Hello everyone,

My name is Jake. This is my first time using a forum, much less one about LD (yeah, I read the cheat sheet haha). I recently found out about LD today and can't get enough of it. I love the idea of it all. I have read a lot of introductions for meditation, sleep cycles, and general LD information. I was hoping to get some information from people who have experienced these dreams personally. In my reading I think I have actually had some of these experiences before. I wanted to list some of them for you and see what you think.

There have been multiple times where I will wake up in the mornings and not want to get out of bed. Instead, I will just fall back asleep. It is in some of these moments that I have had dreams that I felt like I was half asleep. I could control what I wanted to happen. I just always assumed I wasn't actually dreaming, but that I was just having normal thoughts while I was half asleep. Would this be considered a DEILD?

Secondly, I have a very vivid memory from a time when I was in middle school. I was asleep in my bed and I "woke up", except that I wasn't actually awake. I remember seeing one of my friends in my room and when I asked them why they were there they didn't reply. I kept asking them that and remember sitting up (in the dream, not actually. I think anyway) and eventually yelling at them. It was kind of a creepy experience. Was this a possible DILD?

Finally, I don't normally take naps, but occasionally I do. I don't like to take naps because I get SP very often. I usually don't like it because when it happens all I want to do is wake up and I can't. When this happens I'm usually having one of those half asleep dream things again and I try yelling for my roommate but no sound comes out of my mouth. Eventually I usually have the feeling of trying to roll my body over (with no success I might add) until I wake up.

I was just curious if any of this sounded familiar to any of you. I'm really looking forward to your responses