Hey guys, how's it going? I'm making the obligatory getting-to-know-you first post.

I used to run around here back around 2007. I was going under the name speedbasssux. I haven't looked to see if my profile is still active or not. Besides, I want to make a fresh start, seeing as how the field of LD (and this site) has grown exponentially since my "glory days". Well anyways, I've been out of practice for a few years and it's about time I cleared out the cobwebs in my mind.

I'm going to ramble on a bit, so I don't really expect y'all to read beyond this point. Just talking to myself and clarifying my thoughts.

Back then I was best LDer I knew IRL. Online is was a different story, of course lol. I considered myself talented with close to 150ish LDs under my belt. I thought that I had broken through and became a natural dreamer, that I would never be without my abilities. Well, life happens and I moved on to other pursuits. Over time LDs came less frequently, maybe one every month and a half, until eventually they stopped coming altogether. I saw it as one of those things that I was extremely happy to say that I had done with my time alive.

Now I find myself in a phase of deep introspection and personal growth. My life is coming together in a very positive way and I think the time is right for me to regain my skills and push towards even greater mastery. I know that a lot has happened in my absence from the field, and that I've got a lot of reading to do before I'm current again. Honestly, I look forward to it. It'll be good to soak my brain in LD literature.

Well, here's to getting back on that horse! I look forward to making new friends and great conversations.