Hey everybody,

My name is Nash and I´m new on this forum.
The reason I registered is because of my following experiences:

A few weeks ago I had a dream and in that dream I was flying (not lucid). But I did not want to fly, I was affraid of falling. Some woman made me fly or something. So in the sky at that moment, I realized that I was dreaming. After I realized that, I closed my eyes and felt a sensation in my head, kind of a weird rotating pressure or something.
After that I woke up, in another dream, laying down in the middle of a village on a field.. I realized this when I woke up to reality.

A few days later I had kind of a Lucid Dream. In my dream I was in a foreign country (My moms country). I was at my aunts home. At some point in the dream I started thinking: ´I dont remember I took an airplane to here..´. From that point on a knew I was dreaming and it felt very very real. But it didnt feel complete because I could not fly, so maybe it was close to a lucid dream?

This night, I had a dream where some ghost or entity dragged me under water, very cold icy water. I was trying to save a child from drowning. After that, this ghost (Looked like a man with a hat or so) dragegd me under water, trying to drown me. But then in the dream I realized that I did not feel cold or anything so I knew I was dreaming. Then again I felt this pressure kind of feeling in my head and woke up to another dream, like my first dream. I dreamt that I woke up in my room, telling my brother what I experienced in my dream.
After that, I woke up to reality, thinking, What was that?!?!

Recently I have been doing a lot of spiritual research and I have been thinking a lot about conciousness. Then I started to have these dreams.

Also in the movie 'Inception' they wake up in other dreams.. In another way because its a movie, but still.

Can somebody relate to this? Or give me an explanation about why I have these dreams?

I like these dreams though, its not a bad thing at all

Thanks in advance!
