I had an idea that I thought was actually pretty good... While reading Hyu's Adventures (A dream journal on here, check it out, it's pretty awesome) I heard about being able to sense other dreamers' aura and being able to find them like that. There was also a post where he reminded another dreamer to perform a reality check. That now brings me to my idea, OEILD, Outside Entrance Induced Lucid Dream. Basically, you would find a friend or someone you know who is an experienced lucid dreamer who can get into lucid dreams easier than you and have them seek out your aura and find you, then remind you to do a reality check. The only problem is that this whole aura thing might exist only in Hyu's dreams, as I don't see anybody else using it much. But nevertheless, I would definitely like to know if this would actually work! If someone could test it then I'd be elated.