one of my favorite songs but as I was dancing I noticed that my neck really hurt. It felt like I had headbanged too much or something. I had to stop dancing because it hurt that bad.

      I went over to sit down somewhere and talk to some people. After I woke up, I realized that I had dreamed that because I was laying on my neck really weird causing it to hurt.

      It's kind of early so if I remember more I'll edit post.

    13. #1063
      Japan XeL is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      Backwards Dimensions

      I was with a group of friends and we didn't have a place to live so we decided to stay the night in the old house where I used to live. I was creeped out just being there, but I didn't tell the others why. I kept seeing things in the corner of my eyes and kept getting weird vibes. The house was a mixture of the old house in its original form and the new house.

      Everyone had gone to bed but I was still awake. I went to the kitchen. Here I just decided to become lucid. More often than not, I already just know that I am dreaming but I don't really care enough to change the scene.

      I was standing across the kitchen counter. It was night outside. I was holding a gun, and I don't know why. I wanted one last confirmation that it was a dream, however, if I had even a doubt that it was a dream I would have never performed this action.

      I took my gun and then shot the window twice. I looked away and looked back. My suspicions were validated when I saw that the window had instantly repaired itself and went back to its normal state.

      With masochistic pleasure I shot my hand. I laughed when the bullet hit my palm and just instantly dissolved. I had landed myself in a Zukin Dream Night. When it's day time everything is pure and fine, but when night time hits and I am lucid, creepy things run about!

      I decided to be a part of the creepy lurkers and ran upstairs through the darkness and into the bathroom. I switched on the light but it didn't turn on. I realized quickly that I should have known that the light wouldn't turn on!

      I looked at myself through the mirror. In the darkness I could barely make out my eyes. My reflection seemed to mirror not my actions, but what I was thinking. With sinister eyes, my reflection beckoned me to come through the mirror.

      I climbed on the cabinet and touched my hand to the mirror. My reflection did the same as I and I pushed through the solid glass and into the next dimension. I stood there, now, with my reflection wondering if she was me or if I was her.

      This dimension that I had been enticed into did not feel any kinder than the previous. It felt backwards and sinister. Realizing this, I stepped backwards and away from my hungry reflection until it was too late to realize that I had walked backwards into an even lower dimension.

      The way to best describe this is when you have two mirrors across or adjacent to each other and these mirrors reflect off of each other and in the mirror you can see what looks like an infinite amount of mirrors continuing on forever. I kept walking backwards into the next mirror down, and I continuously did this about six or seven times until I had reached such a low point of existence that I was sort of shocked awake and lucid again.

      I had been watching my reflection being eaten by some kind of swamp monster - even the hunter had been hunted in this low dimension. I immediately jumped back forward again and started leaving in the way I came, passing through six or seven mirrors and dimensions until I returned to the dimly lit bathroom from which I came.
      Nice one! I like these kind of dreams... Moreso to read them rather than experiencing them, though
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    14. #1064
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      Bad bad bad night for sleep. I couldn't get past the early stages of sleep without being hypnotized into this weird dreamilike state of chemistry. I was just solving chemistry problems continuously, for hours, without really being consciously aware of it while imaginary electronic music blared inside my head. Ugh, it was horrible!

    15. #1065
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      Indians and Lady Bugs

      I was with a small group. We were on the shores of a beach and we were involved in a strange task. The task was to test our flying abilities against a challenging situation. My task was titled "Indians and Lady Bugs".

      The goal was to avoid arrows that were shooting through the air and also swarms of man-eating lady bugs. The lady bugs looked like little white feathers in the air.

      I flew through the air zig zagging and whipping around so that my predators would have trouble hitting their target. It really worked and I was pleasantly surprised.

      I also had the added bonus of having to dive bomb to the ground to pick up little coins as "bonus points". Another woman was helping me, flagging me down so that I would know where to fly to next.

      H2O Lucid

      I was having an absolutely astounding lucid (WHICH I FORGOT). When I false awakened, I decided to tell Blazin all about it. I know that the lucid was long, and I remember "H2O" and much green and yellow.

      Barely Passed

      I was taking a test that would determine the rest of my future! I had not studied for this test at all, and didn't realize that it would even be coming so soon.

      I actually somehow passed, and was very excited.

    16. #1066
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      my pathetic attempt to journal has become a mixture of low recall and just forgetting to post.

      Last last night, I dreamed about spiders. I dunno what I dreamed about last night.

    17. #1067
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      I remember a dream in which I was on a bus in Germany.

      I also remember one where there was a guy who smelled of chemicals. He asked me if he smelled bad. I couldn't particularly say no, but the smell of chemicals isn't too fond for me either.

      I woke up around 8am and remembered a vivid dream about many, many books. I was sure that I'd remember it. -.-

      In the last dream, which is the most vivid for me, I dreamed that there was a sorority that had abducted me and they were doing some weird interview to see if I would join. I was slightly annoyed since I am not the sorority type.

    18. #1068
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      Why do we have a cow bell emoticon?

    19. #1069
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      Because even Dreamviews needs more cowbell.
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    20. #1070
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      Sorry about the total lack of updates, something unexpected came up (legit excuse this time).

      Friday, October 21

      I was raving when I was interrupted and told that I could never see Konsento again. WTF? There was apparently some weird ordeal with our families and blood line that prohibited us from hanging out. I think that his family thought that I would be a bad influence on him. I was really distraught.

      Saturday, October 22

      I remember the feeling of being lucid a couple times in the same dream.

    21. #1071
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      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      Sorry about the total lack of updates, something unexpected came up (legit excuse this time).

      Friday, October 21

      I was raving when I was interrupted and told that I could never see Konsento again. WTF? There was apparently some weird ordeal with our families and blood line that prohibited us from hanging out. I think that his family thought that I would be a bad influence on him. I was really distraught.

      Saturday, October 22

      I remember the feeling of being lucid a couple times in the same dream.
      Am I the only one who finds 'Konsento' is very similar to 'consent'? (Maybe she took 'consent' and made it Japanese in appearance?)

      99 times out of 100 I won't post, especially twice in a row, but come on, does anyone else see that?
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    22. #1072
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      Quote Originally Posted by Retribution View Post
      Am I the only one who finds 'Konsento' is very similar to 'consent'? (Maybe she took 'consent' and made it Japanese in appearance?)

      99 times out of 100 I won't post, especially twice in a row, but come on, does anyone else see that?
      I name people in real life from characters from DDR or other video games. Konsento told me that his favorite character from DDR was well, Konsento, who is a robot (I believe Konsento means "electrical outlet" in Japanese but I may be wrong).

    23. #1073
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      Props to me for actually writing down something in my DJ last night, unfortunately I couldn't see and wrote over what I had just written down. I have a vague idea of what I meant though.

      Jason's House

      Strangely, I was at Jason's house. He was trying to sell his house and was showing me around. I realized why he was having so much trouble.

      His ceiling fans hung so low that they were dangerous. If I were to stand next to one of the fans, it would probably come up to about my neck, it was THAT low.

      We decided to eat snacks. Everything was so sugary I woke up feeling kind of sick.

    24. #1074
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      Northern Lights Synchronicity

      I walked out of my house and into the front yard. I saw the northern lights. WOW! They were so beautiful, like slow motion fireworks in the sky. I have seen them before in real life during the last 11 year solar cycle, but didn't realize that they were coming again yet. It was so beautiful! I think I spent the entire dream just observing the colors.

      Today I get online and in my news feed:
      Northern Lights Seen Across Southeast U.S. | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!

      Everyone Just CALM down!

      I was riding the bus from highschool. I remembered once more the annoyances of freshmen. Ugh. I didn't really want to be here. Two boys started getting in a fight during one of the bus stops and a man walked onto the bus and shouted:

      "Everyone just CALM down!"

      He stared at us for a second, and then got back off the bus. Everyone was in stupor.

      I kept riding the bus and realized that the fashion in which the bus made its stops were completely illogical.

      Strawberry Sauce

      I was at a store. They were giving out free samples of a new product. They had made dipping sauce out of strawberries, blueberries, or bananas. You'd put your flavored sauce onto a different fruit and eat it. It was really delicious.

      More Smells

      I was with Konsento when I realized that I smelled strange. I went to take a shower in his apartment, he didn't seem to care LOL.

    25. #1075
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      Wait For It...

      I was at my house with Ganryu and Pokemon. The living room had adopted the old style of furniture layout that it had a few years ago. We were sitting on the old couch doing shrooms. I don't really know why we were doing shrooms in my parent's livingroom, but that's beside the point.

      They were tripping out but nothing was happening for me. I was at the half hour mark and just decided to wait it out instead of eating any more.

      Careless Reunion

      I was visiting my highschool for a day. I didn't expect to see any of my graduating class there, but was really suprised when I did. In fact, there was a LOT of them.

      We were in the World Religion's class eating lunch, but no one really cared to talk to each other. There were many people there, at least twenty, but no one cared to make conversation.

      Driving the Stick

      I was driving the stick shift around campus and was still learning how to switch gears effectively. It was rough and I was having trouble making smooth transitions. I accidentally put it in fifth gear a few times and had to fix that (I have a bad habit of putting the car into fifth gear when instead I should have put it into third. This habit will hopefully break with time).

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