• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    • 5 Post By Milly
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    • 1 Post By <span style='color: #9900CC'>~Dreamer~</span>
    • 3 Post By Milly
    • 2 Post By Samael
    • 1 Post By NyxCC
    • 3 Post By Milly
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    • 1 Post By Milly
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    • 2 Post By Milly
    • 1 Post By Milly

    Thread: Mh, hi?

    1. #1
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      Mh, hi?

      Hello, Hello?

      Well, I'm Milly, and I've first heard about lucid dream back in 2012. Since I've always flirted with insomnia (the horrible baby-that-never-sleep-ever young parents all around the world are afraid of? That was me. I was a monster. Always awake. Always watching...) I thought that maybe if I make sleeping more fun I would be less stressed out about it and in the end have more restful nights. (and flying. definitly, Flying.) I experimented with DILD at first, and then found out that I pretty much have WBTB inclued in my natural sleep schedule, and that I would always remember my dreams if I spend my wake up time thinking about dreams and not fretting that I needed that sleep so I wasn't a brain deprived zombie in the morning. (I still fret far too much, because I had to act like a normal human being after pulling an all nighter and I'm pretty sure at least one of my friend still think I was drunk off my ass. And I don't drink!) The next step was lucid dreaming, and I managed a couple of them here and there, and I even started to have persistent DC I was meeting or calling to me all the time, even in no lucid dreams, but in the end I lacked motivation, and all my friends were, and still are, pretty weirded out by my sleeping experiments so I couldn't really talk to them about it and as silly as it sound it bumed me out.
      Then I caught mononucleosis while having a very busy academic year and slept like a dreamless, slightly rotting, mushy log for 6 months. Then I was too tired to make any WBTB. And everything felt like a dream anyway because I was Tired. All. The. Time. And sick.
      Fun times, fun times.
      But now I've got my wacky, natural WBTB sleep schedule back, and I've almost achieved dream lucidity again by sheer luck, and man do I miss it. Give it back to me. Lucidity, my precioussss *grabby hands*
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    2. #2
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      Hahaha you're funny

      Welcome to dreamviews! Thank you for sharing your story. That really sucks that your friends didn't support your lucid dreaming, that must have felt quite lonely. I'm glad you joined dreamviews! There are heaps of dreamers here that could talk about dreams all day long.

      I look forward to seeing you progress! I have a feeling you're going to be an amazing lucid dreamer. I have the natural wbtb insomnia issue as well and it helps me a ton!

      See ya around.
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    3. #3
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      Hey Milly, you sound like a lot of fun!

      I know exactly what you mean with the insomnia... I have struggled to fall asleep for my whole life, and I used to dread bed time because it was so stressful. Lucid dreaming has given me something to look forward to, and it's become one of my favourite hobbies!

      It's great that you've already had some lucid dreams, and it sounds like they've come pretty easily to you. I look forward to seeing how far you can go with some more practice!

      Welcome to the forum, you'll fit right in around here.
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      Raised by: PercyLucid ✦ Adopted: lucidmats ✦ Dreaming Partner: CanisLucidus

    4. #4
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      Hee thanks Spending time on the forum is already helping a ton! I didn't think that finding a place to talk freely about lucid dream would feel that nice, but as you say AnotherDreamer, being able to talk about it with friends felt really lonely. Now I can run around being overly excited and noisy about my last dream adventure!
      ~Dreamer~, that's exactly why I started lucid dreaming. Switching from "I need to sleep or else my day is going to be horrible" to "I should sleep so my brain can cook up some crazy attics" did wonder. I still don't manage to sleep more that 3 or 4 hours at the time, but I feel less tired anyway!

    5. #5
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      Welcome to the forums! It definitely is a great place to be able to talk about the cool dream plots and lucid dreaming powers that you come up with while sleeping.
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      I pick up a half-eaten copy of a book by Neil Gaiman, and decide this is all his fault.

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      Welcome Milly!

      Happy to have another fellow insomniac here!
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      Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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      Insomniacs, assemble! Tonight! \o/
      Since... you know... it's not like we're gonna sleep anyway...
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    8. #8
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      Hi there. This is like the best place to share everything about LD. You're so lucky to always be able to meet a DC in your dream.
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    9. #9
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      Hey HelloBro, back when I started lucid dreaming I had a really hard time finding one particular DC, and now I see him around quitte often. I could go back through my old DJ to try and dig up some useful stuff if you want!
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    10. #10
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      Of course! I would be happy to share the useful stuff that you can provide. Thanks.
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    11. #11
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      Great! consider my butt officially kicked into it.

      Edit: K, I'm back. Some of it was in my paper DJ, so it took longer that I thought. Here's a list of my findings (bearing in mind that all of that is my humble experience, so your mileage may vary and all that):

      - Don't give up. took me almost a year to have him where I wanted him (granted, I flailed blindly a lot and was new to that lucid dreaming thingy.)
      - Document each attempt; write down everything about it. Everything. Everything you've seen, felt, smelled, even tasted. re-read it from time to time.
      - Try to think about your DC during the day. Just a thought in passing should be enough to increase the possibility of them to be in your dreams too.
      - On the same note, give them a name/find out their name. It should help giving them some consistance and stand up from your other DC.
      - Find out in what situation you first met them. Try to recreate it and expect them to come back!
      - Find a summoning method that work for you. I have three: calling their name (usually work when I see a lot of people but don't try to see their faces before calling) asking another DC where I can find them (their can throw you in a wild goose chase tho.) and my favorite: I put my hand behind me expecting someone to pick it up. (It can have surprising results, but it's a dream after all.)
      - Keep summoning them. They don't look like last time? Tell them. They sound different? Tell them too. They should become more and more consistent over time (mine flat out told me that he was working on looking and behaving the same way on all my dreams!)
      -Allow yourself some breathing room. Their may be very slighty different in each dream, but as long as their core caracteristics are here, it's fine. If their start to deviate too much for you, point it out to them, there may be a reason for it!

      A lot of it boil down to dream belief, but that's a perfectly usable tool, in my opinion. My subconscious can and will be pretty facetious, but if I'm convinced of something, it is pretty willing to play along.

      As a side note, boy do all of that sound reaaaally weird out of context.
      Last edited by Milly; 09-21-2015 at 11:10 AM. Reason: adding infos!
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    12. #12
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      These are helpful tips. Thank you super much, Milly. Sorry that you've to get through the troubles of digging these tips though. :/

      It seems that I need super efforts and motivations just to get one stubborn DC based on the list. At first, when I joined this site and read something like your given tips, they sound like some hard cases but then if these worked for you and everyone else, why not me too. 10/10 I will keep track of your post. Gonna try the calling them method and put my hand behind my back because these two sound quite easy. Cheers, Milly.

    13. #13
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      Oh it wasn't that much trouble don't worry. It's mostly that I have an absolutly terrible handwriting and scribbling in the dark doesn't help it at all XD I love the hand summoning, because at last in my case it tend to make the DC friendly from the get-go. And touching something make the dream more stable! win-win. When I first read about it, the person talking about it advised to visualize it like the kind of stun The Doctor from Doctor Who would pull. Allons y!
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    14. #14
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      Phew. That's a relief. Anyway, DC touching hand sounds sexy. It's going to be love at first touch! <3


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